Chapter 1148
- "The possibility you mentioned is not nonexistent, but very small," Luke Ainsley said coldly. Having grown up under the oppression of the Ainsleys, he couldn't comprehend the mindset of children like Yan Chen who had grown up in happy families. "Yan Chen's ability to enter the Yan Group and become a significant shareholder is closely tied to Yan Zhen City."
- "And also," Luke Ainsley added with a faint smile, "I can tell that Yan Chen doesn't possess the same level of business acumen as you do. However, during the board meeting, he was able to identify numerous mistakes in your speech. If there wasn't someone with an intimate knowledge of the Yan Group guiding him from behind, I wouldn't believe it."
- "In conclusion, I still maintain that all of this was orchestrated by Yan Zhen City."