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Chapter 11

  • A Family Dinner
  • I spend the next few hours familiarizing myself with my new home. The kitchen is fully furnished, and my father must have unpacked for me because everything is placed exactly how I liked it. I notice that I still have some time, so I grab one of my favorite books and make myself comfortable in my breakfast-nook with a cup of green tea. I don't read much though, spending most of my time gazing out of my window, becoming acquainted with my new home.
  • At six I start getting ready, wondering how formal this dinner and bonfire is going to be. Deciding to dress casually, I pick a nice pair of dark jeans, a dark green blouse, hoop earrings and a pair of comfortable wedge sandals. My hair looks good, responding well to the climate. It falls in long waves down my back, reaching just below my shoulder-blades. I am completing my look with a quick and natural touch of makeup (mascara and some lip gloss) when someone knocks on the door.
  • "Come in!" I shout, hearing the door open instantly. I walk out of my bedroom to see Leah with a large bushel of wildflowers in her hands.
  • "Ah! Thank you! They're beautiful," I exclaim, taking them from her.
  • She smiles. She looks great. She's changed from her work pants and oversized t-shirt to a pair of dark skinny jeans and a brightly colored midriff top with a high collar and Native American print. Her hair is pulled back in a high ponytail, showing off the strong features in her oval face.
  • "So, do you like your new home?" she asks, while I search for a vase for the flowers.
  • Finding one, I fill it with water before organizing the flowers, silently placing a small spell on them so they will live a little longer in my care.
  • "I love it," I answer, placing the flowers on the small dining table.
  • "Jake and Esme did a great job. It used to be this run-down cabin Uncle Harrison used before Jake renovated it this Spring. When he was done, he and Esme furnished it," she explains.
  • No wonder Jake had been excited for me to see it. I'd have to thank them both later. I turn around noticing how Leah has fallen silent. She is wringing her hands, obviously nervous about something. She huffs, pulling out one of the chairs next to the table and gestures for me to sit.
  • "Ok, so… Just so you are prepared. During dinner tonight Carlisle and his family are coming over," she starts.
  • "I know. Jake told me," I answer, not understanding her concern. I'm just meeting a few new people. I'd been doing that all day.
  • "In other words, the Alpha and Beta of our pack are coming over to decide if they will allow you and your father to join us," she explains, studying me as though she is waiting for me to understand what that means.
  • Dread begins to grow in my stomach.
  • "They can say no?" I ask.
  • Leah bites her bottom lip.
  • "Not really. You're family. They can't exactly turn you away. But they can make it difficult for you. Or they can choose to not react when others make it difficult for you," she explains vaguely.
  • "And you will need to show your submission and allegiance to the pack. That won't happen today, but both Charlie's and your wolf will need to submit to both the Alpha and Beta's wolves."
  • "What does that mean?" I ask, frustrated that I don't understand what any of this means. She covers my hands with hers.
  • "Not much really, just that your wolf has to meet them in wolf-form, and she has to show that she understands that they are the leaders of the pack. She needs to submit to them, and it's something she has to do. Not you. You have to let her be in control or it won't work."
  • I bite my lip nervously. My wolf is stubborn and cocky. What she lacks in size, she makes up for in attitude. I usually always hold her back, never having had the opportunity to completely let her loose. I have no idea how she will react without me in the lead.
  • "Tonight, you and Charlie just have to orally pledge your allegiance as humans. You just follow your father's lead in this. He will speak for you. But later at the bonfire, please stay close to the rest of my family and I. Jake, Quil, Embry, Seth and I will have your back. Just, please don't go anywhere alone," she begs.
  • "You're making me nervous," I admit.
  • "Most likely nothing will happen. These bonfires are just a big party for the pack and everyone is usually in a really good mood with all the music and dancing, but sometimes feelings can run a little high and a squabble or two can break out and… sometimes some shifters will feel the need to show dominance and since you are a halfling-," she stops.
  • "I'm easy prey," I complete her sentence.
  • She nods.
  • "Can't I just come up here during the bonfire?" I ask, trying to find a good solution.
  • "You need to prove that you are part of the pack. If you escape up here, you're only showing weakness," Leah answers seriously.
  • I nod, squaring my shoulders before standing up.
  • "Then that's that. We join the bonfire."
  • "Yes, we do. United, as a family."
  • I smile at her fierce declaration.
  • "Thank you," I say genuinely.
  • She smiles back, clapping her hands together as though she were dusting them off.
  • "Let's get to it then."