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Chapter 160 Where Am I

  • The princes, the princesses, King Raynold, Zussorender, Hawk, lord Emmanuel, and Esther were all seated on chairs inside the palace hall. King Raynold, lord Emmanuel, Zussorender, Hawk, the princes, and the princesses were all seated opposite Esther staring weirdly at Esther who wasn’t looking at any one of them because she was perplexed about her situation wondering what was going on.
  • King Raynold, Zussorender, lord Emmanuel, the princes, the princesses, and Hawk wondered what was going on with Esther because ever since she had been captured by the guards and brought to them she hadn’t uttered a word, and that has made them worried. The princes, the princesses, Hawk, King Raynold, lord Emmanuel, and Zussorender also do not know whether it is the future Esther they were looking at or the present Esther which is their Esther.
  • After staring at her for a while but she seemed not to be bothered by their presence, King Raynold said to Esther “Esther, are you alright?”, but there was no response from Esther nor did she look at anyone.
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