Chapter 111 Flowers Were Delivered To Faith
- Elic looked at Alex and said, "do you want to know the real truth?"
- Alex nodded and his boss then said, "I thought about the fact that no woman can play innocently in front of grandma without her seeing it. Lisa tried it and the moment we left the dinner table. Grandma simply told me that this was not the right woman for me. I was too shocked, I had only left them for just five minutes when I had gone to the toilet. The next thing she tells me that she was not the right woman for me. I left the house very angry but Mrs Hills approached me few days after and told me what Lisa said to grandma. I will not lie, I did not believe her too. Until the day I heard Lisa telling her friends that I do whatever she says, she snaps her fingers and tells me to jump and I ask how high. She then told them that now that the old lady is finally gone we will get married and once I sign the marriage papers. Everything I have will be hers, she does not care even if I find out about her true nature as long as I find out when we are married. I was very shocked to hear such coming from her mouth. At that time, Faith had just left and I was stressed because I had just discovered that she was still a virgin. It was a lot for me to take. But to answer your question, I actually have no idea why I didn't go against my grandmother's plan. Lisa kept on asking me to go marry her in another country. At first I didn't understand but after hearing her confess with her own mouth. I must say, I was not that shocked. I actually was expecting something like this but I did not think that it will be at a time when I was already starting to regret losing Faith."
- Alex was confused, he asked, "but you still continued to be with her. You let her take charge of the house. You let her hire and fire any maids she wanted. Why did you stay with her even after you found out what she wanted?"