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Chapter 105 Shane's Loyalty

  • They laughed out loud as they stepped into Cammila's apartment. Scott kept cracking jokes all the way home from the mall. Cammila couldn't help but laugh as Scott shared his embarrassing experience while attending a seminar in Los Angeles.
  • “I was completely out of mind. I misread the sign on the bathroom door. And you know what, I walked into a women's restroom full of women. They were all shocked to see me suddenly enter their territory, and so was I. I was stupid, because I just stood there frozen. They all then screamed hysterically and beat me with bags. It was a ridiculous experience and almost killed me.”
  • "Gosh, you're terrible, Scott," Cammila wiped away the tears that were welling up in her eyes. Her stomach felt numb from laughing so much.
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