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Chapter 89 Step Up The Game

  • Everyone in the council hall was shocked and annoyed to hear princess Kylie said that then King Marcus said to his daughter ''how dare you speak such words''.
  • Princess Camelia said to the council members ''what she said is right. None of you saw what we saw. You said Marcelos' armies are less powerful during the day but you are wrong. They are strong in the day, and if they can be so strong in the day as we saw then the night is going to be much worst''.
  • Princess Kylie said to the council member ''the dark druids' skills surpass that of the light army soldiers. The Garrlys are very fast than what we heard and the movement of their tails is also very fast. The Gargoyles are also very good with their claws and wings. We watch Marcelos's armies slaughter the soldiers and wizards like they were animals that meant nothing. Marcelos' armies are fearsome armies we should all be scared of if you all are not''.
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