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Chapter 2 A Voyeur

  • I stared hard at the door that belonged to my stepson. Despite knowing, he's too young for me, I still have this urge in me to mark him and make him mine.
  • 'He's ours!' Chels possessively growled.
  • “Oh, shut up."
  • It's worse enough that he's my stepson. However, his age made it seem like I was an old paedophile who had the hots for my stepson.
  • My heart skipped a beat when his door opened, and he stepped out. His eyes immediately went to me. Those chocolate brown eyes racked through my body. He started from the crown of my head to my feet before his lips went up in a smirk.
  • “Lost your way, gold digger?” He sneered, looking like he was having so much fun.
  • “I… You… " I swallowed, not knowing what to say. His presence robbed me of all coherent thought. His smell drove me crazy, prompting me to have unholy thoughts towards my stepson.
  • “Cat got your tongue?” He folded his arms, causing his muscles to bulge. He has long discarded the jacket he wore earlier. His well-defined muscles made me swallow.
  • However, that wasn't what caught my eye. It's the tattoo that snaked out from his polo and curled on his neck, that got my attention.
  • “What's wrong with you?” He grumbled under his breath. His voice got deeper and, not for the first time, I wondered if he was a smoker.
  • Still, that can't be possible. Not only does he not smell like smoke, but his lips are also too red for him to be a smoker.
  • It could be his natural voice. And if that's the case, then, I'm in for a long ride. Having the hots for my stepson is one of the crimes I shouldn't commit, not when I have a husband —not that we have gotten intimate since we got married.
  • “I…You …" I gulped as I tried to think of a way out of this without sounding scared of him.
  • “You know what pisses me off about you?” He scowled at me as he took a step forward. He looked menacing with the way his eyes darkened with each step he took.
  • Against all odds, I took a step back, to create a distance between us. The stare from him made it seem like I was naked. But not only that but covered with dirt.
  • “You are one seductive gold-digging whore!” He sneered at my face before he turned and headed downstairs, while I stood still with a dumbstruck expression on my face.
  • I discreetly glanced down at my clothes. I have long changed out of the gown I was putting on when he arrived. It's almost time for dinner, so I have to prepare for it.
  • I'm the type who hates wearing extra clothes. That's why I'm putting on a short —not that short, though — and a loose crop top which was long enough to cover my navel. Though it showed my abdomen, it doesn't seem slutty to me.
  • 'Of course, it's slutty!' Chels finally said something. She must have been too stunned earlier to say a word.
  • I glanced down at my clothes once more before I shook my head. If he doesn't like my choice of dressing, then it's his damned cup of juice.
  • It's not like I'm living under his roof. I'm married to his father, not—
  • 'But he's our mate!'
  • And the damned boy is also nineteen! For goddess's sake, Chels. He's too young for us. We are 11 years older than him! That's a long margin if you ask me.
  • 'You are just 30.' She tried to argue further, not ready to take my words for what they were.
  • 11 years is much. Moreover, I'm married to his father. I can't be having such thoughts about the son while I'm living under his father's roof. That will be a betrayal to Gordon.
  • 'But you are just married to him in the name! You are not cheating on him since his son is your mate!'
  • I'm not going to argue much about this, Chels.
  • I turned and headed downstairs. Gordon hasn't left his studies yet. He has been in there for close to three hours, working on the new project he wants to start.
  • His son was in the parlour scrolling through the channels. I haven't gotten a chance to ask Gordon about his name, and I don't think asking him to tell me his name will go well.
  • He must have heard my approach, but he didn't turn. He pretended as if he were the only one in the parlour, which is a bit understandable.
  • I cleared my throat and forced a smile as I tried not to sniff the air. I won't let myself make the same mistake I made earlier.
  • “I'm making dinner.”
  • I said, hoping he might react, but I got nothing. He continued to scroll through the channels, while I stood next to his couch like a fool.
  • Okay, you've got this, Chrys. I ran a hand through my golden hair and peered at him as I tried not to sound nervous.
  • “Do you have any meals you don't eat? Any allergies I should know about?" I continued smiling like a fool, hoping to get a reaction from him. But I got nothing.
  • Well, I tried.
  • “I'm making spaghetti with meatballs tonight. There might be some side dishes, but I haven't decided on those yet. Ice cream cake will be the dessert and—”
  • “Just shut the hell up, slut!” He growled at me with his eyes narrowed to slits. He looked mad, and the dark aura around him caused me to gasp.
  • It was funny that a kid like him was strong enough to make a feared Luna like me take some steps back.
  • “I'm not a slut.” I folded my arms, “I have a name, and that's not slut. Last time I checked, it's Chrys.”
  • I'm not going to let a kid like him treat me anyhow he pleases. Just because he scares me doesn't mean I have to act on my fears.
  • “Then,” his mouth went up in a smirk. “Your parents need help with naming kids.” He mocked before he returned to scrolling through the channels.
  • I was shocked by his statement. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists, “Suit yourself, you ungrateful child!” I turned and stormed into the kitchen to make dinner.
  • Fuck this teenager thinking he can speak to me anyhow just because I'm married to his damned father.
  • 'Mate sure has a bad way with words, but he's still our mate.'
  • Chels sighed, infuriating me more. I kicked her to the back of my mind and shut the connection.
  • I know how much she hates it when I shut her out, but I had to do that, to teach the damned wolf a lesson.
  • I arranged all the things I needed for dinner. As a side dish, I might make fries or chicken steak. This way, we can enjoy it as we converse.
  • We, as in Gordon and I. I didn't include his son because I don't think it's necessary.
  • **
  • It didn't take me long to prepare everything. I switched the gas off before I proceeded with the desserts. The ice cream cake is in the fridge. However, I want to make some fruit salad. As today is Friday, Gordon and I have this ritual of having a movie night.
  • I went to get one of the fruit cutters and a juice squeezer machine from the cupboard below. I rummaged in the cupboard until I found what I was looking for. However, the moment I rose, I noticed a presence behind me.
  • Standing by the door is none other than Gordon's son with his eyes fixed on my butt. I jumped back when I realized he must have seen my red panties!
  • From this position, it's not difficult for anyone to see because of how I bent when I was looking for those machines.
  • His eyes slowly crawled up my body until it got to my face. “Bitch!” He muttered before he turned and left the kitchen, making sure to bang the door behind him.
  • I stared at the door as I wondered what he was doing in the kitchen. Had he been here all along? Staring at me.
  • I didn't dwell much on that as I continued with the task at hand. I finished everything before I put the squeezed juice and the fruit salad in the fridge.
  • Gordon wasn't through with his work yet. That was why I decided to go upstairs to rest a bit. His son isn't in the parlour; so there is a high chance he either went for a walk or he's back in his room.
  • I climbed the stairs two at a time, eager to have a bath and change out of my clothes. I got to the door of my room and made to open it, but the loud music coming from his room caused me to pause.
  • Why is he playing his music this loud? Does he want to scare our neighbours —the birds— away? I strode towards his room, to ask him to keep it down.
  • I know he might likely not listen to me, but I'm determined to get him to do that. It doesn't hurt to try, does it?
  • I knocked on his door but got no reply. Out here, the music is loud; so I figured it would probably be louder in there. That was why he didn't hear my knocks.
  • I knocked once more on the door, and when he didn't open it, I slowly placed my hand on his doorknobs. I took a deep, steady breath before I pushed the door, only to stop dead in my tracks at the sight in front of me.
  • He sat on his bed, with his legs spread. However, that wasn't what shocked me.
  • He's naked!
  • A dragon tattoo curved on his stomach, with the tail curled on his neck. There is also one of a raven, next to the dragon.
  • My eyes went lower, and I gulped as I finally understood why he had his music on the loudspeaker.
  • My sanity asked me not to look, but I couldn't stop my eyes. It immediately went to his hands, which he had wrapped around his cock. My eyes almost boggled out of their sockets at the sight of the mesmerizing dick.
  • My breathing picked up as I watched him. He had his head thrown back, and his eyes tightly closed as he groaned. I licked my bottom lips, already aroused by the sight in front of me.
  • Goddess.
  • I tightly gripped the doorknob as I watched him.
  • His muscles bulged with each move. The tattoos on his body glittered, making him look like an actor under the moonlight.
  • He rubbed his thumb on the tip of his shaft before he slowly ran his hand up and down it. He widened his legs as his pace increased.
  • I felt a wetness on my panties as I watched him. My pussy clenched, eager for some action.
  • Against my better judgement, I slipped my finger into my pussy and started stroking it.
  • I slid two fingers into my wet, moist pussy as I watched him. Sweat trickled down his body, giving me this strong urge to close the distance and lick those off him.
  • As he increased his pace, I did the same, rubbing my thumb on my clit as I tried to match his pace. With a groan, he orgasmed. Just at the same time, I slid three fingers into my pussy. I had to bite down on my lower lip to stop a moan as I slowly turned to look at his body.
  • A gasp escaped my throat when I realized he had stopped what he was doing, and was now looking at me.
  • Shocked, I slid my fingers out of my pussy and banged the door before I ran straight into my room with my heart beating wildly in my chest.