Chapter 128 Grandma Smith Was In Danger
- She couldn't believe that what she has said could be the truth. She felt like her mother in law was only just trying to frightened her.
- She said to her mother in law, "I think I have heard enough of your words to last me a lifetime. My son is in the address I wrote and if they immediately go there. They will find him, but once he discovers that I am being interrogated. He might try to run and if he does that, please do not hold me accountable for his actions. I may be responsible or I may have played a role in him ending up like this. But I will not sit here and listen to you telling me of how terrible I am at motherhood. I know that this was laid down by me and I will lay on it without any issues. I will not ask anyone for help because I am very much aware that I brought this to myself. I do not need someone to rub it on my shoulder. I also understand that you have never been or should i say you have never experienced my situation which is why you are very quick to judge. Maybe if you grew up where I grew up, you would be seeing things differently."
- She stood up and said, "guards please take me back. I think I am done here. I have given you all the information you needed and I am not expecting anything in return. Just take me back to the cell. Thank you for being there for my family and thank you for not kicking my other son out of the family. Another person would have kicked all of us out because of my actions. But you have chosen to remain with your blood. Which means a lot to me because I am very much aware of the impact that my actions have done to the family. I may have not been treating my son with love like I was treating Victor but that does not give anyone the right to tell him how he should be treating me. I would appreciate it if you can stay out of our business. If he decides to bail me out then you have no right to stop him."