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Chapter 3 A Stranger

  • Reyna POint of view
  • I had been shedding a lot of tears, like I was a dam of sorts. For three good weeks I didn’t know where to go. I had been jumping from one hotel to another trying to escape from reality. I hadn't realized that Alex hated me to this extent. What broke me was that I had thought he loved me not knowing that I was his figurine, his sex toy to have sex with, someone that, when he looked at, he would see Chloe.
  • I laughed bitterly. I should have known. I was so stupidly in love with him, blindly in love with him that I didn’t even notice, even when he started giving me the cold shoulder and yelling at me. I had thought he was having his bad days at his company not knowing he was already banging Chloe, who had annoyingly chosen to show up and ruin things, as she always does.
  • I was a fool, a big one, but Alex didn’t deserve my tears. Why was I crying? It was time to move and experience the joys of being single. I was two weeks pregnant, which means I still could enjoy a thing or two.
  • I cleaned my eyes and chuckled weakly when I saw how red they were in the rearview mirror. I started the ignition and the car lurched to life. I drove at a regular speed with the window down so the breeze could whip back my dark hair. Gosh, I needed a drink, I just needed to get hammered or drunk and just forget my worries for a moment.
  • I stopped and parked my car beside a bar. The bar was pretty empty and just had a few people there. The people here looked to be minding their business even when two couples were banging each other like bunnies in heat at a corner. I smiled at myself and sat at the table, watching the lady
  • cry out in ecstasy. I ordered a bottle of vodka and didn’t even bother pouring it into the glass. I just took a huge swig and gritted my teeth at the sharp taste.
  • A man walked over and grinned at me. He was ugly looking and had crooked yellow teeth. He also reeked of alcohol.
  • “Want to try what that bitch is enjoying over there?” He asked and I grinned. I couldn’t even think straight anymore when I took another swig of my drink. I smiled at him and gave him my most seductive look.
  • “I hope you have what it takes. I drain people easily” I said, and he grinned wider.
  • “We’ll see about that” he said, and I sauntered over and tried to straddle him, but someone pulled me back, and suddenly I felt myself in strong arms. My hand accidentally went to his stomach and my breath hitched rock hard abs, fully stocked. He smelled of fresh lavender cologne, and he smelled manly, his scent was like a drug. I suddenly wanted him to kiss me, so I raised my head to stare at him and I gasped.
  • If I had thought Alex was the most handsome man I had seen, then I was wrong. This man had everything a woman fantasized about. His almost white blonde hair fell to his temples and those eyes.
  • Eerily blue........enchanting.
  • What captivated me the most were those blue eyes. I just stood there frozen. In his arms. Memorizing every detail of his face. Every strand of hair on his eyebrow.
  • “You’re drunk” he said, breaking my awed haze. I shook my head, trying to gather my thoughts.
  • “Yes I am. I was having fun until you came and ruined it” I said, pouting like a child. His hard gaze didn’t waver.
  • “He was about to take advantage of you. He’s a cretin” he said. He shot a dangerous glare at the man.
  • “It’s not ‘taking advantage’ if I was about to straddle him and do it myself,” I pointed out. The blonde-haired dude frowned.
  • “I don’t care. He should have known better”. He turned to the other man. “Fuck off” he said, and the man scowled. He glared back at blondie.
  • “Who do you think you are? James Bond? You fuck off before I feed her your guts” he said and flashed at the knife. If Blonde looked fazed he didn’t show it. If anything, he just smirked like he was going to enjoy this.
  • “You don’t want to do that, ugly” he said, and the other man reddened. I guessed he didn’t like the name blondie gave him. He went at the blonde guy with the knife, but the blonde guy was way taller, and before he could use the knife, blondie threw a well-timed uppercut that sent the other man crashing backwards, unconscious.
  • “Nice one blondie”, I slurred, and the blondie stared at me. He grabbed my hand and dragged me outside.
  • “Hey!” I protested, “You’re ruining my night, Blondie”, I said, and his blue eyes darkened.
  • “The name is Theo” he said, and I grinned.
  • “Oh. That’s nice Theo. Can I go back in now?” I said. I was still clutching my vodka bottle and tried to take another drink, but he snatched it from my hands.
  • “You’re drunk.” He said and I rolled my eyes.
  • “Yeah. You said that already. Do you know how boring you sound? Give me back my freaking drink,” I said, and he narrowed his eyes.
  • “What’s a married woman doing out at this time getting drunk?” He said and I stared at him in surprise. How did he know I was married? I followed his gaze and......
  • Oh, stupid engagement ring.
  • I slipped it off and threw it into the drain before giving him a sweet smile.
  • “There. Can I have my drink now?” I asked and he shook his head.
  • “You’re not taking another”, he threw the bottle into the drain as well.
  • “Nooo!” I said in horror. That had been my escape route from reality, it felt like I had lost something again. I glared at him and slapped him hard.
  • “I hate you!” I said hysterically and he nodded. His blue eyes softened.
  • “Good. Now come with me, you seem to have nowhere to stay.”