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Chapter 104

  • —Damian—
  • A while later, a knock sounds on the door and Tristan grumbles in frustration, I'm not sure exactly what his plan is. The man is on the floor right now and he just pissed himself, whether it was from the pain or from fear, I have no idea. Tristan keeps on torturing him, we've gotten everything we need from him, I don't know what he wants to do, whether he wants to keep him alive to continue torturing him, or he wants to kill him, I don't think that Tristan himself knows.
  • I wash my hand in the sink to get rid of the blood and then I dry my hands in a towel before I go and open the door, John is on the other side of the door. His eyes looked down at my blood splattered shirt but he Immediately stopped and looked up at my face, doing his best not to look at Tristan and the man on the floor.
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