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Chapter 9 Be Cherished

  • For a moment, Tallulah couldn't help but chuckle. Once she finished recording the video, she dialed 911. The ambulance arrived swiftly. On board, she dialed the contact number on the note.
  • Upon hearing the news of Brenda's disappearance and injury, the person on the other line immediately responded, “I appreciate your help. We'll be there soon. Could you please stay with the elderly woman for a while?”
  • Tallulah agreed.
  • After hanging up the phone, Lorelei Clouden, Stavros' stepmother, dialed Stavros' number.
  • “Hello?” Stavros' indifferent voice rang out.
  • Lorelei said, “Stavros, your grandma went missing, and she's currently in the hospital. You're closer, so hurry and check on her. I'll be there shortly.”
  • Stavros' eyebrows knitted together. “What happened?”
  • Lorelei said, “I'm not entirely sure about the details. You better hurry up.”
  • “All right, I understand,” he said.
  • After ending the call, Stavros immediately headed toward the hospital.
  • Inside the hospital, an examination was done on Brenda's leg. It was found that she had a minor fracture. She would need to be hospitalized for a while to receive treatment.
  • Brenda tightly held Tallulah's hand, her aged face revealing a hint of distress. “My dear granddaughter-in-law, I'm in so much pain.”
  • Tallulah felt a bit helpless. “Ma'am, I'm not your granddaughter-in-law.”
  • “You are!” Brenda started acting like a petulant child. “I don't care what you say. You are my granddaughter-in-law!”
  • “All right... I am. Please don't get too worked up,” Tallulah hurriedly urged, fearing that Brenda might become too agitated and worsen her health.
  • Only then did Brenda start to laugh and say, “My dear granddaughter-in-law, why haven't you come to visit me? You and my grandson are just the same, both so thoughtless. Neither of you came to see me!”
  • Tallulah simply smiled, remaining silent.
  • Just then, the door to the ward swung open. Both individuals turned their gaze toward the entrance. Tallulah's eyes widened in surprise when she saw the person at the door. Stavros? What is he doing here?
  • “Why are you here?” Stavros' brows furrowed when he saw Tallulah.
  • Before Tallulah could speak, Brenda sternly reprimanded, “Stavros, is this how you speak to my granddaughter-in-law? You're supposed to cherish your wife, not be harsh with her! Apologize to her now!”
  • Stavros was at a loss for words.
  • Tallulah was amused. This elderly woman is actually Stavros' grandma!
  • Tallulah then calmly looked at him, waiting to see how he would apologize to her.
  • Ever since their relationship had hit rock bottom, he hadn't shown her a hint of kindness, acting as if she owed him money.
  • Clearly, it was he who had wronged her first.
  • Stavros turned to Brenda and said, “Grandma, she and I need to talk. You should rest for a bit.”
  • As soon as he finished speaking, he took Tallulah's arm, and they left the ward.
  • Brenda ordered, “You must not be harsh to your wife. Do you understand?”
  • The door to the ward closed tightly. Stavros gripped Tallulah's arm, pulling her abruptly in front of him. His gaze was icy cold. “Tallulah, I can tolerate your antics, but how could you exploit an elderly woman with Alzheimer's disease? Isn't that going too far?”
  • A wave of pain surged through Tallulah's wrist, but the words she heard inflicted an even deeper ache in her heart.
  • “What are you babbling about?”
  • Stavros sneered, “Didn't you intentionally seek out my grandma to reveal your identity? You really stop at nothing to avoid divorce!”
  • Tallulah was so infuriated that she laughed. Is that who he thinks I am? Over the past six months, hasn't he come to understand what kind of person I am?
  • A sense of injustice welled up within her, yet she forcibly held it back. She lifted her chin defiantly and said, “Well, I don't want a divorce. However, before this, I didn't know she was your grandma!”
  • “Still pretending, are you?” Stavros tightened his grip on her wrist even more. “If you didn't tell her anything, why would she call you her granddaughter-in-law?”