Chapter 211
- Vacation with Caine
- My name is Serena. I’m a married 28 year old woman. I love my husband Derrick dearly, but he has a real problem with jealousy and gets mad at me when other men so much as look at me. He’s also a bit na? and prudish when it comes to sex. Needless to say, I am feeling sexually unfulfilled lately because there are a lot of things I fantasize about trying but will probably never get to do.
- I am very happy with my body and love the attention I get from men because of it. I have a close male friend, Jerry, who is dreadfully head over heels in love with me. Because of this, he is prepared to do my bidding at the drop of a hat. I hate to say it, but I am addicted to the feeling of control and power this gives me.