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Chapter 3 The Evil Step Sister

  • “Hello, Hello Maya are you still there .What's going on, should I call 911?” Eve kept shouting over the phone that I didn't know I was still holding to my ears. I quickly hung up and tried my best not to look all flustered
  • “Meet your mate , Delta Jacob. Come and kneel down to greet him properly before you go and get dressed like a proper lady” Father said with so much disappointment and disgust in his voice.
  • But I didn't care ,all my attention was on Delta Jacob. I pictured him to be an old man with a big pot belly and bald hair since father said that he is a loan shark but the man standing before me looks like a damn prince and I have never seen any man this handsome , even when I was in highschool.
  • As I stood there in the living room, my heart pounded loudly in my chest, and my cheeks flushed with embarrassment. It was just an ordinary day, or so I thought, until he stepped further wearing that black leather jacket that seemed to enhance every inch of his perfectly sculpted body. He looked hot, and I couldn't help but be mesmerised by his presence.
  • I had seen handsome guys before, but there was something different about him. His dark, tousled hair fell perfectly over his forehead, and his deep blue eyes sparkled with a hint of mischief. Every step he took was confident, and it seemed like he owned the room effortlessly.
  • I tried to tear my gaze away, to be polite and not stare, but it was as if a magnetic force was pulling my eyes back to him. I felt a rush of nervousness and excitement all at once, like butterflies fluttering in my stomach.
  • He smiled at me, and I felt my heart skip a beat. Was he smiling at me? My mind raced with doubt and hope. It couldn't be true that this handsome man is my mate, right? But there was no one else in the room.
  • I tried to say something, anything, to break the awkward silence, but the words got stuck in my throat. My mouth felt dry, and my mind went blank. I must have looked like a fool, standing there, tongue-tied and flustered.
  • In a desperate attempt to compose myself, I looked around the room, pretending to be interested in the decor. But every time I glanced back at him, my heart pounded even harder. It was like a rollercoaster of emotions, and I couldn't control it.
  • He took a step closer, and I could feel my face heating up. I wanted to run away, to hide somewhere and collect my thoughts, but my feet felt rooted to the floor.
  • "Hi," he finally said, his voice smooth and warm like honey. "I'm Jacob."
  • I managed to smile back, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. "I-I'm Maya," I stammered.
  • He chuckled softly, and the sound sent shivers down my spine. "Nice to meet you, Maya."
  • I wanted to say something witty or charming, but all that came out was another awkward smile. I cursed myself inwardly for not being able to hold a conversation with this incredibly handsome man, I totally forgot that my father was there till he broke the moment.
  • “Go wash up and get cleaned right now “ father shouted and I nodded my head as I hurriedly ran back to my room and went to check myself in the broken mirror.
  • “Damn it,I look terrible and there were blood stains all over my body!” I screamed internally not wanting to draw more attention
  • “I am supposed to hate him but why am I feeling this way? I thought evil men and loan sharks look ugly and old but my mate to be looks so dashing and for the first time in 5 years since my mother died I'm supporting my father 's decision. Delta Jacob was even nice to me and he even smiled! I don't think I want to run away again, I don't think marrying and mating with Delta Jacob is such a bad idea” I whispered to myself with a smile
  • I ran to my wardrobe to check for something nice to wear but then I didn't have any new or fancy clothes.They were mostly long skirts with t-shirt abs. I wanted to look good too.
  • I don't know if my heart is beating because it's scary or exciting. I don't even care, I feel so alive.
  • My mother used to be a ballerina dancer before she died and I still kept her clothes and things in my room to remind me of her .I decided to check if she had something I could wear and that's when I saw a red dress, It was a dark shade of red. It was short and a bit transparent but I didn't care, I wanted to look good for the first time.
  • My excitement even made me forget about my cramps as I entered the bathroom and quickly showered. I put on a dress which looks a bit tight on me because at 18 years old,I had wider hips than my mother.
  • “Make up …make up “ I don't do make up so i decided to go steal some from Stella's room, I know that she will only humiliate me if I ask her for it. I opened the room slowly and sighed when I saw that she wasn't there. I entered and picked some stuff in her dressing mirror before coming back to my room and doing the little I can on my face, I hurriedly packed my hair in a messy bun, sprayed some perfume and headed downstairs.
  • Everyone was in the living room, my father , stepmother , Stella and my mate. They all looked up at me with different expressions on their faces .
  • Father nodded his head with approval
  • My stepmother gave me a deadly glare
  • Stella squint her nose and rolled her eyes
  • While Delta Jacob smirked and that was enough for me.
  • “Maya, come outside we need to talk” my step mother said and I smiled as I walked shyly past Jacob to go and see her. I didn't want any drama to happen in front of him so I obeyed.
  • “We are out of wine for the guest, I need you to go to the wine cellar company and get a crate “ she said, giving me her atm card.
  • “But, i have a guests “I complained
  • “You're only wasting time , be fast so that we can have something to offer our guest” she said while gripping my hands with her long nails till
  • blood came out.
  • “Fine, I will go and come back as soon as possible, “ I said, rushing towards the bus stop . The wine cellar company is about an hour ride ,it will take me 2 hours to go and come back.
  • I would have used my little omega strength to run but then all my makeup and clothes will look rough and scattered.
  • I played some music and hummed to it as I desperately prayed for time to speed by fast.
  • I bought the wine and came back hurriedly back home to see that everywhere was quiet which is strange. I kept the wine in the fridge and went to my parents room to see that they weren't around.
  • “Strange.where did they all go ?” I sighed and went to my room so that I could freshen up and come downstairs to call them and look for them.
  • There was a strange sound in the house but I ignored it , and had bigger issues in front of me.
  • After putting in some powder and retouching my make up. I decided to return Stella's makeup stuff before she found out but then everything fell and broke from my hands when I opened her room.
  • Even my heart broke into tiny pieces, so this is where the ragged sound was coming from.
  • “Stella ,how could you do this to me?!” I couldn't shout, the pain of what was in front of me was too much to bear.