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Chapter 7 Rejected By My Mate

  • Maya’s POV
  • “Jacob, how could you do this to me and my family,what did we do to you to make you betray us?!”
  • I tried shouting through the tape on my mouth but it only came out as a small muffle with no one paying attention to me.
  • “Tell them what you saw before reporting to me…” said Alpha Aaron, commanding Jacob who still looked like a little child despite his long height in the presence of Alpha Aaron’s brooding presence.
  • Delta Jacob, my supposed fated mate who cheated on me with my step sister didn't even spare me a glance as he went to stand beside Alpha Aaron with a grim expression looking at father.
  • “Alpha Aaron, I saw this poor and low ranking Omega Lucas exchanging packages with another omega from our enemies pack, the Nightshade Pack and coincidentally,one of our power plants got attacked on the same night. I even have a picture evidence ….”
  • Said Jacob bringing out his phone and showing a picture to Alpha Aaron before bringing it toward our face and true , there was a blurry picture of father exchanging a parcel with a stranger …but still , that doesn’t make father guilty.
  • I tried to shout and defend my father despite what he has done to me but this stupid tape made it hard for me.
  • “Is that you in the picture and did you know that he is not a member of our Pack ?” Alpha Aaron asked father
  • “Yes ….but believe me , have mercy and spare my life. I was only doing my job as a part time messenger and delivery guy …I’m innocent and don’t know anything about this ,I don’t even know he is an enemy. I am not even worthy to be a soldier to identify our enemies !” Father cried out, it is too painful to watch. I have never seen my father act like that.
  • “That’s not the problem now, you see your silly action and carelessness has caused me so much money , time and investment that I don’t think killing you and your family off is enough punishment… “ said Alpha Aaron with a calm voice as if he wasn’t about to ruin my life and the life of my family members.
  • “Please have mercy , I’m just a messenger …you can punish me but leave my family out of this please!” Cried father , going on his knees to beg Alpha Aaron with the dining chair still strapped to his back which made his posture look really bad, the tears on my face started flowing afresh.
  • “Don’t dare touch my father !” I shouted, biting through the tapes , finally getting Alpha Aaron’s attention.
  • “…or maybe you could pay in other ways “ said Alpha Aaron as his eyes ravishly roamed over my body, "I am still in my pyjamas but I felt naked.
  • “…no, not my daughter. I will give you everything that I owe , even my life to pay for the damages' ' pleaded father while thick tears kept flowing on my step mother’s puffy face.
  • “…7 million dollars “ replied Alpha Aaron casually as if the money meant nothing.
  • “What …ermm?” Stammered father
  • “…that’s the estimated amount of money the Pack lost “ said Alpha Aaron looking at father with a daring look.
  • “…I have 300 dollars saved , you can take my house , the bicycle ….and the …” father kept stuttering gibberish
  • “….I know that you have two healthy daughters and. a boy , I could auction them off as a whores or a slave “said Alpha Aaron looking at our family picture before his eyes settled on me.
  • “…my daughter already has a mate , she met hun yesterday and we were about to set the engagement day today” father tried to defend me because it’s a taboo in our culture to sell off a werewolf who already has a mate to another person but unknown to father,he only placed me in more trouble.
  • Alpha Aaron signalled to the men to take off the tape on my lips and allow me to speak.
  • “…Freckles is it true ?Do you have a mate?” Alpha Aaron staring into my eyes. I swallowed , cleaning the tears and mucus on my face before turning to look at my parents who were giving me an encouraging look to speak up.
  • “…Yes, I was asked to become someone's mate yesterday “ I said in a low voice
  • “Tell the Almighty ha with whom you are mated dear” Said father, his voice filled with hope. I swallowed and looked up at Delta Jacob who kept a straight face.
  • “Speak Freckles,I don’t have time to waste!” Thundered Alpha Aaron.
  • “…I was matched with Delta Jacob as my mate “ I said as everyone gasped , looking all shocked.
  • “Does Delta Jacob know about this?” Asked Alpha Aaron squinting his thick eyebrows
  • “I do but I reject her as my mate ! I don’t want to have a traitor's daughter as a mate.I, Delta Jacob of BloodMoon Pack rejects omega Maya Lucas as my mate from this moment !” Said Delta Jacob with so much hatred that broke me completely.
  • I bite my teeth as uncontrollable tears stream down my face.
  • “Why? Have I or my family ever wronged you?” I cried out looking at Jacob trying hard to remember if we have ever had any issues.
  • “I will rather help my Pack and be promoted to Gamma or Beta rank than be stuck with a common poor and low omega as a mate” said the selfish Delta Jacob.My parents could do nothing but shake their head and cry blood.
  • Why do bad things happen to good people ? Huh?! I only wanted to experience true love , not the kinds in the fairytale but the one of selfishness and sacrifice my parents shared but it seems like my fate is to end up as a slave whore because I’m willing to go to whatever extent or do whatever I can to redeem my family.
  • “That’s enough drama for today , I’m going to go ahead with your rejected daughter and see what the market value has to offer …I’m doing you a favour , rejected omegas end up becoming rogues , slaves or whores” said Alpha Aaron casually before standing up from his chair.
  • “No! No! No!Don't do anything to my child please! “ mother’s cries are still audible through the tape as her eyes kept pleading with me and the Alpha Aaron.
  • “I agree to be the sacrifice as long as you will stop harming my family members “ I said with so much boldness even though I am dying inside, even my bones hurt.
  • “…I hope she’s a virgin? She will bring more that way. Feel free to come get your daughter when you have the 7 million dollars ready” said Alpha Aaron with a note of finality before stepping out of the dining room, his men following him behind as they dragged me along.
  • The soldier handling me is so merciless and ruthless that they didn’t even let me say goodbye to my parents. I feel like the most unlucky person on earth, I lost my mate and my family in a single day. I am in so much pain and I wished that Alpha Aaron didn’t save me from drowning last night.
  • “Mother!”
  • “Father!”
  • “Stella!”
  • “Haden!”
  • “I love you all!”
  • “Don’t bother about the money!”
  • “Be happy and don’t worry about me!”
  • “You will pay for this Delta Jacob!”
  • I kept shouting and throwing courses as I called my family for help to save me but they were tied down and couldn’t do anything but cry and look at me with pity and hurt in their feral bold dim eyes even though my step mother looked relieved that her daughter was left behind , it truly felt like I was saying goodbye to them forever.
  • Haden’s terrified face looking down at what’s unfolding through the window of his room was the last thing I saw before I was stuffed into one of the luxurious black tinted jeeps.