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Chapter 13

  • "You remember how I said this party is going to suck ass earlier?" Kira asked, looking ecstatic holding a red plastic cup and clinging onto Josh.
  • "Yeah?"
  • "Well, Leah, you will be surprised to know that I was wrong." She giggled into Josh's neck, and he started kissing her on the neck, on the chin, the lips-
  • Yeah, I gotta go.
  • "Andrew still hadn't returned, and I had been avoiding Pete because he didn't appear reliable when it came to keeping promises. Moreover, if Pete became upset, Gary's ability to intervene was limited. Nevertheless, the party was truly fantastic. The decorations predominantly featured various shades of blue, and the ambient lighting was softly muted, creating an almost otherworldly atmosphere. I scanned the room in the hopes of finding Harry, but my attention was diverted when a girl from my English class approached me. I let out a sigh, contemplating whether this was a valid excuse to make a hasty exit from the verandah. What had I done to deserve the torment of socializing?
  • "Hey, Leah! You look absolutely stunning," exclaimed Hannah. "This color suits you so well."
  • Did Gary pay them to be nice?
  • "Oh, thanks, Hannah. You look amazing, too."
  • "Well, we were playing Spin The Bottle, and we have only 5 people. I was wondering if you would play with us? Oh, and this is just for unmated wolves. The guy you came with...?"
  • I squinted at her, my mind drifting back to that distant memory of my first kiss, which had occurred when I was just a child. I was essentially a novice in the realm of kissing, my experience limited to that single innocent peck. I hesitated, unsure if I wanted to relinquish my status as a kiss novice in what seemed like a kissing free-for-all.
  • "We are..." I contemplated uttering that we were simply seeing each other, perhaps as an excuse to escape this game. However, I knew it wouldn't be fair to Harry. "...just dating."
  • "Perfect! Come on then," she urged.
  • It appeared that the concept of 'just dating' held little significance in this group. Unless some cosmic force had ordained your union, you were considered to be on shaky ground. In my case, it seemed like I was destined for trouble because the divine powers weren't particularly skilled at playing matchmaker.
  • With a sigh, I followed Hannah to a small circle of seven people, realizing they must have enlisted others for this game.
  • "Your date can join in if he wants?" she suggested.
  • "I'll ask him when I see him," I replied. Just then, I spotted Harry approaching, waving in my direction. I called him over, and he brought along another guy with tousled light brown hair.
  • "Hey, we're playing Spin The Bottle. Want to join?" Harry asked.
  • "Sure, why not? Jason?" I inquired, turning to the newcomer.
  • "Yeah, why not. Anything to get some lip action," he quipped, eliciting laughter from several people, myself included. I couldn't help but relate in a way. I had never really experienced kisses before, and this game might just fulfill everything I'd ever needed in my life in a single day.
  • "Oh, Leah, this is Jason. My childhood friend. Jason, this is Leah. We are...."
  • " Nice to meet you." I finished for him.
  • I could see several people raising their eyebrows. Great, if Pete does it, it's all cool, but how could lousy, mousy Leah date?
  • "You, too." Jason replied to me.
  • "Well, we have eleven people now, that's a big number. Oh, and there should be a full make out session if the bottle points to the person directly opposite to them. In the closet." She smiled evilly. "So who would like to start?"
  • "Me."
  • I closed my eyes in exasperation. The one time I was actually socializing, and this jerk had to come and ruin it all. I could just break the bottle in half and insert both the ends into his and Fiona's hearts.
  • "Oh, hey, Pete. Sure, we will make some space."
  • "This is only for unmated people, Pete. The rules don't allow you here." I monotoned, surprising even myself. I didn't know I had the guts to do it in front of eleven people. Thirteen, if you count the idiot and the idiot's girl, too.
  • "I don't have a mate." He stared, looking straight into my eyes. My heart throbbed painfully, and I resisted the urge to just scream.
  • "Then why was Fiona blabbing about becoming the Luna?" I gritted through my teeth.
  • "You know why, you bitch! He-" Pete grabbed Fiona's arm, effectively stopping her. "I mean, I don't know what you are talking about."
  • "We are dating, as well. Anybody have a problem with me playing?"
  • Nobody even breathed. Fucking mice had more guts than these baboons.
  • He didn't even say anything, just sat down directly opposite to me.
  • I gritted my teeth again. At this rate, I will need fake dentures tomorrow.
  • "Fiona, you want to start?" Pete asked her, frowning at the bottle. He didn't want to start after all.
  • She span the bottle, and it landed on-
  • Harry. Sitting two people over her.
  • Could this day be any worse?
  • She crawled over the space, looking unusually sweet and smiling one of her actual, genuine smiles. She kissed him a little deeper than a peck, but nothing too...lustful. And, Harry responded pretty well to it.
  • Gosh, I am so happy.
  • The room erupted with cheers and hoots, and even I couldn't help but crack a small, awkward smile. However, Pete's intense gaze remained fixed on me, an unsettling presence amidst the jubilation.
  • Hannah shared a kiss with Jason, and the girl seated beside her reluctantly had to kiss Pete. I couldn't help but feel sorry for her. Deep inside, my heart had a different reaction, struggling with this inexplicable sensation that seemed to begin with the letter 'J.'
  • "Do you remember when I said this party was going to be terrible earlier?" Kira chimed in, her excitement evident as she clutched a red plastic cup while hanging onto Josh.
  • "Yeah?" I responded.
  • "Well, Leah, you'll be surprised to hear that I was wrong," she giggled, burying her face in Josh's neck as he showered her with kisses on her neck, chin, and eventually, her lips.
  • My discomfort grew, and I realized I needed to make a hasty exit.