Chapter 1 Away
- I sit in a chair in the corner of a dark hotel room, I am waiting for a male I have never seen in my life and after tonight no one will ever see him again, at least not alive. No one is aware of the fact that I am sitting here and no one will ever find out I was in this room, no one has ever been able to find a trail of me. “That is because of what we are.” My Lycan grumbles, while keeping a so-called eye on our surroundings.
- As I sit there my mind wanders towards the argument I has this morning, an argument I have been having for years now and I doubt I will hear the end of it soon. My Mother is what we refer to as a Sigma, a normal type of Werewolf or Lycan, she can fight to defend herself and maybe even help another to take out a Rogue if it was ever necessary. My Father is what we refer to as an Assassin, a Werewolf or Lycan that has an ability that helps them to kill others in secret.
- Sigmas have normal, mundane jobs and my Mother is no exception, she works in the Pack-house as a waitress during meals. She met my Father during a Ball at our Pack, she had been one of many unmated females her Alpha had brought along and for some reason they had hit it off. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I found out the entire story of my parents Mate-bond and it made me understand a few things a lot better about the situation at home.
- My Mother never asked my Father what kind of Wolf or Lycan he was, she didn’t even ask him if he was a Wolf or a Lycan. She didn’t find out the important things about my Father until it was too late to walk away and she resents him for that. My Mother is a Wolf and my Father is a Lycan and unfortunately for my Mother I am a Lycan just like my Father, not that either one of them is aware of that fact.
- My Lycan and I decided not to shift when I was supposed to and my Lycan hides in the back of my mind whenever someone is near us, it is best for now if no one knows that I actually have my Lycan. We never meant to keep it hidden from my Father, but we didn’t want to risk that he would tell anyone and looking back on my career I am glad we never told or showed him.
- Assassins live within a Pack as an asset to the Alpha, they can move around the Pack in stealth and visitors will hardly ever see them. They get send on assignments if the Alpha feels he has to put someone back in his place, but our Pack is a bit different from most Packs. To my knowledge there are two other Packs that work the same way as our Pack, but our Pack is the most successful Pack and it shows in the amount of assignments our Pack gets.
- I will explain my parents situation as I wait for my target to get here, it may take a while before he is ready to turn in for the night anyway. Our Alpha gives every newly mated couple two weeks off from work and he did the same thing for my parents. By the time the two weeks were up my Mother was pregnant with me and both of them were happy with me joining their family, but it was then that my Mother found out that my Father was a Lycan and an Assassin.
- According to my Mother she tried to make it work, but something tells me I shouldn’t believe her. She rejected my Father when I was five years old, but she never moved out of the house or found herself another Mate. The reason I don’t believe her is because she rejected my Father and for as long as I can remember she would disappear whenever my Father was on assignment, she would leave me in the care of an Omega.
- We don’t have fated Mates as most believe, we find a Mate with the help of our Wolf or Lycan and only when the Human and Animal side agree do we accept someone as our Mate. I just hope that one day both of them will find someone they can spend the rest of their lives with, someone that will make them happy and that that will allow them both to move on from their past.
- “Someone is coming.” My Lycan says and I pull my attention towards the door of the room I am in. “Boss, what is next on our list?” I hear a male ask and the moment he starts answering I know it is my target, “We will go after the Blood Crescent Pack next, they will pay for killing my Cousin.” He growls. “Alpha Dominic will regret accepting the assignment, if we take Alpha Dillon they will send Diego out there to take out whoever took Alpha Dillon and that is when I will be able to get my revenge for Paul.”
- “When did Alpha Max step down?” My Lycan asks, but I can’t answer that question. I know that Alpha Max has Sons, triplets if I am not mistaken but I can’t remember getting an invitation to an Alpha ceremony. I hear footsteps approaching the door and they don’t sound very steady to me, looks like my target might be out faster than I expected.
- “I’ll be fine. Just go to bed, we have an early morning.” I hear him say and a moment later I hear a door close as my target opens the bedroom door. Well, I’ll be damned. He stays in this suite all by himself, that is going to make this even more fun and I hear my Lycan chuckle in my head. As he walks towards the bed he strips out of his clothes and I can hear his clothes being dropped to the floor. I don’t look at him because it will alert him to my presence in the room.
- He crawls straight into bed without turning a light on and I smile to myself as he lies down groaning, it is obvious he had one or two drinks too many. It doesn’t take long before his breathing evens out and I let my eyes drift to the alarm clock on the bedside table, I keep watching it until two hours have passed. I slowly push myself up from the chair and as I keep my eyes on my target I walk over to the bed, I come to a stop at the foot of the bed.
- My target is a handsome male with short, brown hair and a body most females would swoon over, but it doesn’t impress me much. I pull a syringe from the belt around my waist and I stab it into his leg quickly, before I shoot the contents of it into his body. He opens his fear filled eyes and as he opens his mouth the fear becomes worse, he knows he can’t reach his Wolf anymore. He is at my mercy and he knows it, the look in my eyes tells him that what he fears is going to happen.
- “There is not a living soul that knows who I am, only the dead are aware of my identity and it is going to stay that way for as long as I want it to. I know the living refer to me as the Angel of Death, but I consider myself the Angel of Justice. I only kill those that deserve to die for the crimes they have committed, I kill those that evaded justice for some reason.” I say as I look him dead in the eyes.
- “Today I will be your judge, jury and executioner. You raped and killed sixteen year old boys and girls, before they had a change to live their lives and today you are going to pay for what you did to them and their families.” I say as I drag a silver knife over his body, I make deep cuts into his legs, arms and abdomen. He tries to scream but the shot I gave him makes it impossible for him to do so, he can’t make a noise or move a muscle.
- I let the knife glide down his abdomen towards his crotch and his eyes widen when he realize what I am going to do, with my free hand I grab his dick as I place the knife at the right angle with my other hand. It will be a slow death, it will take time for him to bleed out if his heart doesn’t fail him first and with no way of alerting anyone I know he will be dead by the time they find him.
- The silver in his system doesn’t help him much either and I know that this is a very effective way of killing a male that has raped someone. I lock eyes with him as I let the knife slide through his dick and if he had been able to make a noise he would have woken up the entire hotel with his screaming. I know how he killed his victims in the end and I walk towards his head with his dick in my hand, he clamps his mouth shut the moment he realizes why I am walking towards his head.
- I place the knife on his chest to free up my hand and I press my thumb and index finger on either side of his nose, he has no other choice but to open his mouth to breath. I shove his severed dick into his mouth before I release his nose and I watch as he tries to get his own dick out of his mouth, but time has taught me the best way to do this. “Enjoy the rest of your pathetic life.” I say before I pick up the knife and walk out of his bed room.
- Standing next to the door I listen for any noises but it is deadly quiet out there, I open the door slightly to see if he left a “Do not disturb” sign on the door and when I see he did I remove it quickly. If the information about my target is correct he will have a personal wakeup call in the morning and that means that someone other than his friend will find him, which will cause the details to leak into the world.
- I lock the door on the inside and leave the way I entered the room, through the sliding doors leading to the balcony and I pull myself up to the balcony above his to make my retreat. The room above his is empty and I take a moment to check if I took everything with me, I sigh in relief when I have checked everything on my belt.
- Maleah’s p.o.v.
- I wake to sirens in the morning and I look at my watch to see it is just after eight, I slowly sit up straight as I stretch out. I grab a shirt to pull over my head as I walk towards my balcony and I look around to see two males standing on a balcony four floors lower to my left, from the way they handle themselves I would say that they are Law-enforcers.
- After I have taken a shower and have gotten dressed I call room service to have some breakfast brought up and I step back on the balcony to see that the males are still in the room, I know that side of the hotel holds suites for those that have money to spend. A knock on the door pulls my attention away from the males and I open the door for the servant that is bringing me my breakfast, “Can you put it on the balcony?” I ask him.
- His eyes keep darting towards the suite and I ask him if he knows what happened in there, “One of the other servants found the occupant dead in his bed, he had bled out during the night. Whoever did it had an ax to grind with him, they cut of his dick and shoved it into his mouth.” He answers me as he stares at the suite and I stare at him to see him turn around slowly, “I swear that it is the truth.” He mumbles before he leaves me in peace.
- Before I have a chance to do or say anything my phone starts ringing and as I pick it up I check my surroundings to see if anyone is within hearing range, “Talk.” I say and I listen to the person on the other side of the line as I take a sip of my coffee, I keep an eye on the suite with the Law-enforcers as I ask a few questions before I disconnect the call.
- I finish my breakfast before I pack my bag, I leave a tip for the servant under my coffee cup and a tip for the cleaning lady in the bathroom. I have been staying in hotels long enough to know that leaving a tip at the reception for them never reaches them and I want to make sure they get the tip because they do the hard work.
- As I walk out of the elevator I take a look at my phone to see if I have any new messages and as I lift my head up I step in front of the Law-enforcers, they ask me in which room I am staying. I show them my keycard as I say, “On my way to check out, Gentlemen. I just finished taking care of business down here and now I will be heading home.” I get my keycard back as one of them is talking to the hotel manager.
- “Thank you for your cooperation, Ma’am. Something happened in one of the suites and we need to check everyone to make sure we don’t miss any witnesses.” I hear as I look down at my phone, I tell them it was no inconvenience and wish them a good day before I walk over to the reception. “Goodmorning, Miss D’Angelo. How was your stay this time?” Shasha asks. I smile at her as I tell her my stay was pleasant as usual.
- One of the Law-enforcers turns towards me as Shasha mentions my name, “You’re the Miss D’Angelo?” He asks. I nod my head as I sign the bill for my room and tell her to send it to the usual address, “My Daughter is a huge fan of yours, she follows every item on Social Media and every magazine article she can find.” He says and I see a magazine in his hand, I know it has an article on the fashion shows from the past few days.
- I hold out my hand for it as I ask Shasha for a pen, I open the magazine to the right page and I ask him for his Daughter’s name. I write down a little message for her and sign it with my name before I hand it back to him, “Thank you, Miss D’Angelo. My Daughter is going to freak out when she sees it.” He says and I smile at him as I say my goodbyes, I get in my car to finally head home after being away for a week and a half.