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Chapter 4

  • Xavier walked to his limousine his newly wedded bride struggling to lift up her puffy wedding dress and catch up with him.
  • He opened the door to the limousine and entered, not bothering to act gentlemanly and open the door for his bride, she struggled on her own.
  • Xavier didn’t miss her reactions- it was like she had never been in a limousine before- what really was her plan?, why was she acting like a novice? Her father should have taken her on a limousine or at least bought one for her, he overlooked it.
  • She wasn’t his type, she was petite- a thing he didn’t like in women, he liked the tall-very tall and full type, not that she didn’t have curves, but there was this softness and innocence in it all, but he couldn’t deny she was beautiful- like an angel, when you look into her eyes, you might be deceived that she was still a virgin, he could almost hear her heart drumming against her chest-she wasn’t like the confident person he saw in the picture who looked at the world like it was beneath her, she was the shy type...the type that wasn’t willing to go too dirty- the type that blushed at her own nakedness and close her eyes at another person’s.
  • Was it really all a plan? Did she think the innocent girls where his type? She was very mistaken.
  • ‘Lies’ His mind said to him.
  • Xavier took out his phone and began scrolling through the abundant text messages and notifications he was sent, his driver drove silently.
  • What the fuck- was she praying? He watched as his bride muttered things that sounded like ‘The Lord’s Prayer’ well don’t ask him how he knew the particular prayer cause it’s a long story- but did his wife see him as a devil?
  • “So,” she started awkwardly after a few minutes of silence and Xavier already knew that this conversation would only be awkward, “can I know you...more” she asked then lifted her eyebrow considering how stupid it sounded, she said instead “I’ll be glad if I may know you”- like what?, he could eat a bowl of alphabet a poop better composed words. “Sorry, knowing you is my greatest...priority”...gosh, it had to stop, she was about to sputter more nonsense before he replied curtly to her
  • “Could you please... shut the hell up?”
  • She reddened and there was total silence throughout the ride back to his mansion. As soon as they arrived at his resident which by the way was the envy of many, he too was proud of his mansion, he had built it with his bare hands- well not exactly with his bare hands, just with money- others did the hard work.
  • Xavier walked out of the limousine, not bothering to help his bride out, she managed to slip out of the car and slammed the door shut, but as soon as the car drove away to the parking lot, she noticed that the helm of her dress was held in the car and the car had began moving.
  • A very funny sight.
  • Xavier smirked as he watched the scene unfolding, feigning boredom, actually he wanted to see her dragged around a bit, then maybe he would consider helping her, she held into the dress and tore it free- that they had in common, their ease to tear off clothes, her cheeks fifty shades redder as she looked around and saw the audiences witnessing her struggle with her dress, of course his guards were all there and a few other servants, gardeners and more.
  • Xavier walked to his bride, her eyes communicated something around “So finally, here you come, when I sorted it out on my own”
  • “Being elegant is not a sin you know” he said silently to her
  • Unmasked furry took over her features and the next retort was a contrast to her angelic look
  • “Are you always stupid or is it due to the fact that today is a special day”
  • “Nope...there’s nothing special about today, just one slut added to my endless list- but this slut will be available 24/7”
  • “Don’t you dare call me a slut..”
  • “..Only sluts marry for money
  • “Mel’ money. Only fools wed a mourning bride and only idiots take any privilege to oppress anyone they can reach...”
  • “Here is a rule for you, if you truly want to live in my house- not that you have any other option, but know one most important thing... I’m not a gentle man and I handle women the same way I would deal with a man, don’t you dare disrespect me in front of my men... guards”
  • Amelia worked forward, but he was quick to hold onto her arm, hard- but not hard enough to leave a bruise and of course she couldn’t move any further, her hair was perfect- to hold on to tight and go the ‘rough’ style- his style, he had a thing with shiny hair.
  • “Are. We. Clear?”
  • Her eyes held all unpleasant words as her mouth spoke the opposite of what she actually would have liked to say- yeah, she was that easy to read.
  • “Yes” she replied “What about my stuff?” she asked looking forward, trying to contain her anger. Cute.
  • “You don’t need them”
  • Xavier led Amelia to a room in the eastern wing of his mansion and opened the door, she entered cautiously and Xavier could feel the fear emitting from her in waves as he entered too and shut the door locking it.
  • “What are you doing?” she asked, her voice shaky as he stocked closer to her, she reached the bed, losing her balance and falling on the bed. Her dress went slightly up- she had soft looking, taintless legs.
  • No woman had ever gotten his attention, she didn’t deserve the emotion she rose deep in him, his cock throbbed in anticipation as he moved closer to the bed, her eyes had turned defiant and sharp, that blue sparkling eyes that made him want to bend her over and have it all right there.
  • “if you dare touch me, I will...”
  • “Do what? You’re as soft as a kitten and I doubt your little paws could do me any harm, so tell me, what would you do?” he said taking a step closer with each sentence, “Insult me” another step, “Tell me how stupid I am?” another step.
  • “I’m sorry I called you stupid earlier” she said then frowned, “I thought you already knew”.
  • That did it.
  • Xavier could win an award, whether strong or soft, he could tear off any fabric in a woman’s body and ripping a wedding gown was no small fit- maybe it had to do with the fact that ripping off women’s clothes were what he was very familiar with or the fact that he also owned the biggest fashion designing company in Australia- nope minus the last bit.
  • Amelia thrashed around and clawed but Xavier didn’t notice her effort, she really was as soft as a kitten.
  • Something stopped him, as tears- bitter tears fell down her eyes, the tears of a person who is about to lose something... precious.
  • She couldn’t be a virgin, no, spoilt brats like her had no reason to keep her ‘dignity’ as money could sum up for that and in this modern world, well no cares to keep old tradition.
  • “Stop, please” she choked out, her face flushed pink as she tried to cover her exposed skin, she was in her underwear, which was –to Xavier’s credit partly ripped, she drew the remains of her gown trying to hide her soft beautiful skin.
  • “Don’t worry senorita, soon you’ll beg and I’ll enjoy seeing you grovel”
  • Amelia stared at the ceiling, as though ashamed to see her own exposed body.
  • “This part of the mansion would be you wing” Xavier said, retreating from his wife, “anything in this part of the house is yours, but the west wing belongs to me and you are not to be found there, the servants would be with you in a minute.”
  • Xavier walked out of Amelia’s room, his second man beneath wanted the opposite, his little man wanted to fuck Amelia senseless or at least till she lost the fight, but on like many, he had a brain and didn’t let his little man think for him- at times.
  • He had to let out the steam and throbbing need he felt, many days of blue ballness waited for him- he didn’t want to call a prostitute as it would be too much to handle, he would have to do that on the morrow.
  • As he walked closer to his room door, which was left opened, he knew someone was in there, someone he didn’t let in, he checked the secret weaponry locker placed beside his room door for emergency- actually the whole house contained weaponries and he picked a hand gun, he was ready to nail a bullet in the stranger’s heart, the stranger who dared enter into his room. The lights were turned off and he knew he turned them on before he left the room and his maid would not enter into his room without his permission, he harldy let maids in as they always caused him hours searching for his stuff which was rearranged, he switched on the light in the same second he pointed the gun to the stranger who sat on the bed.
  • It was Trisha.
  • One of his most loyal fuck that he once thought about marrying, always at his beck and call.
  • He walked in closing the door. “What are you doing here?” he asked her
  • “Thought you would need some refreshments” she replied
  • “On my wedding day?”
  • “Oops, I didn’t know you were getting married but... I don’t see any woman in your room” she said her eyes sparkling with lust.
  • This would be the last day she’ll ever spend here, no matter what he did, he hardly fucked slut in his room- they were just too much important thing and secrets that might be brought to the light if that slut turned out to be a spy like in movies. Where were his guards?
  • Rage fuelled from an unknown source filled him, how dare she enter into his room without permission?
  • Xavier walked to her barely clothed form and grabbed her by the hair, slamming her on his desk and she groaned in pain, he opened his belt and in a fluid motion he slammed into her, letting the rage all out.
  • Through it all, he thought of the angelic blonde laying naked a wing away.