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Chapter 2 Your Duties As A Husband

  • Previously, when Tallulah heard Stavros' voice, it was intertwined with the music, making it somewhat indistinct.
  • At that moment, his deep, magnetic voice resonated above her, strikingly clear. It hit her heart, causing such pain that she struggled to catch her breath.
  • He could talk now.
  • However, he didn't tell her about this.
  • In fact, he even intended to divorce her.
  • All of that was true.
  • Why? Why do you wish to divorce me?
  • Tallulah was dying to ask, but she held herself back.
  • Why should I agree to the divorce just because he wants a divorce?
  • Over the course of the year, she had done him no wrong. Even if he wanted a divorce, he owed her an explanation.
  • Tallulah felt her heart going cold, yet she found herself longing for his warmth and clutched him even tighter.
  • “Yes. I heard you talking to someone, but I couldn't make out what was being said. Stavvy, your voice is really pleasant.”
  • She planted a kiss on his back.
  • Stavvy was her special name for him, a name she would only utter during their most intimate moments.
  • And each time he heard this, he would react passionately.
  • However, that evening, Stavros pushed her away.
  • “I'm tired.”
  • A sudden pallor washed over Tallulah's face as she watched his stiff back, and abruptly, her temper flared.
  • “But I'm in the mood. Stavros, you're my husband, so you should fulfill your duties as a husband!”
  • Why is he tired? Has he already slept with that woman?
  • Tallulah had to know.
  • It seemed that Stavros hadn't anticipated her sudden assertiveness. Her tender hands were already playfully wandering over his body, causing his breathing to quickly become somewhat labored.
  • His body had always been truthful, and he could never resist her flirtations.
  • A shadow flickered across his dark eyes as he turned around, grasped her chin, and leaned in for a kiss.
  • Subconsciously, Tallulah closed her eyes, her eyelashes quivering slightly. Beyond the initial scent of perfume, there was no other fragrance left on him.
  • Her tense body eased, and the temperature in the bathroom swiftly rose.
  • His fervent body enveloped her, a kiss landing on her shoulder. His voice, slightly husky, as he murmured, “Lula, we—”
  • “I'm tired, I'm going to sleep now!”
  • Tallulah, however, cut him off, reaching out to turn off the light directly.
  • What was he going to say? Divorce? I won't ever agree to that.
  • She had given a year of her life, having fallen for him long ago. How could he just decide to divorce her now that he could speak?
  • He couldn't be this awful!
  • They stepped out of the bathroom. In the dark bedroom, Stavros gazed at Tallulah's hazy profile. A flicker of sigh passed through his eyes as he held her in his arms, lulling her into a deep sleep.
  • The following day, when Tallulah woke up, Stavros had already left. She was instantly thrown into a state of panic, hastily getting out of bed to search for him.
  • The home they resided in was a cozy two-bedroom apartment, a product of her relentless work and savings over the years. After their marriage, this place began to radiate warmth and comfort.
  • She had once dreamt of a bright future with him, growing better with each passing day. He was incredibly talented and quick to learn anything he set his mind to. She had once told him that she was certain he would make a fortune in the future and they would live in a grand house. Back then, he had nodded seriously, promising her that he would.
  • He couldn't leave yet, for he hadn't fulfilled his promise.
  • Frantically searching around the room like a headless fly, Tallulah's face grew paler by the second. Just then, the room door opened, and Stavros walked in carrying breakfast.
  • Upon seeing him, Tallulah immediately rushed over and embraced him tightly, as if she was afraid he might run away.
  • Startled, Stavros asked, “What happened?”
  • Tallulah lifted her head, gazing into his deep, dark eyes. “We'll always be together, won't we?”
  • Stavros fell silent.