Chapter 3 The Invasion
- Elena regained consciousness when someone dropped her roughly on the floor; she groaned and forced her eyes open. Her forehead was hurting badly, she looked around and she couldn’t recognize the environment, her sight was a bit blurry.
- She thought she was alone until she heard a man’s voice. “Capo, the bitch is awake,” the man uttered.
- “Your mother is the bitch,” she cursed silently inwards and tried to get up.
- “Right on time,” she heard that familiar voice utter. She turned around and came to face the man that had abducted her.
- She looked around and noticed that she was surrounded by almost twenty men. “Where did you bring me?” she queried with a puzzled look on her face.
- “Oh sweetheart, it doesn’t matter, because you are here to stay,” the man uttered and laughed evilly. He tried to caress her face but she pushed him away and wrinkled her nose.
- “Oh, the bitch is a tough one,” one of the men yelled and they all burst into laughter.
- “It is your mother who is a bitch!!” Elena fired back; loudly this time and everyone froze immediately.
- She looked around slowly and noticed that everyone had gone quiet, they were all looking at her in a way that she didn’t understand, was it because of what she said? She could tell that she was definitely in trouble.
- The man she had pushed away began to walk towards her slowly, a scary look in his eyes. Did she really piss them off that much?
- She began to move backwards in fear; he looked like he would strangle her if he got hold of her. Maybe she should have just kept quiet; her temper would get her in trouble some day.
- “What is going on here?” a masculine voice asked from the back and everybody turned around. All eyes went in that direction, they bowed their heads as a man approached.
- He looked like he was in his early sixties, with his white beard. His beard was not the only thing that was white, his eyes were white as well, and the whole thing was white. Elena guessed he was their leader, whatever criminal organization this was. The man approached the fellow who had abducted her and paused, he stared at her for a minute and then back at the man.
- “Who is this? And why is she here?” he queried.
- “Master, she is the daughter of my debtor, he had offered her to us as collateral,” he replied.
- “Hey, you abducted me from my house!!” Elena fired. Well, she wasn’t good at keeping her mouth shut.
- “Silence young lady, you speak when I ask you to.” Their leader scolded her.
- “Why? Who are you?” Elena queried and rolled her eyes.
- The man chuckled and walked to her. “I am surprised there is someone from this city who hasn’t heard about me. I am Cain Salvatore, but you can call me the demon,” he said in a dark tone and looked closely at her.
- She burst into laughter and he looked at her with a surprised expression. “Hahaha… I thought drama was for the ladies, if you think you can frighten me with the color of your eyes, then you better forget about it, I am not easily intimidated,” she fired with her hands on her hips.
- The men began to murmur amongst themselves, a look of surprise on their faces. “Hmm… you are bold, I like it… I think I would have her.” The leader said and turned to face the capo.
- “Master, I know you don’t even need my permission for that but I was going to give her to you anyway, I just want to plead that you leave her alive when you are done, I still need to get my money from her father,” the capo said and the men burst into laughter again.
- “Excuse me, what are you talking about?” Elena queried, with her heart racing.
- The boss turned back to face her. “Take her into my bedroom and tie her up on my bed. Don’t worry Jonathan, I would leave her breathing in the morning,” he said and smirked at her.
- Elena was still trying to make sense out of their words when two men grabbed her arms. “Hey, let me go!!” she yelled and began to drag her arms.
- Wasn’t she supposed to know by now that doing that was useless? Even if she broke free, where would she run to?
- The men took her by the arm and dragged her away. The capo came closer to the boss and bowed again. “Master, I believe you are already aware, Don Anthony has been put to rest today, he is now relaxing in a Chicago overcoat,” he informed him, with a crinkled eyes and nose.
- The white bearded man smiled. “So my brother has been buried and I didn’t get an invitation, that was rude of them,” he began sarcastically and chuckled.
- “Forget about the dead, Jonathan… and rather enjoy the living. I would go and have some fun with the lady you have brought to me, I hope she is as sweet as she looks,” he muttered and cackled as he walked away while the rest of the gang cheered.
- ** * * * * * * * * *
- Elena was struggling to free herself from the bed when Cain opened the door and walked into the room. “Oh sweetheart, stop trying to escape, you would only make it more enjoyable for me, and less for you,” he uttered in mockery.
- “Let me go or I swear I will kill you,” she threatened, the sound of her heart hammering against her chest could be heard from the other end of the room.
- Cain couldn’t help but burst into laughter. “You are such a sweet girl, you have your hands and legs tied to my bed frame and you still threaten to kill me. Look around honey, I am in charge here,” he teased with a grin on his face.
- “What are you going to do to me?” she queried, the color drained from her face as a rush of fear washed over her.
- He chuckled and came closer to her, then he sat on the bed. “Why don’t you see for yourself,” he muttered and then he kissed her stomach which was exposed as her clothes had crawled up a bit.
- “Eww… get away from me you old bastard!! She screamed. “What are you doing? You are old enough to be my father,” she yelled and spat on his face, while trying to recoil.
- He smiled and rubbed the saliva off with one of his fingers, and then dipped the finger in his mouth while she looked at him in disgust. If she had succeeded in having any dinner tonight, then she would have thrown up at the sight of that.
- The man moved his middle finger from her face down to her chest while she struggled to set herself free. She would not let this old man take advantage of her.
- He suddenly stopped and stood up and she sighed in relief. Perhaps he changed his mind, she really hoped so. But then he went to a cupboard at one end of the room and opened a drawer, then he brought out a pair of scissors and came back to her.
- “What are you doing?” she asked, looking terrified. Her mouth went dry and she had to swallow hard again.
- Was this man going to cut her or something? Was he going to use her for some sort of ritual? There had been rumors recently in the city of people being taken away for some sort or Celtic ritual practice. She hoped it wasn’t the case.
- “Sweetheart, how am I supposed to take off your clothes when the dummy who tied you forgot to do so first?” he asked and smirked.
- She wanted to sigh in relief that he wasn’t using her for ritual, but then it dawned on her that he wanted to rip off her clothes with the scissors, and she knew what would happen after that.
- “What? Don’t you dare touch me, I am warning you,” she screamed and tried to break free by pulling her arms and legs, but the ropes were too strong.
- The man laughed evilly and came to lay on the bed with her. “Don’t worry, I like you, so I will try to keep you alive,” he replied and brought the scissors closer to cut off her top. Just then gunshots were heard from outside and he paused.
- “Who the hell was that?” he muttered and stood up, and then he was replied by several other sounds of gunshots, like an exchange of fire between two heavily equipped teams
- He knew something was wrong, so he left her and walked towards the door immediately. The door opened before he would get there and he staggered backwards, with his eyes darting around in search of his gun.
- Someone walked in and shot him on the leg immediately, he fell groaning in pain. “Help me, somebody help me!!” he screamed.
- “How the mighty has fallen, you said those very words when your brother pleaded that you spare his life, remember?” the man asked with a smirk on his face. “You can shout all day, no one can save you… our men have already neutralized your defenses, and your men are fleeing from the building, you are completely powerless.”
- “Lorenzo, how dare you step into my fortress? This is my territory!!” Cain yelled.
- “Hmm… you are not so much of a demon now, are you? Give me one reason why you poisoned the Scorpione Boss? Why did you kill your own brother?” Lorenzo growled angrily.
- “We could talk this out, I would give you anything you want, please don’t kill Me.” he pleaded.
- “Oh, I am not going to kill you, Cain… but I know someone who would,” he replied and hit him with the gun.
- Cain growled in pain and then he dropped on the floor. Lorenzo checked to see if he still had a pulse, and after confirming that he was still alive, he grabbed him by the collar, dragging him to the door.
- Elena who had been silent the whole time was confused on what to do. Should she scream for help or let him go? What if the others came for her?
- She didn’t have much of an option as Lorenzo suddenly paused on his arrival at the door; he turned back immediately and saw her lying on the bed. He dropped Cain and walked to her with his gun pointed towards her.
- “Oh man, not again,” Elena muttered silently to herself and sighed in surrender. Was this supposed to be a frying pan to fire incident or that of a Good Samaritan?
- To be continued!!