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Chapter 16

  • A sudden, guttural growl startled me from behind, though it was largely drowned out by the blaring music. An involuntary gulp reflex kicked in, but my throat felt parched, preventing the action.
  • Across the room, I caught sight of Kira and Josh, wrapped up in their affectionate display on one of the couches a few feet away. The distance between us seemed manageable, maybe about twenty steps, a potential escape route.
  • But then, Pete's furious voice sliced through my thoughts, and before I could react, he seized my arms and spun me around to face him. His question dripped with anger, his eyes flashing silver, though he quickly closed them, as if attempting to regain control. He took a series of deep breaths, his agitation evident.
  • "What the hell are you doing here?" he growled. "Do you—"
  • His threat hung in the air, unfinished, but the menace in his voice was undeniable. "Get out before I toss you and your little friends out. Or perhaps," he added, a chilling edge to his tone, "I could do it right now."
  • "Pete."
  • I breathed a sight of relief, as I saw Gary approaching. He didn't look too happy. Which made me pretty darn happy.
  • "She is my guest."
  • "What?"
  • "I invited her. And don't you dare try anything. She is... under my protection."
  • Look I know how to fight. I could beat most of them to a pulp, but I didn't know how to fight Pete. He was someone I always lost to. So when he said that, my feminist self didn't go all grumbly.
  • "Your protection?! YOUR PROTECTION?! She is my mate, Gary, you have no right-"
  • "Then why don't you do it? Oh no, wait. You're the one she needs it against."
  • They were both breathing heavily, and I was so ready to walk out.
  • "Leah, please go on ahead and enjoy the party. I am sorry for this."
  • I mouthed a 'Thank You' to him, and walked away. I didn't need to hear more.
  • PETE
  • "She's mine, Gary, don't—"
  • "I have a mate, you idiot."
  • As if that revelation changed anything.
  • "Don't be near her."
  • "She's endured enough—"
  • "Right, and you've always been the hero? You never did anything for her," I replied in a monotonous tone, barely even interested in the conversation.
  • "Well, I did far less harm than you ever did. But this? This is my breaking point, Pete. I can't bear this guilt any longer."
  • I let out a bitter snort. "You didn't feel any guilt when you instigated those pranks, or when you spread countless rumors, or when—"
  • "I'm trying to make amends, Pete. You should too.
  • Another snort escaped me. What did he know about doing right? What did he know about anything?
  • He sighed, a touch of desperation in his voice. "Can I ask you to just hold off tonight? Please? She's my guest."
  • How could I possibly do nothing? She was right here, a magnetic pull that I couldn't resist. And watching her smile so genuinely, so beautifully at Harry...
  • I felt an emptiness inside, though I attributed it to my wolf's desires. He was the one yearning to love her, though I couldn't quite comprehend why.
  • As for that Harry guy, I was confident that my little ploy would keep him at bay. But from what I had observed, Leah had a knack for drawing just about anyone in.
  • ************************************************************************************************************************************************
  • PETE
  • "What were you thinking?" Fiona tailed behind me, as I pushed everybody around me, trying to get some place quiet. Quiet enough so that I could make sense of what just happened.
  • "Pete?" I could hear the pain in her voice and that stopped me, so I grabbed her arm. We needed to talk.
  • "Come with me." I said but then heard the people hoot again, as Leah came out of the room. But she didn't look at them, she looked at me, looked at my hand grabbing Fiona's, and with a sad smile, shook her head, turning away.
  • I dropped Fiona's hand, not really knowing why it mattered, but she followed me anyway. The stairs to the roof were empty, and I sat there, and Fiona sat beside me. She didn't touch me, which was definitely something new.
  • "I thought you hated her." She murmured.
  • "I do." I do. I do. I do. I kept repeating it like a mantra in my head, because it was true. I hated her, but sometimes-
  • Sometimes I forgot that.
  • "Pete, I saw you together-"
  • "It was a part of the game, Fiona."
  • "What you were doing with her? It wasn't." She sounded so meek and so small, that I didn't know what to say to her.
  • "Does it matter? You... you are not in love with me." She wasn't my mate, she knew that. I had told her so. But I had promised her she would be something like that, if she wanted it.
  • And she was so sure she would never find hers that she agreed.
  • "You told me, I could be your Luna."
  • "I meant it."
  • She sighed. "Pete, I know we are not mates. But even humans fall in love. If I have to become your Luna, if we are going to do this... let's do it right."
  • I frowned. "What are you saying?"
  • "I could one day be in love with you. Even right now, you are very special to me." She bit her lip. "I just... it hurts me to see that."
  • This made no sense. We were both in an open relationship, consensually. Why would something as small as kissing another girl hurt her?
  • Unless it was the girl that hurt her.
  • "Are you upset because it was Leah?"
  • She stayed silent, but that was enough answer. I stared ahead, at the mingling crowd of drunken people.
  • "I know she is your mate, Pete."
  • My neck almost cracked as I spun to look at her. How did could she....?
  • "I have seen the way you look at her. I know you better than almost everybody, maybe just less than Gary. And underneath so much hatred," she laughed without humor, "you love her."
  • "I don't." I growled lowly.
  • "I know you do. Or something like it. I saw it for years before, how you couldn't get enough of her. I saw it today, and I always will see it, because it will never go away."