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Bought By The Ruthless Mafia Leader

Bought By The Ruthless Mafia Leader

Blessing D writes

Last update: 2022-09-21

Chapter 1 Captured By Sergio Vincenzo

  • Sofia ran into the elevator in time before it closes, she took a deep breath, happy that she had outrun the man chasing her.
  • The elevator closed up and was about to move down when it suddenly stopped and the door was forced open. Sofia's eyes widened as she stared at the man smirking devilishly in front of her.
  • Sofia took out her small knife in defence, she was going to either kill him or be killed, and she wasn't planning on going to hell so soon.
  • No, Satan won't meet her pretty ass now.
  • She showed him the knife and swayed it severally at him as he came closer to her, but the smirk on his face didn't disappear.
  • “Get her!” The man suddenly groaned and about four men entered the elevator and grabbed Sofia.
  • The man turned and started taking her back to the man she was supposed to assassinate.
  • Sofia gritted her teeth as she looked up at the man who was seated, a cigarette between his fingers, he stared down at her, probably enjoying seeing her struggle with his men.
  • She had a bad feeling when she was presented with his picture. She somehow knew the man could be dangerous, and thus she refused, but her superiors didn't give her a choice.
  • Sofia kept struggling with the big men holding her down.
  • “Who sent you?” After what felt like an hour, the man finally groaned.
  • “Fûck you!” Sofia spat out in reply.
  • The man's eyes darkened, and he lowered to stare at her closely.
  • “You are not from here. Where are you from?” The man asked.
  • “She's an American boss, 23 years old. Her full name is Sofia Martins, she recently came to Italy.” The man who had smirked at her at the elevator came forward and said.
  • Funny thing, Sofia didn't know their name, she was only told to carry out the work of assassinating him.
  • “No wonder, you are new here.” The man stood up and walked to the window.
  • “What does that have to do with you sick bastard?” Sofia groaned, hating the fact that she was in such a situation.
  • She was not angry at him, but she felt extreme anger at her superiors. They knew he was well guarded, and they sent her to him.
  • She mentally vowed to deal with them if she gets out of this situation.
  • “Leave her.” The man commanded, and the men holding her down left her.
  • “You can leave.” He added.
  • The men bowed and then left the room, except for the man who had smirked at Sofia at the elevator.
  • “Stand up.” The man who had smirked at her at the elevator ordered, and she stood up on her feet, she took out the knife in her boots as she stood up.
  • “If I were you, I couldn't do that.” The man who smirked at her warned.
  • “Huh, then what could you do, bastard?” Sofia grimaced.
  • “I'm Rocco by name and this is my boss, Sergio Vincenzo.” The man who smirked at her, introduced.
  • Sergio Vincenzo!? Sofia took a step back, almost choking on her saliva.
  • Sergio Vincenzo? How? How on earth was she sent to such a man?
  • “Oh, you at least recognize the name,” Rocco smirked.
  • Sergio Vincenzo then turned to face Sofia.
  • “I ask again, who sent you?” This time, his voice was void of any emotion.
  • For the first time since she was caught by them, fear invaded her mind and body.
  • She has heard a lot of horror tales about Sergio Vincenzo. He was a no-nonsense mafia lord. He never forgave, and rumours say he was the ugliest man in the world, simply because people didn't know what he looked like.
  • What? What ugliest man? This man is as hot as fûck.
  • The knife she was holding threatened to slip off her hand, but she tightened her grip around it. She was going to fight until she dies.
  • She knew she was going to die. There was no escape. No one escapes Sergio Vincenzo.
  • Sofia made her face emotionless, she prefers not to make a fool of herself before she dies. She wants to retain her reputation as the most fearless triple X assassin member.
  • “You can kill me. I am not giving out the name.” Sofia found the courage and mumbled.
  • Rocco shook his head at her, indirectly telling her that she was trending the wrong part.
  • She knew she was, angering him means instant death, and he doesn't even seem fazed by her looks. Her looks were one thing that made it easy for her to handle her victim.
  • “I don't usually do this, but I'll give you an extra 30 minutes, after 30 minutes you'll die if you remain proud.” Sergio Vincenzo groaned out in displease.
  • Rocco went to her and held her hand before taking her to an inner room, he shut the door and left her to do her thinking.
  • Sofia paced about in the room, wondering if she should just give out the information and look for a means to escape, even tho trying to escape is impossible.
  • They betrayed me first. They betrayed me by bringing me to him to die. So if I betray them, it's a payback for the betrayer. Sofia thought.
  • She remembered how she shook her head violently, refusing to follow their order to assassinate him, but Rico had slapped her across the face and ordered her to shut up. She had stubbornly protested again, and he had hit her head on the wall.
  • When she finally agreed and asked for her target's information, they refused to give her.
  • They knew! They knew! Maybe it was their way to kill me.
  • Sofia groaned out in agony.
  • The door opened and Rocco dragged her out to the main room, where Sergio still stood in front of the window.
  • “I'll give you 5 minutes, in five minutes give me all their basic information.” Sergio Vincenzo told, but Sofia kept mute.
  • Rocco frowned as he stared at her.
  • Does she want to die? Rocco wondered.
  • “Kill her!” Sergio commanded after waiting for 2 minutes with no reply from Sofia.