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Chapter 5

  • Lauren's POV
  • "Ryan is my brother and my name is Grace"
  • " Well, Grace I am not sure your brother needs a tutor."
  • " He does just wait till he gets back tomorrow "
  • " Mama Gee" Someone shouted and I turned my head in the direction of the voice.
  • "Logan stop yelling in my house"
  • "Sorry ma, I just spoke to Logan and he wants to speak to you"
  • Gloria went upstairs so she could call her son or grandson I wasn't so sure and I was left with the others. The new guy introduced himself as Logan the pack's beta and the Alpha's right hand. I could tell that a lot of people wanted to ask me questions about me but they couldn't disobey Gloria.
  • "If you would come with me I could give you a tour around the house today and then tomorrow I would take you to the hospital" Logan said.
  • I agreed to his offer and Grace decided that she would go with us because I was her tutor now. Touring the house with Logan and Grace was fun as they would both argue about where to take me to first.
  • "This is my least favorite place in the house, the library" Grace informed me as Logan opened the door to the library.
  • The library was the size of our Alpha's house back in my old pack and it had so many books. I walked deeper into the room and I noticed that it had different books from every genre I could think about.
  • "Do you like reading" Grace asked as I picked up a book on the royal pack.
  • I answered Grace and I noticed that Logan had left the room already. Grace picked up a coloring book and she sat on a chair beside me. I just wanted to read a little part of the book but I eventually lost track of time until I heard soft snores and I turned to see grace asleep.
  • I decided to carry her instead of waking her up since it was already late and I headed downstairs to find someone who would direct me to her room.
  • "Why are you holding my sister?" A girl growled at her as I stepped into the room and I took a step back.
  • "Grace fell asleep in the library so I decided to break her downstairs"
  • " Who are you by the way?"
  • " Lauren"
  • " You are my Nana's guest, follow me, her room is upstairs".
  • I followed Grace's sister to the elevator and I found out that her room was on the floor beneath mine. After tucking her in, I made my way back to the elevator with Grace's sister still with me.
  • "My name is Lily and where is your room at?"
  • " The top floor"
  • She didn't say a word and just watched me as I got off and entered my room. I changed my cloth, put my hair in a bonnet and fell asleep the moment my head hit the bed.
  • "Laurie wake up" Someone whispered in my ear and I jolted up. Grace was smiling at me as she made herself comfortable on my bed and I noticed the sun was out already.
  • "Good morning to you Grace" I stood up and headed straight to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Grace followed me in and she leaned against the door, talking while i went on with my business. She left when I told her I needed to shower and I met her on my bed when I came out of the bedroom.
  • "You smell like my brother, you know" Grace told me as I dressed up so I could head that the hospital.
  • "I smell like me" I sniffed my wrist to see if something was different but nothing was. I decided that it was probably the soap or clothes so I put it off my mind.
  • "Anyways, my brother is coming home today so we have to prepare to recieve him".
  • I ushered her out of the room and she pointed at the door next to mine which she informed me that it was for her brother.
  • "Maybe that's why you think I smell like your brother"
  • Downstairs I met Gloria who was at the dinning table with Logan and Lily. Logan couldn't help with the tour anymore since he had to meet with Ryan somewhere so I was left with Lily who also worked in the hospital. Throughout breakfast Lily and Logan kept staring at me before glancing at each other.
  • "Don't say a word Lily just take her to the hospital" Gloria told her before she turned to me " the scent blocker your mom used on you had faded so you have a smell to you which is probably due to you staying upstairs".
  • After Gloria's statement I was able to ignore the stares I got on the way to the hospital and even inside the hospital. Lily showed me my office and also everywhere around the hospital. The hospital had every equipment needed and they even had a research center for supernaturals. I thought about how my mom would love it her and decided to speak to her later.
  • I stayed in my office going through some documents and the first thing on the file was Gloria's sickness which was passed off as a flu. I decided to go and speak to Lily and I found her after asking around. I knocked at her door and waited for her reply.
  • "Come in"
  • "Sorry to bother you but I went through Gloria's file and something feels wrong"
  • " The test results she brought back said it was the flu and I also did my own test on her to confirm it"
  • I knew how good my mom was and how she was hardly wrong in her consultations. But I was sure Gloria didn't just have the flu.
  • "I know, I was there at the hospital too" I saw her brow rise in surprise but I ignored her, "whatever was wrong with her had something to do with silver and wolfsbane"
  • " Let me see her charts again"
  • " See right here, her wolf genes were surpressed and weak which means there was silver and wolfsbane in her blood".
  • " But it didn't show up in the test"
  • " Whoever administered it to her gave it in small doses with something. Does Gloria drink tea?"
  • " Oh my God, yes she likes trying out different types. Do you think it is someone in the house?" Lily stood up and began to pack her things.
  • "Wait Lily, how long was her trip?"
  • "Three months but she was supposed to spend six she had a change of heart"
  • " That's why she just had a small reaction to it because the dosage wasn't strong enough for three months"
  • " Let's go home, Ryan should be home by now so we can discuss.