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Chapter 50 Magical Dream World Iv

  • It has been two days since Ramsay left for the dream world to save his brother and hasn't returned. The great King had been worried about both his sons and pray they both return to him safely. The great King spent most of his time in his room checking on his sons and Zussorender and Lord Emmanuel also check on them from time to time. Lord Emmanuel do also check on his daughter and prays for her safe return.
  • The princesses and the princes were not happy that the royal princes went on a journey without telling them even though some of them do not believe that to be true thinking the great King is hiding something from them. The princes and princesses either spent time in Princess Esther's room wishing her safe return and telling her things or time with Hawk who always tell them stories.
  • Princess Esther, Noah, and Ramsay opened their eyes and saw they were in a dark cell with no glimpse of light except the torch that was hanging on a wall outside the cell. The three of them stood up wondering where they were as they look around the cell and outside the cell.
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