Chapter 157 Our Opponent
- After returning to Axrax with Philip, Zussorader, and the armies, Marcelos regroups with his armies and then he leads the purge of Earth himself killing any being he and his armies came across and burning down things. At the same time, Marcelos was trying to find his dark crystal using his connection with the crystal which is the only thing powerful enough to take him to where his Marcs and phoenixes are so he can save them but he has not been able to regain connection with the dark crystal and that made him thought the crystal must have been hidden in a magical place.
- Philip and Zussorader also helped Marcelos to find his dark crystal by using their magic which hasn’t been fruitful because they haven’t been able to find the dark crystal whenever it is.
- After the silver army got accommodated in the shape town by Nelson and Karl on Esther's request, the silver army were given clothes to wear so they could stop wearing leaves and homes to sleep since they were accepted by the people.