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Chapter 8

  • Izzy’s P.O.V.
  • I am on my way to the Silver Moon Pack to meet with Alpha Ralph. Stella told me that she didn’t tell him my story, but requested that he have the guest-list ready.
  • Alpha Chris offered me a car to use, so that it wouldn’t take me too long to get around. But I declined, I needed to do this my way.
  • Sticking to my routine it will take me about a week to get to the Silver Moon Pack.
  • Evie and I are enjoying our solitude and we both love being outdoors, so traveling on foot is no hard-ship for us. Evie loves the freedom she gets at night and we both feel that it is making our bond stronger.
  • I love our nightly runs as much as Evie does, just watching my surroundings from the back of Evie’s mind.
  • We talk a lot about the future and we both realize it is an uncertain one. We talk about our Mother, our Mate and our Father. When it comes to our Mate, we both agree that the chances on finding him during our search will be slim.
  • But we can’t help but wonder if just maybe we will be lucky enough to find him. Maybe after we return home we will give the Full Moon one more chance, we can always go for a chosen Mate after that.
  • Our Father is a different story, we don’t know how he will react when we come home again. Will he hate us for leaving or will he be relieved that we are back again?
  • We don’t even know how long it will take us to find the answers we are looking for. But we won’t give up until we have exhausted every possibility on finding them.
  • Jordan’s P.O.V.
  • Izzy has been gone for weeks and no one knows where she went or why. Even though I have a feeling that a few people know those answers, they are not talking about it to anyone.
  • Nero is become more annoying by the day and most of the time I block him out.
  • With his nagging I can barely concentrate on training the recruits and now I also have to find a replacement for Izzy. Alpha Maddox told me that he expects her to return eventually, but that her team needs a Commander in the meantime.
  • I hope he is right, because right now there is no one qualified enough to take her place. Only one person could take over, but that is not a great option.
  • After all being Commander of the Guards is a fulltime job on its own. But I might not have an option, because time is running out.
  • I know Alpha Maddox hopes that I will volunteer for the job, but I can’t and I won’t.
  • Filling the position Izzy left vacant is nearly impossible, she is one of a kind and sometimes I wonder why she is this good at her job.
  • “You just miss her. Just admit that you miss her.”
  • Nero growls.
  • Stephan’s P.O.V.
  • Even though she hasn’t been gone for three months yet, Izzy keeps me informed on her progress.
  • I know she found a lead on the Ball her Father had mentioned and I know that she will be gone for a long time if she has to go through the entire list.
  • I told her that she had been able to avoid all the camera’s since we last spoke, because the alarm had not gone off once.
  • When I told her that Alpha Maddox was looking for her replacement as Commander of her Squad, she went quiet for a few seconds. But she understood why he had to find a replacement.
  • However, I could tell that it pissed her off when she heard who was tasked with finding her replacement. She didn’t say anything, but I knew she was still hurting from his rejection. Eventually she would tell me why this bothered her, as she did with everything before.
  • Most things I could not relate to, but there was one subject that I had understood, even though I had never been in a similar situation.
  • She could go on and on about the way Grace, our Alpha’s sister-in-law, would ignore her.
  • The first few times I brushed it off, until I witnessed it myself and it had pissed me off.
  • I was standing in the kitchen, when I heard Izzy talking to Alpha Maddox, excited about her first training. After the stunt she pulled, her Father and Alpha Maddox thought she was ready.
  • As they walked in to the kitchen, Izzy sees Gina and rushes over to her to tell her about her first training.
  • Alpha Maddox had finally found his Mate, Gina, and they were a perfect match for one and other.
  • Her sister, Grace, had moved to the Pack with her, because they only had each other. Gina listens to her and a smile spreads across her face.
  • Gina tells Izzy that Grace is a good fighter as well, but when Izzy asks Grace a question about it, she gets up and walks out of the kitchen.
  • That is when I understood what Izzy had been talking about. After that I would pull Izzy out of a room, whenever Grace would be there.
  • Once Dagmar moved to our Pack, it became even more clear that Grace treated Izzy different from any other girl. It never made sense to me and after a few years I gave up trying to figure it out.
  • Even now after all these years it pisses me off. Izzy did not deserve to be treated the way Grace treated her.