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Chapter 4 Her Husband Is A Scion

  • Upon arriving at the office, Tallulah had barely settled in when a coworker sidled up to her and said, “Tallulah, have you heard? Our company has been acquired! The person who bought it is the previously missing third young master of the Luzzatto family. I think his name is Stavros Luzzatto.”
  • Tallulah was taken aback. “What did you say?”
  • “His name is Stavros Luzzatto. I've seen his photo. He's truly handsome! I heard he disappeared for a year, only recently returning to the Luzzatto family. As soon as he returned, he started making major changes to this branch of the company, and our own company was acquired. Goodness, having such a devastatingly handsome man as a boss, I'd wake up laughing from my dreams!”
  • Tallulah took out her phone, and the first notification that popped up was news about the return of Stavros, the third son of the Luzzatto family, who had been missing for a year.
  • In the photograph, the man was dressed in a black suit, his short hair neatly parted to the side. His strikingly handsome features were sharp and well-defined, his eyes piercing with a cold gleam. His entire demeanor radiated an air of aloofness and noble elegance.
  • Stavros, astonishingly, was the third young master of the Luzzatto family, which was one of the wealthiest families in Yannopolis.
  • For a moment, Tallulah found herself at a loss for words to describe her current emotions.
  • She simply felt it was incredibly ironic.
  • She should have been elated. After all, her husband was a scion of a wealthy family, and the grand house he had once promised her would no longer be a distant dream.
  • However, she couldn't bring herself to feel any joy because her wealthy and influential husband was planning to divorce her.
  • He had to take responsibility for another woman.
  • Ha!
  • Tallulah clenched her phone tightly, and a glimmer of tears flashed in the depths of her eyes.
  • At that moment, the manager emerged, loudly announcing, “Let's have a meeting in the conference room.”
  • Immediately, everyone grabbed their things and headed for the conference room.
  • Inside the massive conference room, large enough to accommodate five hundred people, there was a certain level of commotion. However, as the sound of clapping echoed, the room gradually fell into silence.
  • The general manager spoke with immense excitement. “Up next, let's welcome our new CEO, Mr. Stavros Luzzatto!”
  • The door to the conference room swung open, and a distinguished man, clad in a sleek black suit, strode in confidently.
  • Sitting in the back row, Tallulah watched the man who seemed reborn, feeling an overwhelming sense of unfamiliarity.
  • His eyes were frosty, and his deep voice was devoid of any warmth. From the get-go, he issued a flurry of commands that left one feeling dizzy and disoriented.
  • The meeting lasted for over three hours before it finally concluded. One by one, everyone began to depart. Tallulah also rose from her seat and followed the rest.
  • She didn't want to bother with him.
  • “Stay where you are.”
  • At that moment, a man's deep, magnetic voice echoed from behind.
  • Tallulah paused, turning her head to look back. She pressed her lips together before finally asking, “Mr. Luzzatto, is there something you need?”
  • His attitude was distant, his actions strictly professional, as if the passionate entanglement they shared in bed last night never involved him.
  • Stavros held a document in his hand, and his dark eyes glanced at her. “Come to my office.”
  • After saying that, he left.
  • After taking a deep breath, Tallulah followed suit.
  • The office door closed behind them. Stavros furrowed his brows, looking at her. “Why did you tear up the agreement?”
  • Tallulah transfixed her eyes at him. “I haven't congratulated you yet, Mr. Luzzatto.”
  • Her tone carried a hint of mockery.
  • She speculated that he must have regained his memory quite some time ago. Otherwise, it would have been impossible for him to return to the Luzzatto family and start working so quickly.
  • He had kept secrets from her.
  • To put it accurately, he was deceiving her.
  • Stavros' handsome face momentarily paused, his gaze fixated on her. “Lula, we don't really have any conflicts. Can't we part on good terms?”
  • “No way!”
  • Suddenly, Tallulah became emotional, her eyes brimming with unshed tears. “Stavros, I never thought I'd end up with a scoundrel like you! When did you regain your memory? When were you able to speak again? As your wife, your closest confidante, how could I be kept in the dark about this?”