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Chapter 4 The Bitter Betrayal

  • Maya’s POV
  • My heart raced asI stood in front of my step sister Stella's closed bedroom door. The faint sound of hushed whispers was what made me curious. I raised my trembling hand and slowly turned the doorknob, my breath caught in my throat. What I just saw inside shattered my world.
  • The room was dimly lit, the soft glow from the bedside lamp casting an intimate shadow of two people having sex.
  • My eyes widened as they fell upon Stella entwined with a figure I recognized all too well Delta Jacob. Their naked bodies moved together and they kissed each other in a passionate way that I had never seen before. Each touch, each whisper and moan seemed to echo in my chest, a painful reminder of what was unfolding before my eyes.
  • My heart, once full of innocent hopes and dreams, now ached with a painI could hardly bear. Tears welled up in my eyes, blurring my vision as the truth stabbed at my heart like a thousand needles.
  • Unable to tear my gaze away, I watched as Stella and Delta Jacob shared an intimacy that should have been reserved for me and him . It was as if a dagger had been plunged into my chest, and with every movement they made, it twisted even deeper. Silent sobs racked my body, my shoulders trembling as tears streamed down my cheeks as I watched.
  • My world had come crashing down in the most painful way imaginable. The weight of my emotions threatened to crush her, suffocating me with an overwhelming sense of loss. The image burned into my mind was oneI wishedI could erase, yet it was etched there, a painful scarI couldn't ignore.
  • As the minutes stretched on, my pain turned to anger. Anger at Stella for betraying my trust, anger at Delta Jacob for breaking my heart even before they get to know more about each other, and anger at herself for ever believing that getting a mate will make me free. With a choked sob, I finally tore my gaze away from the heart-wrenching scene.I stumbled back, my legs feeling weak beneath her.
  • “All this was too good to be true , did father and stepmother do all these to humiliate me ?” l sobbed
  • In a daze, I retreated from the room, closing the door softly behind her.I leaned against the wall in the hallway, trying to steady my ragged breaths. The raw agony coursing through my veins was almost unbearable.
  • Suddenly, the bedroom door swung open, and I 's heart skipped a beat. Stella and Delta Jacob stood there, their flushed faces a stark contrast to I 's tear-streaked one.
  • My eyes locked with Stella's for a brief moment, the hurt and shock reflected in both their gazes.
  • “Why?” I whispered
  • “Why will anyone want you , you're like a slave and I told him everything about your miserable life. You're only good with being a maid , I just showed him a good time and gave him a reason to choose me over you” Stella said with so much arrogance and she wasn't even sounding sorry
  • “But mother said he was dangerous …” I said looking at Delta who looked bored and unbothered
  • “It doesn't matter as long as he is rich and has a handsome face. I will make him mine and my mother helped me by sending you away from the house !” Stella said with bitterness
  • “And you, won't you speak for yourself?!” I shouted at Delta Jacob
  • “I don't care about your family drama , even if I take you as my mate . You will only end up as my breeder because you're not my type so it's better I sell you off as a sex slave “ he said shrugging his shoulders as if it was the most normal thing to say
  • Without a word, I turned and fled, my feet carrying me away from the painful reality I had just witnessed.
  • "Maya wait!" Delta Jacob ‘s voice called out behind her, but I didn't stop. I ran blindly, my tears blurring my surroundings as I stumbled out of the house.
  • The night air was cold against my skin, but I hardly noticed. my heartache was too consuming, my pain too all-encompassing.
  • My sobs echoed through the empty streets as I ran, my heart heavy with the weight of my shattered dreams of freedom and I'm super glad that my brother wasn't home to witness all that.
  • Everytime I close my eyes , I keep seeing the naked image of Stella and Jacob which makes me more angry.
  • My breaths came in ragged gasps as I sprinted towards the outskirts of town. My legs carried me, fueled by a mixture of pain and desperation.
  • My heart still ached, my tears mingling with the rain that soaked my clothes. My mind was a whirlwind of emotions, memories, and confusion as she pushed herself onward.
  • Finally, I arrived at the stream that I remembered from my childhood. It was a place my late mother had often brought me to play by the beach.
  • The sound of the running water was a bittersweet melody that resonated with memories of laughter and joy. My heart clenched as she looked around, feeling the absence of my mother's comforting presence keenly.
  • I sat down by the water's edge, collapsing onto the muddy ground. Wrapping my arms around my knees, I buried her face in my hands and cried.
  • The tears flowed freely, mingling with raindrops and the stream's water. I felt a mixture of grief and anger, my heart heavy with the weight of loss and betrayal.
  • As I sat by the stream, memories of her mother flooded her mind. As the darkness deepened, I suddenly realised that it was nighttime. Fear crawled up her spine, and my pulse quickened.
  • Panicked, I took a step back, my heart racing even faster. In my haste, my foot slipped on a wet rock, and before I knew it, I fell and rolled into the cold water. Panic overtook me as she struggled to stay down and my limbs struggled in the water.
  • Someone should please help me ! I don’t want to die! I have not even had sex yet! Someone save me , I don’t want to die a virgin and I need ri stay alive for my brother!” I kept shouting and howling but no one seemed to be around and it’s already late at night.
  • At Least I will die with a full stomach I thought because I am already giving up. I have been trying to save myself but it feels like I keep getting deeper , my entire body is covered with water. There is water entering my eyes and ears and I can already feel the taste of the swimming pool chlorine in my mouth.
  • *Splash Splash Splash*
  • “Help me! Someone should please help me! I can't die and leave my brother alone in this wicked world !” I kept shouting
  • It feels like I am fighting a battle, I tried to spread my hands and splash my legs around the water but the weight of the water kept drowning me and making me sink down.
  • I tried to hold my breath and swim but all my efforts were in vain . I kept choking and coughing under the water which made my entire body become weak. I blinked away the water tirelessly till my body gave up and I blanked out into total darkness.