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Chapter 47 Magical Dream World

  • Ramsay was surprised to see that the maid was Lilia which he has been unable to find after she was released from the palace, and Lilia bowed to Ramsay with the word that she is sorry after seeing Ramsay's face, then the head guard told Ramsay that they have to leave now. As Ramsay and the head guard continue their journey to the palace training ground, Ramsay looked back at Lilia who was picking up the broken pieces of the jug and smile to himself happily.
  • Ramsay stood in front of the great King with his head bowed as they got to the palace training ground and apologize to the great King for being late. The great King said nothing to Ramsay than he should join the others and he did, just then Hawk walked in and stood somewhere to watch the contest.
  • Lord Emmanuel stood up to address the contestants, "good day everyone. I know some of you came from different kingdoms to prove to the great King your worth, and the great king appreciates that and they will be a reward for that. Just as you all know there is also a reward for the winner, and they can only be two winners which are an archer and a swordsman. I know most of you will be facing the princes and princesses but that doesn't mean you should go easy on them. Here there are no ranks, you are all equal and if you want to win you must fight with all you have got. And there is a rule, there shall be no bloodshed, so fight safe. I wish you all good luck" said Lord Emmanuel and sat down back.
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