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Chapter 5 Unwanted Guest

  • Reyna point of view
  • I found myself in a large bed when I woke up. My head pounded, and my mouth felt dry and parched. Where was I? The room looked unfamiliar.
  • I tried remembering yesterday's events. I went to a bar to get drunk. I remember nearly having sex in public and.........blondie? No Theo, he had saved me. I could be gang raped or blackmailed. He helped me.
  • I sighed in embarrassment when I remembered how I had tugged on his hair, he had driven me here and I......gosh what was wrong with me? I had nearly had sex with him in the car. But he had stopped me. It wasn’t everyday I see a man turn down sex especially from a woman with a body like mine.
  • Where was he now? I walked to the main room, but it was empty, so I decided to go to the kitchen. Maybe he would have a cartoon of milk somewhere. I headed to the kitchen and.........
  • Holy freaking Mary.
  • I had seen a lot of shirtless men in my twenty-four years of this life, but nothing had me expecting this. He was perfect, just his back turned to me, had my insides gooey. I could see those corded muscles moving as he flipped a pan. Was he making breakfast?
  • I just hid behind the door, staring at my eyes content when he chuckled.
  • “Seen enough?” came that deep Texas drawl and I jumped. How did he know I was standing there?
  • “Hey sorry” I said, feeling pretty awkward. Theo turned and I stifled a gasp.
  • I must be dreaming.
  • How did he develop those abs? He looked like those statues of the Greek gods back on a history tour in my high school days. He raised a brow when I just stood there. He caught me staring and looking down at his body.
  • “I’ll wear a shirt if this makes you feel uncomfortable” he said, and I panicked.
  • “Please don’t” I said, and he smiled teasingly.
  • “Please don’t?” He teased and I reddened. I shifted from foot to foot.
  • “I mean.......I.....’s your house. You can do as you want”, I said, and he nodded. He turned around and fished something from the fridge and handed it to me. I nodded my thanks when I saw the milk.
  • “You must be patched after you umm ... .got drunk last night” he said and I nodded. A thought crossed my mind and I panicked. My baby! I had been so stupid to go and drink? What if I harmed my child in any way?
  • “You alright”, Theo asked, and I nodded.
  • “Yeah yeah. Just thought of something”, I said, and he nodded.
  • “I am making scrambled eggs and coffee. I guess you should go clean up. I’ll meet you downstairs in the dining room” he said, and I nodded. I headed to the bathroom, following his instructions on how to get there. I smiled when I saw the huge bathtub and the steaming water at the bathroom , I took my clothes and threw them aside.
  • It felt like heaven when I slipped into the warm water. After a minute of scrubbing and rubbing, I stepped out of the tub feeling like Megan Fox.
  • My clothes were wet, and I couldn’t wear them, so I just wrapped the towel around myself and stepped out of the bathroom. I slammed into a familiar male body and would have fallen on my butt, but strong hands steadied me and put me back on my feet.
  • I looked up to see those sapphire eyes staring right into my soul. One of his hands was on my shoulder and the other was on my waist. He suddenly seemed to notice that I was just in a towel and stepped back.
  • “Thank you”, I said softly, and he nodded. His eyes lingered on my lips and I parted them involuntarily.
  • “That’s alright. Breakfast Is downstairs. I have a couple of shirts and jeans you can borrow. I’ll order new clothes for you” he said, and I nodded. I was extremely grateful, he was a perfect stranger who had been kind to me and even stopped me from making mistakes I would have regretted.
  • Theo nodded to me and headed downstairs while I went to the room earlier. Some of his clothes were on the bed—he must have dropped them there for me. I picked a simple black shirt, black jeans and when I wore them, it looked like someone buried me in them.
  • I had forgotten how tall he was. I wasn’t short either, and I was tall for a woman, but compared to Theo........
  • I tied my hair into a ponytail and headed downstairs for breakfast. Theo’s eyes roamed my body as soon as I descended the last flight of stairs, making me feel pretty self-conscious.
  • “You look good” he said, and I managed a small chuckle.
  • “Oh please, I look like a kid who wore his dad’s clothes” I said, and Theo smiled. I sat across from him, and we just stared at each other, till it became awkward.
  • “Shall we?” He said finally. I nodded and dug into the eggs. Theo sipped his coffee slowly. We ate the food in silence and made small talk.
  • “So you were married?” He asked and I nodded. I wrung my hands nervously.
  • “Yeah. A marriage from a heated one-night stand”, I said bitterly, and Theo’s eyes turned stony.
  • “And he cheated on you with your sister?” He asked. “Best friend” I said and Theo nodded, he looked pissed.
  • “Best friends,” he said with contempt. “Always full of trouble,” he added. The doorbell pinged and Theo moved to get it, but I held his arm.
  • “Let me answer that” I said, and he nodded. I headed for the door and opened it.
  • Standing there was none other than Chloe.
  • The witch herself.I'm