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Chapter 3 There Will Be No Divorce

  • Tallulah looked at him. “Won't you say something?”
  • Stavros, however, said, “Let's eat first.”
  • He pushed her away, making his way to the dining table where he set down the breakfast.
  • Tallulah's heart sank once again into an abyss of despair, her gaze fixed on his receding figure, a deep pain reflected in her eyes.
  • She stopped him, not allowing him to utter the word “divorce.”
  • However, his stance was clear as day.
  • He was distancing himself from her and didn't even bother to offer her a single insincere promise.
  • He wasn't like this before.
  • In the beginning, he simply followed her around. Wherever she went, he was sure to go, sticking to her like glue.
  • Later on, she made the decision to take him in. She began teaching him how to read, learning sign language alongside him. His gaze upon her grew increasingly focused.
  • No matter what she did, he only had eyes for her.
  • It was as if she was his entire world.
  • “Stavros, you didn't even give me a good morning kiss.”
  • Tallulah walked over and spoke, stating that this was an agreement they had made after confirming their relationship.
  • Stavros slid the milk toward her. “Eat first. I have something to discuss with you later.”
  • Tallulah clenched her fist. “So, if I don't eat, you're not going to talk?”
  • Stavros' dark eyes were fixed on her. “You heard everything.”
  • He was referring to what he had said in the private room yesterday.
  • Tallulah closed her eyes, then asked, “Why?”
  • Even though she had been tolerating it, the truth was now laid bare for all to see. She could no longer deceive herself.
  • Stavros said, “She is very important. I have to be responsible for her.”
  • “What about me?”
  • Tallulah looked at him, a wistful smile on her face. “What did the one year we spent together mean to you?”
  • A pang of realization hit Tallulah. She walked up to him and said, “You've regained your memory, haven't you? You remember who you are, don't you?”
  • “Indeed.” Stavros nodded. “Lula, I'm truly grateful for your companionship this past year. I promise to repay you. Feel free to ask for anything you want, I'll do my best to fulfill it.”
  • “I don't want a divorce.”
  • Tallulah looked at him, speaking deliberately, word by word.
  • A hint of aloofness surfaced on Stavros' handsome and stern face. “We must get a divorce.”
  • At that moment, a chilling aura, seemingly pushing people thousands of miles away, suddenly emanated from him.
  • It was something Tallulah had never seen before.
  • Her nails dug into the palm of her hand as she locked eyes with him. “I won't divorce!”
  • Compensation? How could he ever compensate for the love and efforts I had given him throughout that year?
  • Stavros' brows furrowed, seemingly a touch impatient. “Tallulah, if things continue like this, neither of us will be well off.”
  • However, Tallulah took a seat and began having breakfast, saying nothing.
  • Regardless, she was absolutely not going to divorce him.
  • Stavros looked at her with a conflicted look in his eyes. The events of the past year still lingered in his mind. He didn't want to reminisce, but every time he saw her, those memories would resurface, leaving him feeling frustrated and confused.
  • He stood up, his voice cold and detached. “I'll have someone deliver the divorce agreement later. You can set any terms you want.”
  • Immediately after, he left.
  • Bang!
  • Tallulah, in her frustration, kicked over a chair nearby. Her almond-shaped eyes were glossed over with a sheen of unshed tears, and she pressed her lips together in anger.
  • Sc*mbag! He's a total sc*mbag!
  • Tallulah struggled to keep her emotions in check, taking several deep breaths as she steadied herself. Her gaze hardened, reflecting a newfound resolve.
  • As expected, the divorce agreement arrived swiftly. She had just finished her meal and was heading out to work when a man in a suit conveniently showed up at her doorstep, presenting her with the agreement.
  • Without even a glance, Tallulah took it and ripped it to shreds.
  • “A divorce is off the table!”
  • After speaking, without paying any attention to the expression of the man in a suit, Tallulah went straight to work.