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Boss, Your Wife's Is In a Date Again

Boss, Your Wife's Is In a Date Again

Seraphina Winter

Last update: 2024-06-04

Chapter 1 When Are You Divorcing Her

  • “When are you divorcing her?”
  • Inside the private room, the woman gazed at the man before her, her eyes brimming with profound affection.
  • Tallulah Lindberg stood outside the private room, her hands and feet shivering. Much like the other woman, she watched the man's strikingly handsome face without blinking, her complexion growing increasingly pale.
  • She was looking at her husband, Stavros Luzzatto.
  • He was a mute, working as an attendant at the club. She had finished her shift early that day to head home together with him, but she didn't expect to stumble upon this scene.
  • The person who usually worked here in an attendant's uniform was now dressed in a suit and polished shoes. His short hair was meticulously groomed, and his demeanor exuded an air of aloof nobility. Every movement he made, every gesture, radiated an icy, aristocratic aura she had never seen before.
  • His thin lips parted slightly, his voice deep and pleasant. “I'll bring it up with her as soon as possible.”
  • Tallulah abruptly closed her eyes, then turned and walked away.
  • He talked.
  • Only then did she realize that he actually had a pleasant voice.
  • However, what she hadn't expected was that the first thing she heard him say was about divorce.
  • Tallulah felt a bit dazed. She thought she must have mistaken him for someone else.
  • How could that aloof and refined man possibly be Stavros? How could Stavros possibly divorce her?
  • She exited the club, only to find it was raining outside. She was quickly drenched by the downpour. Retrieving her phone, almost as if guided by some unseen force, she dialed his number.
  • She strolled up to where she could see the window of the private room, peering through the hazy curtain of rain at the scene inside.
  • She observed as he picked up his phone, his stern brow furrowing. With an expressionless face, he ended the call and immediately began typing.
  • Shortly after, she received a message: Lula, did you forget that I can't speak? Why are you calling me?
  • Tallulah stared at the message, feeling a pain in her heart as if a knife had punctured it.
  • Why did he deceive her? When did he recover? When did he meet that girl? When had he decided to divorce her?
  • Countless questions swirled in her heart. She yearned to barge in and confront him, yet she feared the sight of his indifferent gaze. It was something she couldn't bear.
  • A year ago, she had brought him home, a man who had lost his memory and his ability to speak. At that time, all he could remember was how to write his own name. He had forgotten everything else.
  • She started from scratch, teaching him. He learned to recognize letters and words, to use sign language, and even, to love her.
  • Eventually, they got married.
  • It was often said that it took twenty-one days to form a habit. After spending a year with him, she had truly grown accustomed to his presence, to his gentle smile directed at her.
  • So, she believed that all of this must be an illusion. He can't possibly divorce me.
  • After braving the rain to get home, Tallulah took a hot shower. She prepared Stavros' favorite meal and sat quietly by the dining table, waiting.
  • When the clock struck ten in the evening, the door was swung open and he walked in, a chill clinging to him.
  • Tallulah noticed he had changed back into his attendant's uniform.
  • Suddenly, a pang of pain struck her heart without reason.
  • For a moment, she actually couldn't discern if what she had seen during the day was real or merely an illusion.
  • “Lula, what's wrong?” Stavros walked over, noticing her pale complexion and her absent-minded expression. With a sense of urgency, he signed.
  • A look of concern graced his handsome face, and a sense of urgency filled his deep, dark eyes.
  • However, what lingered in Tallulah's mind was the image of him typing away with a cold, indifferent gaze, only to turn his head and engage in lively conversation with another woman.
  • It was ironic, to say the least.
  • “Stavros, I can smell another woman's perfume on you,” Tallulah stated, evading his touch.
  • Stavros' expression froze for a moment, and he signed. “I was asked to help out in the private room today, so I might have picked up the scent of a customer's perfume. I'll go take a shower right away.”
  • He got up and headed to the bathroom. In no time, the sound of running water could be heard.
  • The way he nervously explained himself didn't seem fabricated at all.
  • Tallulah stood up and walked straight into the bathroom. Regardless of getting wet, she embraced him tightly, her eyes firmly shut. “Stavros, I went to see you today.”
  • Stavros' movements faltered, and after a long pause, a sigh resonated. “You know everything now.”