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Chapter 3 Mrs Hills Was Angry

  • When Elic woke up, the woman who was his wife was not next to him. He frowned, could he have slept that much such that he did not even hear her get out of bed.
  • He stood up and saw the papers on top of the dressing table. He got closer to them because he was anxious to see if she has signed them or not.
  • He wondered if it was he was seeing what he was thinking of or his eyes were deceiving him.
  • He smiled when he saw the signature then he turned and prepared to go take a bath so that he can go to work.
  • This is one moment he has been waiting for ever since he married this woman. He has been thinking about the day she signs for the divorce.
  • He was already late for work. He stopped on his tracks the moment he saw blood on the bed sheet.
  • He got closer and checked it out. He was very shocked, this was indeed blood. How was that possible? Wasn't he told that this woman sleeps with different men.
  • The sign of blood is proof that they have been feeding him with wrong information. Could this be the reason why she was so tight.
  • He shook his head and went to take a bath. He can not think of this right now. He can not allow himself to be stressed over this.
  • He is supposed to be happy that she has signed the divorce papers and not feel pity for her or anything for that matter. When he came back, there was a knock on the door.
  • He frowned, who could be knocking on the door? He went to open it and found Mrs Hills. She seemed anxious and wondered what was wrong with her.
  • He opened the door and let her in then said, "it's an honour to have you come see me first thing in the morning. What is wrong?"
  • She looked on the bed and said, "sir, Faith is gone. Someone says that they saw her putting her luggage in her mother's car. She left, could that mean that she is not coming back?"
  • Elic frowned, he wondered if that was true. He went to the wardrobe and indeed there was no sign of her clothes in there.
  • The dressing table was also empty, he did not even notice that. He was so focused on the divorce papers such that he did not even notice that her things were not here.
  • The way she took her things, there was no sign of her ever living in this room before.
  • Elic gave her the divorce papers and said, "take this to the home affairs department and tell them to finalise it as soon as possible."
  • Mrs Hills shook her head and said, "she sacrificed her virginity for these papers. I don't mean to disrespect you sir but you will never find a woman as good as this woman. If I can tell you the things that were done in this house by the woman who is always by your side whenever the media is with you. You would say that I am bluffing. This was a well mannered woman and only loved you. She preserved herself for you unlike the woman by your side. I will do as you have asked after all, you are my boss whether I am happy with decisions you make or not. It doesn't change the fact that you are my superior but it will not be for long."
  • She stormed out of the bedroom. She did not even want to hear him say a single word. She was fuming and felt that her blood pressure will go up today.
  • She thanked the Heavens that they took the old lady before she could see her grandson messing things up.
  • She felt sorry for this woman, she was also angry at the fact that she was willing to sacrifice her virginity for such a fool.
  • She should have preserved herself for a man that will love and honour her. Not someone that sees her as a business deal.
  • This just shows that he married her because his grandmother had said that she will not give him everything she owned if she does not marry the woman she has chosen for him.
  • She remembers that she also emphasized that she has her own reasons why she insist that he marries her.
  • She emphasized that he should spend more time with her and he will see why she chose her for him.
  • Unfortunately, this boy did not do any of the things that his grandmother asked of. The only thing he managed to do was marry her.
  • He only married her in paper but in real life he was busy with that slut. Does this boy even see who that girl is or he is blinded by love.
  • She was so angry such that she saw that she will not be able to work today so she went back to her house.
  • In fact if this woman was gone then there was no reason for her to continue working for the Elton family.
  • She has only remained in this family because of the woman the old lady brought. If she was gone then there was nothing here for her.
  • She vowed that she will write a letter of resignation and go back to her home town. She was better off at her home than to see this boy doing the opposite of everything the old lady taught him.
  • Elic was very shocked to see the old woman very angry. She kind of reminds him of his grandmother.
  • She also said things about Lisa, what does she know about Lisa? What right does she have to speak bad words about my woman?
  • It might be time for her to put this woman into her place. He still wondered where this lady has gone to.
  • He remembers that she promised to leave this city if he sleeps with her. He only hopes that she has done that.
  • He also does not want Lisa to know that he has finally slept with this woman. He remembers that she asked him to promise that he will never touch her.
  • Indeed, all these three years he has avoided coming back to this house. Because he did not want to find himself breaking the promise.
  • How will he be able to face her now that he has broken the promise? He was worried that she might throw her tantrums once she discovered this.
  • He vowed that he will do his best to hide this from her. He actually felt guilty that he slept with his wife. Because legally this was his wife and he had no reason of feeling guilty to sleep with her.
  • But he did not see it this way. He actually felt like he was cheating on his mistress by sleeping with his wife.
  • He got ready and went downstairs. When he got to the breakfast table. All the dishes were not appetising for him.
  • There were lots of things on his mind. A part of him wanted Mrs Hills to elaborate why she thinks Faith is the innocent one and not Lisa.
  • Another thing that was stressing him was for Lisa not to find out what he has done last night with Faith.
  • He asked, "where is Mrs Hills?"
  • One maid said, "she went back to her room."
  • He said, "go call her and tell her to clean my room. I do not want anyone else to clean it but her."
  • They all nodded and one of them ran to give Mrs hills the message. When she received the message, she laughed and said, "typical of him. I can't believe that I promised the old woman that I will look after her grandson. If he was my grandson, I would have spanked him even though he is at this age."
  • The maid said, "we were also told to prepare the whole house because the new owner is coming. Mrs Hills, who is the new owner?"
  • Mrs Hills said, "please get out of the house. I don't want to hear anymore of the rubbish you are speaking."
  • She went into the kitchen and got herself a herbal tea. She drank it slowly and thought things through.
  • She then stood up and went to Elic's bedroom and did as he had commanded. But she vowed that if Lisa was coming to live in this house then there was really nothing left for her here.
  • After she finished cleaning up, she was told that Elic has called and asked her to do the cooking for tonight's dinner.
  • She roared in anger and said, "what does this boy take me for?"
  • She then took the phone and called Elic's office. Daniel answered the phone and Mrs Hills did not even greet him.
  • She simply said, "tell that fool that I will not cook dinner for him and that slut. I would rather die than to do that. Also when you find time, do help your boss out. Research about that fool and give him the correct information about the woman that sleeps on his arms."