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Chapter 6 The Alpha Hates Me

  • Maya’s POV
  • I knew that something was wrong the moment I woke up from sleep. I had a bad feeling about today but I brushed it off. I am tired , heartbroken and not in a very good mood so I ignored my instincts and noticed that the house is awfully quiet when I was walking down stairs towards the dining room which is close to the kitchen.
  • My family loves to gist, argue or watch the television loudly but the house seems too quiet today, no music was playing in the background and I also didn’t hear the sound of Haden playing around which made me really suspicious.
  • I woke up pretty late today ,I stared into the mirror with my dishevelled hair and SpongeBob pyjamas to rehearse what I will tell my parents since I still haven’t heard a word from Delta Jacob since last night and my face is still red and visibly swollen up from the swimming pool accident I had last night. The large amount of concealer I dabbed to my face still couldn’t hide it.
  • “Mother , what’s wrong ?” I asked , my heart skipping a beat at the sight of my step mother’s red swollen face filled with tears.
  • “Go back to your room “ she mouthed but my body was too shocked to even move.
  • “Run Now! Protect your brother and step sister !” She mouthed again making desperate hand gestures towards me where my feet still felt glued to the wooden staircase leading down from my room to the kitchen.
  • “Arghhh!” I shouted when I understood that she was trying to tell me that she's in danger but I immediately closed my mouth hoping that mother’s piercing crying shouts covered mine while my feet finally got moving as I stepped back , turning around and running back to my room .
  • I shouted at the sight of a huge, ugly and dangerous looking man coming from the kitchen and he was holding a wolfsbane gun that was pointing towards my step mothers head.
  • Who is this man?
  • What does he want ?
  • Where is father? I didn’t see him in the dining room with my step mother.
  • I wish it was a full moon where we can easily turn into our werewolf forms and fight with our strength but it’s still the middle of the month and I am not strong enough to fight that hideous large man!
  • My family is not so rich and as omegas we also stay in the low suburb part of town, so definitely armed robbers or thieves wouldn’t target our poor house because they won’t have anything to steal, except designer clothes or shoes.
  • So why on earth will someone with a gun sneak up into our home this early morning?!
  • The thoughts kept clouding my head as I ran to hide inside my wardrobe silently praying to the moon goddess to keep my family safe.
  • I wrapped my legs and placed some clothes over my head and body while I kept my ears at alert just in case I heard any movement.
  • *Ring Ring Ring*
  • Shape of you by Ed Sheeran began blasting on my phone loudly.
  • “Shit! My phone, I should grab it and call for help. I totally forgot about it. It seems like my brain has been in some zombie mood since last night …!” I quickly came out of the dark and old wooden wardrobe towards my bed where I picked the phone , ignoring Eve's call and switched off the small sleek gadget silently hoping that the chaos downstairs would stop them from hearing the ring tone so that they wouldn't come for me too .
  • I ran to hide behind the curtains of my door holding my bedside lamp stand in hand when I felt footsteps but the loud and heavy footsteps didn’t stop in front of my door , it moved to the next door.
  • “Haden! That’s Haden’s room, I quickly opened the door and tried to hit the huge man before he could open Haden’s door but he turned around and kicked me with his legs in my abdomen. It was so painful that it made me fall down till I rolled down the staircase in a painful manner.
  • “Ouch” I groaned , lifting my bruised head to come face to face with my step mother and father both their lips tied , their body also tied to the dining table chairs with a heavy chain,there were also two men pointing a gun to their head.
  • “What’s going on ?!” I shouted trying to stand up and pick the broken lantern as a weapon but I heard a click sound and a metal tugging behind my head.
  • I swallowed,my throat immediately going dry and I almost pee in my pants when I felt the edge of the metallic pistol hitting the back of my head.
  • “One wrong move and you are gone” came a terrifying yet familiar voice. I raised my shaky hands up in surrender while the tears now freely streamed down from my face.
  • I was so selfish, my step mother told me to go and protect Haden and Stella but instead I went ahead to hide and the man who hurt me is still not back with Haden, it’s better for us to face this as a family than for them to hurt my baby brother Haden alone in his room.
  • “Mother I am so sorry , I couldn’t protect Stella and Haden. I am so sorry “ I cried loudly.
  • “Tape her and shut her mouth up !” Came the voice again, pushing me towards where my father and my step mother are. I turned my limb body around to face the monster that seems to be in charge of this sick shit when my eyes widened with shock.
  • “Alpha Aaron?” I whispered looking up at him but his expression still remained grim, he didn’t even spare me a glance as two men stood behind him bringing him a chair to sit down.
  • This must be more serious than I thought and more of his soldiers kept appearing out of nowhere. I cried into the masking tape which was taped on my mouth as I looked up at the monster with so much hatred in my heart, waiting for him to tell us our crime because my family doesn't deserve this harsh treatment .
  • Now you can have a clear picture of why my body was shaking back then at the garden when I almost slapped Alpha Aaron or did he come to punish me for trying to slap him ? But I asked for forgiveness, I begged him on my knees last night!
  • “If it’s because I almost slapped you,please take me and leave my family out of this. Please punish me alone !” I cried out but he ignored me , my tears didn’t even make him glance my way.
  • He looks bigger , more terrifying yet calm in his well tailored black business suit that made him look more like a god than a devil despite the bloody situation at hand.
  • Rumours had it that he is worse than the devil and my family and are so unfortunate to witness his wrought first hand.
  • “You must be wondering about the unexpected visit right? He asked casually, playing with a gun in his hands.
  • Ugh?! He should stop playing around and get to the point already!
  • “Omega Lucas , how dare you ,a common omega, betray me and the entire Bloodmoon Pack?”Alpha Aaron asked , his mean scowl directed at father as one of the soldiers removed the tape on father’s face.
  • “I dare do no such thing!” Cried father with so much raw pain in his voice. My stepmother's face was also red as tears and mucus kept flowing from her face,the sight completely broke me.
  • “Bring in the witness who has the evidence…”
  • One of the soldiers went to the living room and came back to the small and crowded dining room with Delta Jacob behind him.
  • “Ugh?!” What on earth is going on here?!