Chapter 19 The New Captain
- “Alright ma’am thanks for providing us this information. We would look into it and find out if it's the truth. If it is so, I promise you, we would bring the offenders to justice. We are yet to get a formal complaint from the man in the picture, but our men will investigate right away and confirm from him.
- Please note that we would not be able to carry out further investigations if the Victim refuses to make a report, as long as he doesn’t file charges, we won't be able to do anything. But if he does, I assure you that the culprit would be brought to face the law, they would be brought to justice.” The police detective replied to Anna.
- She had just reported the incident to the police as an eye witness, not minding the implications of her actions and how badly it could affect her. Right now she was really angry and it didn’t matter to her if she was putting her life at risk. Although she had threaded carefully by not mentioning the Mafia in her statement, it was better the police found out on their own.