Chapter 795 They Must Apologize To Ziqian
- The teacher's momentum choked, then forcefully argued, "So, what's wrong? It was his fault in the first place! It's fine for classmates to joke around and have arguments, but that's not a reason to hit someone!"
- "Teacher! Please open your eyes and take a good look! Ziqian is the one who's injured now! Those classmates are still sitting in the classroom, which means they are not hurt at all, otherwise they should be in the medical room now! It can be inferred that those classmates ganged up on Ziqian alone! Regardless of the cause or the result, their fault is greater! Ziqian can apologize to them and the school, but the condition is that they must apologize to us first!"
- Ziqian had never seen his godmother so assertive and domineering.