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Chapter 20 Wedding Discussion

  • They both looked at Mrs. Viola as they have a clue of what is happening, and sincerely they do not want to believe it at all, “Mom, Why are you telling him to come inside? Please don’t tell me it is what I am thinking.” She walked closer to her mother.
  • “What are you thinking about? Hurry up and go inside. Everyone is waiting.” Mrs. Viola glanced at her lightly and entered inside leaving them both outside. Julia turned around and glared at Ethan before heading inside.
  • She made her way to the reserved room, and saw her Dad, her mom,her brother sitting at one side. And at the other side was another familiar face, The old man, with another elderly man which happened to be Ethan’s father, “What is going on here?” She asked as she found a sit next to Michael, “And what are you doing here?” She whispered to Michael.
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