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Chapter 5 In The House Of The Mafia Boss

  • Elena once again finds herself in the midst of vile men, they had captured her from the previous gang and had forcefully brought her to a new place. She knew what these men were- gangsters, mob, drug dealers, serial killers, thugs and in general, bad men!
  • “Don’t you dare touch me!!” she warned with a finger in the air as one of them tried to touch her arm.
  • They had been teasing and toying with her ever since they brought her in; the whole gang seemed to be in a good mood, perhaps due to the operation that they had carried out. She guessed that it was a successful one.
  • She had no idea why they had attacked her previous kidnappers or what was their beef with the so-called demon, and she didn’t even want to know. All that she wished for was to go home alive.
  • Isn’t it funny that she wants to return to the same place that she despised so much? The home that she always wanted to flee from
  • Elena knew that this was all her dad’s fault, but she did not hate him for it, in fact she was worried about them. She hoped that her mother was fine and her siblings, what if the other gang returned to her house to harass her family now that they had lost her to this one? The thought of that bothered her.
  • She felt one of the men touch her butt from behind; she turned around immediately and tried to slap him but he dodged, and then they laughed over it. they had been doing this with her for the past ten minutes and they didn’t seem to be getting tired anytime soon.
  • A part of her wanted this to end really quickly, but another part thought it was a bad idea. If they stopped teasing and toying with her, then who knows what else they could do to her? She already knew what these men did to women, especially when they were in large numbers like this.
  • Her memories raced back to a porn video she had watched, where more than ten thugs were forcing themselves on a lady they had abducted- was she about to be put in that position? Were these men going to try and assault her? She was no virgin but she doubted she would survive a gangbang, and what guarantee that they wouldn’t kill her after they were done with her?
  • These men were heartless criminals with blood on their hands, one more won't be a problem for them.
  • Once again, someone pushed her towards another and before she could act, they pushed her again to another person. She was already irritated and it took a lot of courage not to burst into tears.
  • She hated being bullied as she had been a victim of bullies for the early stages of her life; as a result of that, she promised herself not to be weak again, she rebranded her character into this hot headed bitchy teenager who would always fight back, and she kept that attitude till it became her identity.
  • Now being pushed around and taunted by these men reminded her of her early days, the days when she used to feel weak and helpless, back then when she was the princess in distress, waiting for her prince charming to rescue her from the bad guys.
  • “I am warning you all, you better let me go or you would regret it!!” She flared, the moment she regained her balance.
  • “Hahaha… this bitch is a tough one,” she heard one of the men utter.
  • She gritted her teeth and clenched her fist, her eyes reddened along with her face. Why did men always refer to women as bitches? Were there no better insulting terms to use other than that?
  • She turned towards the man who had said those words and began to head in his direction with a crumpled face, the look on her face was scary and for a minute there, the young man was terrified. But then another man pushed her from the side and she fell to the floor; the men began to laugh and surrounded her again.
  • “Alright boys, I think we have teased her enough, a bullet missed my skull today, so let me celebrate with some nice tits, y’all,” Luca- one of the Capos, uttered and the men all began to laugh, murmuring amongst themselves, while Elena looked at him with disgust and anger.
  • “You are right Goombah; I should get shaved right after we are done with her. If I had died in the crossfire tonight, the world would have seen the forest I have in my pants,” another man uttered and once again, the room was filled with the voices of the excited men, laughing hysterically.
  • “Alright, someone should get her up and take off her clothes, she is our prize for defeating the Lupi family without losing a single soldier,” Luca commented.
  • The men cheered and two of them dragged Elena up immediately, the lust in their eyes was visible as they tried to rip off her clothes.
  • “Let me go!! Let me go!” Elena screamed and tried to fight them off; she had been lucky the previous times this happened, would luck shine on her one more time and save her from the hands of this sex starved heartless men?
  • Maybe her prayer was answered, because just as the strap of her top was shredded, there was a gunshot that made everyone go calm. They all let go of her and turned around; it was the boss- Don Leonardo Salvatore!!
  • Elena tried to cover her already exposed body by holding the shredded part together; she was putting on half-cut beneath and that covered her tits, but her stomach was still visible.
  • “What is going on here? Leonardo queried and walked into their midst. He noticed the lady trying to cover herself in their center. “Who is this?” he asked curiously with narrowed eyes.
  • Elena sighed and looked down. What was this? Some sort of Déjà vu? She hoped it wouldn't end up the same way it did last time.
  • The men were all silent, staring at each other like they didn’t understand the language he was speaking.
  • “I asked you all a question,” Leo put forth, still holding on to the calm voice.
  • Luca was the one who finally stepped out to speak. “I don’t really know who she is, but she was brought in from the Lupi family house.” He reported.
  • “Brought in by whom and for what reason?” Leonardo queried.
  • “I am the one who brought her in,” his voice rang from the entrance of the hall. They all turned back to face Lorenzo, his hands were covered with blood and his shirt was not left out of the stain.
  • Leonardo knew that the deed had been done, his uncle had been eliminated in the most painful and embarrassing way. He sighed and decided to forget about that and focus on the current issue.
  • “Scarface, I had found her tied to Cain’s bed when I ran into him, I think she was his captive and he was about to have her way with him. I thought of bringing her here rather than killing her,” Lorenzo reported.
  • Leonardo frowned and stared at the men from one face to the other, “So you bring a woman in and already attempt to rape her without my knowledge, is that how this society works?” he asked in a loud voice, more like scolding them.
  • The men all looked at each other in surprise, well… they did not expect the reaction from him, they were thugs and they didn’t need orders to rape a lady that wasn’t part of the family or the Boss’s woman.
  • “I know my father let you all bend the rules, but not anymore… My old man is gone, I am your new leader and if you want to be part of this family, then you would have to act in accordance with the rules. You must check with me before doing anything of this sort ever again, is that clear?”
  • “Yes boss,” the men replied amidst murmurs.
  • “Good,” he uttered and then he turned to Elena. He looked at her from head to toe while she tried to hide away from him. “Did you really think you could fight them all off on your own?’ he asked bluntly.
  • She scoffed. “Well, I would have rather died trying than let such monsters defile me,” she spat with anger reflecting in her eyes.
  • Leonardo found himself smiling; he instantly fell in love with this lady’s spirit, her courage and attitude. Even in the face of losing it all, she was still fighting.
  • “Take her to my chambers, give her good food and nice clothes to change into after shower,” he instructed.
  • The men looked at each other in surprise, even Elena was surprised. Did they hear right? What was Scarface talking about? He was giving VIP treatment to a captive of the enemy!! Why!!
  • To be continued!!