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Chapter 7

  • I look at the file I am holding in my hand, I know the face of my target by heart and yet I take another look at it. My Lycan growls as I let my eyes glide over the information, my target is a female this time and she has gotten away with her crimes one to many times. Today justice will be served and I can’t wait to carry out the judgment, followed by her punishment.
  • Each target I ever went after was able to avoid justice until our paths crossed and I always made sure that I left behind something that would make it clear that this was payback, something their victims’ families would recognize. It was the only way I could make sure those families knew that justice was served and that no one would ever have to endure what their relatives did.
  • I also make sure it always happens in a public place, a place where my targets are most likely to be found by strangers and with that I increase the chances of details leaking to the outside world. I don’t want my targets to be found by friends or family that will make sure details stay hidden, I want it out in the open to instill fear in those that commit crimes and I want them looking over their shoulders.
  • My target walks in with two males following her and I smile when I see both males looking rather bored, I bet they can think of a few other places they would rather be at. She snaps at the males for not bringing her luggage with them and one of them turns on his heel to walk back outside, Moments later he shows up with two suitcases. Looks like she isn’t traveling light, two suitcases for only one night at a hotel.
  • I grab the file from my lap before I get up from my seat and I walk out of the hotel knowing that tomorrow she won’t wake up again. I walk around the city to pass the time, it will be a few more hours before I can go into action and I can’t sit still to watch time pass me by. My Lycan is lying in the back of my head and I know we both need to pass the time in one way or the other.
  • Just after dinner I walk back into the hotel and my target walks past me on her way out, she will be attending some fashion show a few blocks down from the hotel. I step into the elevator and head up to my hotel room where I will get ready for tonight, I will be waiting for her when she gets back to her room. My face will be the last face she will ever see, my voice will be the last she will ever hear and I will make sure she dies knowing that there was no way to escape me.
  • Like always I sit in a chair in the dark to wait for my target and my Lycan perks up the second we sense Wolves approaching the room. There are three of them, the males probably function as her protection detail and I chuckle in my head as my Lycan points out it won’t do her any good. We will take all three of them out if we have to, but something tells me that the males will not set foot in this suite and once the door to the suite gets closed I sense the males walking back to the elevator.
  • I hear my target stumbling through the suite and I wonder how long it will take her to pass out, whether it is here in her bed or out there on the couch. I sit in silence as I listen to her heartbeat, it is erratic for some reason and it takes a while before is settles down. I watch the alarm clock on the nightstand as her breathing evens out and like every other time I wait two hours before I get up out of the chair.
  • Opening the door I see my target sprawled out on the floor and I pull the syringe from my belt as I walk around the couch to her side, I get down on one knee before I push the syringe into her ass. She barely stirs as I empty the fluid into her body, but a Moment later her eyes snap open and I see the fear in her eyes when she realizes there is no sound coming from her mouth. I can tell she is trying to reach her Wolf and her eyes widen when she understands she is on her own.
  • “You have escaped justice for the last time, tonight I will be your Judge, Jury and Executioner. You run an illegal sex-club, none of the females and males in there chose to be there and you never stopped any of your clients from raping them over and over again. Today you will die, after feeling some of the pain you caused them.” I say as I rip the clothes of her body and I can tell she is trying to fight me, but she can’t do anything to stop me from inflicting pain.
  • I empty the small backpack I took with me and I know it is clear to her that I know a lot of what she put her slaves through. What I am about to do won’t kill her but it will cause her excruciating pain, a pain her slaves have gone through over and over again at the hands of her Father and Brothers and I will make sure she will feel the same pain. I lift her of the floor and place her over the armrest of the couch, her ass and pussy facing the door.
  • I place the dildos I bought in front of her and I show her the first one I grab before I walk behind her, I pull her legs apart before I slam the dildo full force into her pussy. I see the pain in her eyes as I grab the second dildo from the couch and I place it next to the one that is already inside her, I shove it into her core as hard as I can. I crouch down in front of her and I see tears streaming down her face, “Crying won’t help to make the pain disappear.” I say.
  • I grab the third dildo of the couch and she knows exactly what I will be doing next, I force it into her ass without using any lubricant. Something her Father and Brothers never used on her sex-slaves either and I believe it is poetic justice that she dies while feeling what her sex-slaves went through, “Think you can handle another one?” I ask her as I hold up the last dildo and I force it into her ass next to the other dildo, I know her screams would have woken up the entire hotel.
  • I use the palm of my hand to slam all four dildos in as far as they can go and I see blood seeping from both her holes, but I don’t care. I grab one of my silver knifes and make a few incisions in her body to make sure she bleeds out slowly, I check if she used the “do not disturb” sign but it is still lying on the side table near the door.
  • I make sure I don’t leave anything behind that could be traced back to me and once I am satisfied I walk over to my target to look her in the eyes one last time, “Your Father and Brothers might look over their shoulders once they find out what happened to you, but there will come a day that they will let their guard down and when that happens I will be waiting for them.” I say before I leave her room the way I entered it.
  • Mack’s p.o.v.
  • Maleah left three days ago and in that time her Mother has contacted her seven times already, I still don’t understand why it is so damn important for Alpha Bradley to have her move to his Pack. He should know she will never bow down to him and he knows that she is strong enough to handle him, he knows that her aura is stronger than his aura.
  • He will never be able to force her to stay, no one will be able to overpower her to mark her against her will. “Unless he drugs her.” Commander responds to my thoughts and I release a menacing roar at that thought, “Mack, what the fuck happened?” I hear Dax ask from behind me and I realize I had been so deep in thought that I forgot I was in the Alpha office.
  • They know about the messages Maleah has gotten from her Mother and I turn towards Dax before I say, “The only way Alpha Bradley can have Maleah forcefully marked is if he drugs her.” I hear the others roar just like I did and within seconds the door to the office is pushed open. After we explain why we all roared Luna Elyse asks me if there is a way to warn Maleah about it, I take a look at her schedule and I tell Luna Elyse she will be back at the hotel in an hour.
  • “I asked her to send her schedule to me and to send me a message every time she reaches another location, I want to make sure no one tries something but I also want her to be able to do her job.” I explain, looks like I will have to talk to her about getting some security and I have this feeling she will not like my suggestion.
  • It is as if the next hour passes in slow motion, as if time is taunting me by moving slower than usual. I know it is moving at a normal raid but when you wait for something or someone time always seems to be moving in a slower pace and I sigh in relief when I hear a notification on my phone. I send Maleah a message back and within a few minutes she calls.
  • “Maleah, there is something we need to discuss and I understand if you don’t like what I am about to suggest, but it is for your own good.” I say and I chuckle when she grumbles at me to just spit it out. “I believe they will try to drug you, it will make it impossible for you to fight off anyone that wants to mark you against your will.” I explain and for a few Moments it is quiet on the other end of the line.
  • I have placed the call on speaker to make sure everyone can hear what is being said by Maleah, “Mack, I appreciate the concern but it isn’t necessary. I have had my own protection detail since I was eighteen, I will inform them about your suspicions and they will make sure no one comes anywhere near me.” She responds and I ask her why she has her own protection detail.
  • “Mack, I am a public figure. I am a very successful business woman and besides having Fortune in my head I also have a fortune in the bank. Would you like to see the letters and mails I have received over the years from Wolves and Lycans that want to become my Mate?” She asks and Commander growls in my head, just the idea of her with another male has him agitated. “Some of them have a very hard time taking no for an answer, more than half of those males gave up after a year or two but others are a bit more persistent.”
  • I understand there is nothing I can say to get her to accept help from me and I ask her if she trusts her protection detail, “Yes, Mack. They have been with me for years and I doubt anyone has ever noticed them until it was too late. My team is well trained, they can blend in with their surroundings and if you have any doubts about it I suggest you talk to my Dad and yours. They are the ones that recommended them to me.” She responds.
  • After we disconnect the call I go in search of my Father, I would like to know who is in her protection detail and why he never told me that some of our Pack-members travel with her. I finally find my Father in on our floor in his office, I close the door behind me because I don’t want anyone to hear us and Dad looks at me as I sit down in a chair in front of his desk. “Why am I not aware of the fact that some of our Pack-members work as Maleah’s protection detail?” I ask.
  • “None of our Pack-members work for Maleah or with her. Her protection detail consists of Wolves and Lycans that were raised in a town or city and each of them took the training classes we offer to those that don’t live in a Pack.” Dad answers. “Diego and I investigated each Wolf and Lycan before we introduced them to Maleah, we knew why she wanted a protection detail and we both made sure she got the best of them. She never had to fire anyone we recommended to her and I believe all of them are still working for her.”
  • I ask Dad if there is anything else I might want to know about them, “Diego and I choose each of them because they are Assassins and each of them has the ability to hide their scent.” He answers and now I understand what she meant when she mentioned no one ever noticed them, she probably has the best team someone could ask for.
  • Dad and I are still no closer to find out why Alpha Bradley is so interested in Maleah or why he is so hell bent on her moving into his Pack. Dillon has send out two Scouts to find out whatever they can on Alpha Bradley and what is so damn important about Maleah moving to his Pack.