Chapter 70 My Destiny
- Zussorender, General Raphael, and the soldiers fought through the scorpions using their weapons and Zussorender using his magic, and at the same dodging the scorpions' sting but some of the soldiers were stung by the scorpions. Zussorender, General Raphael, and the soldiers fought through the scorpions to lord Emmanuel, the princes, and the princesses, and they surrounded so they could get them on horses and ride out of the dark forest with them. Immediately after lord Emmanuel, the princes, and the princesses climbed the back of the soldiers' horses and Mike put in front of General Raphael's horse, they all ride out of the dark forest fighting through the scorpions. The scorpions could no longer follow lord Emmanuel, Zussorender, General Raphael, the princes, the princesses, and the soldiers immediately they ride out of the dark forest with the dead soldiers' horses, and they became safe.
- Zussorender, General Raphael, lord Emmanuel, the princes, the princesses, and the soldiers camped somewhere away from the dark forest to check on Prince Mike's healthy. Lord Emmanuel, General Raphael, the princes, and the princesses (all worried) stood outside the tent in which prince Mike was placed and was being treated by Zussorender waiting for Zussorender to come outside and give them feedback concerning prince Mike's health.