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Chapter 4 The Approaching Typhoon

  • Just past midnight, the timer refreshed, showing 130 minutes left. This meant time could accumulate.
  • Nadia was ecstatic. Every single second could be crucial in a pinch. She resolved not to enter the domain unless absolutely necessary, saving up time for extreme cold or earthquakes.
  • With food in hand and a domain for shelter, she felt more confident about the coming disasters.
  • She slept dreamlessly, but the next morning, a phone call jolted her awake. The stainless steel door installers had arrived.
  • "Lady, you've already got a stainless steel door here."
  • "There's been a string of thefts in the neighborhood, so I want a really sturdy one."
  • The installer chuckled. "The flash bolt is secure, but we'll need to drill into the floor and ceiling. You sure about that?"
  • "Absolutely. Safety first." Nadia's landlord was working out of town and was unreachable even after the house collapsed in an earthquake, so she had no qualms about modifications.
  • The crew for the explosion-proof glass showed up right after. Both teams worked tirelessly, the sound of drills piercing the air.
  • Not wanting to disturb her neighbors on a weekend, Nadia posted an apology in the group chat.
  • She opened her app and continued ordering food until she ran out of money.
  • In less than two hours, the door and glass were installed. she settled the remaining balance, feeling a weight lifted off her shoulders as she looked at her now fortress-like apartment.
  • The phone rang. Expecting the food delivery, Nadia was surprised to see Wayne's name pop up.
  • "Hey, Nadia, it's my birthday party today. When are you coming over?" His voice was warm and cheerful, accompanied by the sounds of laughter and celebration in the background.
  • Nadia sneered. "Sure, I'll be there. Wait for me."
  • He likes Maya, but he keeps me around for my surprise gifts and that hidden advantage I possess, she thought.
  • Through the phone, she could even hear Maya's sweet, coquettish voice.
  • I chased after him back then, only to be met with indifference. Now, he's practically begging for my attention.
  • Alarm bells rang in Nadia's mind. How did Maya find out about my pendant's secret domain? Judging by Wayne's behavior, he probably doesn't know. The phone call must've been Maya's idea.
  • Grabbing her keys, Nadia headed downstairs.
  • The noise from Wayne's party on the eighth floor echoed through the building.
  • Without a moment's hesitation, Nadia walked out of the building and didn't look back.
  • The weather was still stiflingly hot, but the leading edge of the typhoon had arrived, bringing gusts of wind that howled through the streets.
  • A new text alert announced that the typhoon was expected to hit at nine tonight.
  • Nadia was shocked. How could the typhoon be coming earlier than expected?
  • She headed to the school library, searching for medical books to study during the disaster, along with books on martial arts and mental discipline. The vast library, destined to be flooded, would lose countless precious books. The thought made her heart ache, but she felt powerless to prevent it.
  • Avoiding the cameras, she discreetly gathered the books she wanted and mixed them with other piles, sneaking them into her domain.
  • Wayne called again, but she immediately blocked him.
  • Leaving the school, she went to a large supermarket. She rode the elevator to the rooftop parking lot, taking a careful look around before heading back down. Despite the array of products, she bought nothing, instead wandering the second floor a few times before driving off to another location.
  • The car rental company called, saying they needed the car back by 3 p.m. due to the early typhoon closure.
  • Nadia agreed, but when she returned the car, it was already 4 p.m. The typhoon winds were howling, making everything roar with their force.
  • The car rental company's owner, a decent guy, checked the car and returned her the deposit of two thousand without any issues.
  • Natural disasters don't strike suddenly; they offer warning signs that often go unnoticed by people, thought Nadia. Keeping cash on hand for emergencies, she stopped her reckless spending.
  • Back at her apartment, she grabbed her laptop, tablet, and phone, downloading a wealth of information: movies, music, survival skills, recipes, offline maps, and disaster first aid guides.
  • A sudden notification from her shopping app jolted her memory. She had forgotten about the polar clothing she ordered! It should have arrived yesterday evening, but due to the seller's delay and shipping issues, it had just reached the collection point.
  • She quickly called the courier service. They informed her that the typhoon had arrived, making deliveries impossible until it passed. However, she could pick it up before 6 p.m. if it was urgent.
  • The wind howled outside, and trees swayed violently in the storm.
  • With the typhoon and heavy rain, the collection point would soon flood. Without the polar clothing, surviving temperatures of -94 degree Fahrenheit would be impossible.
  • Ride-hailing apps were useless, as no drivers were available. Gritting her teeth, Nadia dashed downstairs, grabbed a shared bike, and pedaled furiously toward the collection point.
  • Battling the wind over the two-kilometer journey, she could barely keep her eyes open. Trash and debris swirled around her, lifted by the gale.
  • Drenched in sweat and hair windswept, she finally reached the collection point.
  • With the typhoon delaying deliveries, packages were piled high everywhere.
  • Nadia, barely catching her breath, rolled up her sleeves and started digging through the stacks.
  • Luckily, her package was big. After a frantic ten-minute search, she finally found it.
  • The typhoon outside was growing fiercer. The sky was so dark it seemed like night.
  • Gritting her teeth, Nadia hugged the large package and headed out.
  • Just as she stepped outside, a strong gust hit, lifting her off her feet.
  • In the nick of time, a man loading his car nearby reached out and grabbed her. He had a steady stance and pulled her back to safety.
  • Nadia hurriedly thanked him, looking disheveled, but her words were snatched away by the wind.
  • The man gave her a quick glance. "It's dangerous to be out in a typhoon with that package."
  • Realizing the typhoon was worse than she thought, Nadia retreated into the store and kept refreshing the ride-hailing app, adding bonuses and tips. But with 300 people ahead of her, no drivers were available.
  • The man had loaded so many packages into his Hummer that it was packed to the brim. Seeing Nadia's anxious expression, he hesitated before asking, "Where do you live?"
  • Under the streetlights, Nadia finally got a clear look at him. He was in his early twenties, wearing a black T-shirt and jeans, with a sharp jawline and a clean-cut buzz. He was tall—at least six feet—and had long, lean legs.
  • She thanked him again, but he remained indifferent. "It's no big deal."
  • "I live in SOHO Community. Can you give me a lift? I'll pay for the ride."
  • He nodded and opened the car door.
  • The backseat was full, so Nadia opened the front door and saw a little girl sitting there.
  • The girl was about four or five, with a timid, pale face, wearing a pink dress. Her big, dark eyes looked up at Nadia.
  • The man spoke. "Lily, sit on this young lady's lap."
  • With the apocalypse looming, who cared about breaking a few traffic laws?
  • Nadia lifted Lily onto her lap and placed her package at her feet.
  • Despite the howling wind, the Hummer drove steadily.
  • The sky was dark and heavy, branches blown off trees, tin roofs clattering in the wind.
  • In the distance, a girl in a dress clung to a utility pole, her mouth forming the words "help me."
  • The disaster had truly begun.