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Pawned To The Billionaire

Pawned To The Billionaire

Elizabeth Marvy

Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • Asher's POV
  • I walked to the altar clutching my father's hand, my steps trembling. It felt as though my wedding gown was composed of gold.
  • My eyes met with the man who was patiently waiting for me at the altar.
  • Although he was captivating and I could not deny it, he is still a stranger to me as this is our first meeting.
  • At the altar, Liam exuded handsomeness as a young, successful billionaire.
  • My father had said, "You have to marry Liam; you know we need more contracts for our company."
  • I forced a smile as I approached Liam. I'm getting married to a man I barely know because of my father's company.
  • I feel my marriage is just like a business transaction because I was getting married for business and not for love.
  • I tried to force myself to ignore my emotions and focus on the present. I couldn't help but worry about what would happen to me in the marriage as I tied the knot with a man I hardly knew.
  • My parents had arranged the marriage more for business than for love. It was difficult to accept that I was only a pawn to make my father's business grow. Facing the man who would become my husband at the altar, I could feel my heartbeat.
  • The officiant asked if I would accept this man as my married husband, and I hesitated at first, my mind racing.
  • "Yes, I do," I finally said in a shaggy tone. Ignore my sense of resignation and even a hint of sadness I'm feeling; did I really want to dedicate my life to this man for the sake of my father's firm?
  • "Yes," Liam said, his voice full of feelings. Our eyes met as he said the words that would join us together.
  • A chill went down my spine as I discovered this was the start of our life together.
  • After exchanging quick kisses, we turned to face the guests after the officiant pronounced us husband and wife.They cheered, and I smiled forcefully.
  • My parents were sitting happily in the pews when I looked up from the altar. While my mother's eyes gleamed with tears of joy, my father beamingly displayed his pride.
  • I experienced a surge of uncertainty at that very moment. My heart was pounding and I breathed in and out several times to keep it cool. I wondered if I had made the right decision.
  • Liam tapped me on the back and said in a low voice "The ceremony is over, we can go to the reception now.". It was obvious he couldn't wait to finish the wedding program .
  • As we exited the church and got into the vehicle that would drive us to the reception venue. Nobody spoke, as if we were afraid to talk. As we were being driven away from the church where we had just exchanged vows, the only sound was the soft purr of the engine.
  • I was so carried away with the splendor all around me as we arrived at the reception hall. People in their finest clothes, all wealthy and powerful, filled the room. The glitter of gold and diamonds was visible,and the smell of power and wealth permeated the air.
  • “Here come the newlyweds!” announced the MC, his voice booming through the reception hall.
  • I turned to my new husband, Liam and saw his face was expressionless. Even though my future groom and I stood side by side, I knew he wasn't entirely happy about our impending union.
  • The marriage was arranged by our families without regard to our personal feelings. I was told that he was once in love with a woman, she moved and according to rumors she died, since then he couldn't open his heart to anyone.
  • The reception program started but I wasn't really concentrating and so lost in thought, I suddenly heard the MC announce that it was time for the first dance.
  • I took a deep breath and knew I had to dance with my new husband, who still seemed cold and distant. He took my hand gently and led me to the dance floor, his grip firm but friendly.
  • As we danced, I made an effort to talk to my husband, hoping to get an answer.
  • I tried to sound optimistic when I said, "You're a good dancer."
  • "Really?" he replied with his eyebrow raised.
  • "Yes," I replied with my sweet smile.
  • “You have such grace. “He smiled at me and I felt a glimmer of hope.”
  • After the dance, it was time for the cake cutting. I took a bite of the cake and turned to my husband. He watched me with an indiscernible expression on his face. Still shaking, I held the cake out to him. “Feed me?” I asked, my voice barely audible.
  • My spouse took the cake from my grasp and placed his fingers on mine and brought it to me. I closed my eyes and opened my mouth to let him feed me. I could barely taste the rich, sugary cake.
  • “Time for the second dance with the parents of the groom and bride,” the MC announced.
  • I couldn't say I was tired because all I was thinking about was completing the program and facing the reality with my husband.
  • Liam and I lazily moved back onto the dance floor while our parents also came to join in.
  • “Dance well and be happy,” I heard Liam’s father tell him.
  • My mother would not stop telling me to put on a smile and dance well. She frowned whenever I put on a sad face.
  • I could see the great joy on my father's face as he danced. I know he was happier because of his business.
  • “You should be happy that you are marrying a rich young man,” my mother said brightly and smiling and all I could do was fake a smile.
  • The billionaires came onto the dance floor to spray us with dollars.
  • My dad's teeth beamed because I know he was really happy to be in a relationship with a man who is richer than him and has great connections.
  • “I have to use the toilet,” Liam said to the MC, trying to excuse himself.