Chapter 60 Where Is The Necklace
- We made it. Of course, Theo and Reyna did the insolvable- enough much. They had recaptured the necklace, that one little thing that had been a pain since it came into play. But it did not feel like a win, not really. Not yet, anyway. Not when the weight of all those things pressed in from all sides. Not when the chaos was just beginning.
- No sooner had we stepped inside the hotel than Theo's phone chimed, and I watched his expression change from relief to pure dread. His father's name flashed on the screen, and I saw the muscles in Theo's jaw strain. This was not good. No one called Theo's father unless they had something important to say, and I had a feeling it was not going to be a" well done" call.
- Shit," Theo murmured under his breath. He swiped to answer, putting it on speaker.