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The Secret Alpha's Daughter

The Secret Alpha's Daughter


Last update: 2022-09-18

Chapter 1

  • Izzy’s P.O.V.
  • My name is Izzy, I am a twenty-six year old Lycan and I am a member of the Red Blood Pack. My Father raised me, because my Mother left me the day after I was born.
  • My Father is a very strong and well respected warrior in our Pack. Being raised by just my Father, I was different from other girls. Always outside; playing, running, climbing and getting into trouble.
  • When I was twelve, my Lycan, Evie, showed up and six months later I shifted for the first time.
  • Most Lycans show up when their human turns sixteen and they shift for the first time at the age of seventeen. It takes a human and their Lycan some time to get to know each other, in most cases it takes about a year and sometimes it happens sooner.
  • So there you have it, my life’s story in a nutshell.
  • I am laying on my back on the rooftop of one dressing rooms near our training field.
  • I spend a lot of time here after training, just staring at the sky. Every time I train with my Squad I have to see him. He always ignores me, unless he has to talk to me.
  • My face turns red just thinking about the day I asked him to be my chosen Mate. He turned me down, saying he didn’t want a Mate. I still wonder if it was just me or that he would have said it to anyone.
  • Just as I am about to get up and go home, the door below me opens and I hear two sets of footsteps coming out of the building. “What do you have planned for her birthday?”
  • I hear a familiar voice, it is Beta Rico, ask the other person. And I can’t help myself from eavesdropping, because I am curious who he is talking about. I know a few people whose birthdays are coming up, one of them being my own.
  • “I don’t know yet. She made it clear that last year’s party was a bust.” I hear an even more familiar voice say, it is my Father.
  • Beta Rico laughs, because he apparently knows that the party my father threw for me last year sucked, big time. My Father is bouncing around a few ideas, but luckily Beta Rico has arguments against all of his ideas. These ideas are even worse than the party from last year.
  • “How about the two of you go away for a few days and you can take that time to tell her the truth about her Mother.”
  • My jaw drops and I want to jump up to demand answers, but Evie, my Lycan, stops me.
  • “How do I tell her that she is the result of a one night stand, that her Mother dumped her at the border wrapped in a blanket.”
  • Beta Rico asks him to tell him the whole story, because he never understood any of it.
  • So my Father tells him he had accompanied our Alpha in his search for his mate. He met my Mother at a Full Moon ball, he was twenty-five years old and she had turned eighteen a few months earlier, but they both had not found their mate that night.
  • After a few to many drinks they had ended up in bed, the next morning after she woke she had said goodbye.
  • Then about six months later a guard had called him to the border and the guy had been standing near a baby wrapped in a blanket.
  • “There was a folded note attached to the blanket with my name on it. There was not much written on the inside, just that she was my daughter, the day and the time she was born and that I should not bother looking for her. She didn’t want me or my daughter in her life.”
  • I can hear the pain and sadness in my father’s voice as he is talking. I hear him cursing under his breath and then they walk away. Leaving me behind, stunned and confused.
  • Evie and I want to find our mother and we know our father is not able to help. Evie keeps yapping in my head, because she wants to know who our mother is and I know I want that answer as well.
  • After I know for sure they are gone, I leave my spot on the roof and ask Stephan to meet me in my room. Stephan and I have been friends since we were toddlers, he is my best friend and the only one I trust to keep a secret.
  • Jordan’s P.O.V.
  • It never gets easier seeing Izzy train. Ever since the day she asked me to be her chosen Mate, I have been wondering if I did the right thing.
  • Nero starts pacing in my head, we both agreed a long time ago not to take a Mate. But we start having second thoughts on it and every time we see Izzy, the doubt becomes more and more.
  • I trained Izzy as a young girl, but other than that I never spend much time with her. So I never got to know her,
  • Izzy’s P.O.V.
  • Stephan walks into my room, while I am packing my back-pack. I make sure I have everything I need to get through the next few days.
  • Then I explain to him what I had overheard, I tell him I want to go looking for answers and luckily he understands my need for answers. Going over the conversation between my Father and Beta Rico, we both realize that there is not much for me to go on.
  • He tells me to leave a short note for my Father and a letter to Alpha Maddox. I ask him why I need to write a letter to my Alpha. Stephan explains that in the letter I have to explain to Alpha Maddox that I will be back, because if I don’t he can break my bond to the Pack and that will turn me into a rogue.
  • Stephan tells me I also have a responsibility as a Commander in the Alpha’s Army.
  • I write the letter and ask Stephan to read it, to make sure I have not forgotten something that might be important. He approves the contents of the letter.
  • I make my way down the stairs and I hear Alpha Maddox talking to Gamma James. They are discussing the Evil Moon Pack, like they do at least three times a week.
  • Alpha Maddox still has not given up the search for the Pack that took his Mate and unborn pup. And I doubt he will ever give up.
  • As soon as both men have left the Alpha’s office, I make my way inside.