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Chapter 8

  • "Liam, can I ask you something?" Harry asks.
  • "Of course, what's up man?"
  • "How do you... How do you try to befriend a woman who got mad at you for your jokes?"
  • Liam looks back at me with furrowed brows, "Was it personal jokes?"
  • Harry shakes his head, "No, it's nothing like that."
  • "Bloody hell was it your dirty joke again?" Liam chimes.
  • "No!" Harry insists but Liam had already figured out a lie.
  • "Ah, ah, ah." Liam runs moves his forefinger in front of Harry's face. "You cannot lie to me. You told a woman a dirty joke and she got pissed at you, didn't she?" Liam smiles evilly.
  • Harry rolls his eyes while Liam laughs. "I knew it!"
  • "Can you just tell me how to befriend a woman please?" Harry sounded pissed and demanding for an answer. "I mean you're good in patching things up with Sophia."
  • "I send her flowers. Sweet talk to her. Blast her phones with calls and messages until she talks to me. Stuff like that." Liam answers honestly. "Wait, is this for your new lady bug?"
  • "Liam how many times do I have to tell you don't call my women lady bugs." Harry states.
  • Liam laughs, "You know Harold, not all women loves to be talked dirty."
  • "I know Liam. That is why I am asking you for help."
  • "Help for what Hazza?" Louis pops out from behind them with a curious smile.
  • Even before Harry can stop Liam, he had already answered for him, "Harry's having women problem." Harry sighs heavily.
  • Louis winces, "Oh, I am not such a good person to talk about such a thing."
  • Harry gestures his hand to Liam, "That's why I am asking Liam, Lou."
  • Louis pats Harry's back, "Don't hurt yourself, mate."
  • Liam faces Harry as he pulls up one finger, "Flowers, sweet talk, tons of messages."
  • Harry purses his lips and grabbed his phone out from his pocket as he searched through Lindy's phone if she had written her home address somewhere in her apps and started getting busy contacting flower shops and pet shops in Canada which can deliver to Lindy's home later before she gets home from school.
  • Harry checks his watch as he was on a phone call, "I want it to arrive on time. Thanks!"
  • In Canada, Lindy was sitting down on her desk, listening to her math teacher. A typical boring math class that all students hate. But she wasn't really listening to the teacher because she was bothered to how she fought with Harold. She knows what its a funny joke and a disrespecting joke and since she was not used to being joked that way, she got pissed. It was almost lunch and she was already starving. Waiting for the time to hit by twelve noon.
  • She couldn't even listen well to her professor anymore because she was either starving to death, bored or bothered about Harold. Suddenly, she feels her phone vibrating inside her pocket and she knows who's it from instantly. She hurriedly pulled it out and hid it under her desk.
  • Harold: Are you still mad? :( You haven't texted me since last night. I am really sorry. I was just joking and I know it was a bad joke but I didn't know you'll be offended by it. I didn't know you will take it that way. It was bad, no more dirty jokes. I swear, just forgive me please. I'm so sorry. I didn't know you'd take it hard. It went too far, I'm sorry?
  • She rolled her eyes at her phone after reading the text.
  • Lindy: I'm in math class right now. Can't talk. Busy.
  • Hard: It's probably almost lunch there, so I'll call you during your vacant babe. I'm occupied right now too. I just texted to check in. I'm sorry again. Talk to me soon, please.
  • "Harry, stop texting and let's get this photoshoot done." Liam scolded brotherly.
  • "Yeah." Harry muffles.
  • "Harold! Cmon man!" Louis calls out.
  • "Yeah. Yeah. Coming!" Harry yelled back while his eyes were on his phone.
  • Harry placed his phone inside the pockets of his jacket then placed it on top of the table securely. Even though he knew he was busy, Harry couldn't stop thinking about Lindy and how mad she was for what he did. He knew it was maniacal joke but didn't really mean it. He didn't mean to hurt her. He didn't mean to make her feel offended. Finally, he joined the other lads and started finishing their photoshoots, faking smiles while his mind was thinking about Lindy, Lindy and Lindy.
  • Meanwhile Lindy smiled at her phone.
  • "Are you texting on your cellphone Miss Swanepoel?" The teacher calls out to her.
  • Lindy's eyes dilated. She hurriedly pulled her head up and her classmates were staring at her. She slowly placed her phone inside her pocket nervously.
  • "No Mrs. Palmer." Lindy answered.
  • "Okay so to continue our topic."
  • 12:15PM
  • Lindy kept glaring at her phone while waiting for Harold to text or call like what he promised her. Yes, she's been dying to receive a phone call from Harry as what he promised her. No matter how many time she denies it to herself again and again, she knows that she's waiting for his text or call.
  • "He said he'll call." Lindy muttered to herself.
  • "You will not believe what happened to me yesterday Lindy!"
  • Lindy flinched when she heard a loud echoing voice. It was her best friend Martha, who sat down beside Lindy unexpectedly that made her jump from her seat.
  • "I went to the doctor and begged for him to make me a fake medical certificate but he turned out to be a pervert! Guys nowadays!"
  • Lindy smiled at Martha when she was reminded of Harold.
  • "Oh puh-lease, pervs are everywhere on this planet even on your phone." Lindy mumbled.
  • Martha turned her head to Lindy and hugged her.
  • "I missed you bestfriend!" Martha exclaimed while pulling herself away.
  • "You've been absent for three days Martha. Don't forget we're seniors. Don't get too much absents." She reminded her own best friend.
  • "You see I told the principal that I had a contagious disease and well technically she seemed to believe it. Too much for high intelligence."
  • Lindy chuckled suddenly she noticed her phone vibrated on top of the table. She hurriedly grabbed it while Martha kept talking about the pervert doctor.
  • Harold: Are you having your lunch break right now?
  • Lindy: Yup. But don't call, I'm with my best friend.
  • Harry smiled at his phone while getting on the elevator with Lou Teasdale, the lads' hair stylist, and Liam and Louis. At least she was texting and still talking to him, he thought to himself with a smile on his face. He gets happy when she replies to his messages and he doesn't know why but she suddenly affects him for no reason.
  • Lou nudges Louis and Liam as they were staring at a smiling Harry. "Trust me Lou, he's been on his phone since we got back here from Canada." Louis tells Lou.
  • Harold: You want me all for yourself, I see? Don't worry babe. I am :)
  • He tried to be cheeky, hoping it would work and lighten Lindy even just a little bit. And he did, she chuckled deeply while reading his text message even though he doesn't see it.
  • Lindy: You see, I don't want her to feel that I am not listening to her story about this PERV doctor she went to.
  • Harold: Well you are obviously not listening to her because you're busy texting with me babe.
  • Lindy: I am listening to her! You know, pervs should be given a lesson they will never forget for disrespecting women. Their legions are everywhere!
  • "Harry were you listening?" Lou snapped at him.
  • He moved his head to Lou and the other two lads who were also staring at him. He does not have any idea what they were talking about.
  • "He was obviously not." Louis commented.
  • "I was." Harry responded quickly.
  • "Really? Then what were we talking about a while ago?" Liam asked.
  • Harry took a pause and glanced at them but he was not listening to them all this time. He lowered his phone a little and felt it beeping on his hand.
  • "About the... um.. What to wear for tomorrow's photoshoot?" Harry guessed.
  • "We talked about that thirty minutes ago. Why are you so busy with your phone? I've noticed that since yesterday." Lou said.
  • "He's got a secret textmate." Louis chimes.
  • "Really?" Lou was surprised and turned her head to Louis. "A new lady lovebug."
  • "Can we not call women as bugs please? Jesus Christ." Harry commented.
  • "His new pastime." Liam corrected.
  • Harry's eyebrows met at the center and stared at Liam.
  • "She's not my pastime." Harry quickly responded.
  • "So it really is a she!" Louis snaps his fingers while laughing.
  • Harry faced palm. The three of them started chuckling while they walked out of the elevator.
  • "Who is she Harry?" Lou asked.
  • "Nice going Leeyum." Louis said while patting his shoulder.
  • Liam smiled at Harry.
  • "You know, you are really good at doing that. You could've been a psychologist, Li." Harry told him sarcastically while rolling his eyes.
  • "Oh no Harold, it's just that you're so easy to figure out." Louis answered with a smile on his face, "And didn't you ask Liam about love advice earlier for women problems?"
  • Louis and Liam fist bumped each other.
  • "I am never asking you two for anything." Harry says.
  • They walked inside the backstage of a studio and saw Zayn and Niall sitting down on the couch.
  • "Are you boys ready for this interview?" Lou asked while placing her bags on the table.
  • "We're always ready for interviews Lou." Niall answered.
  • "Hey Lou, could you do my hair first? I really need to give Perrie a call in thirty since she's doing a recording right now." Zayn pleaded while standing from the couch.
  • "Sure thing love. C'mon here lets get started." Lou said.
  • Caroline Watson, their stylist, got inside and pulled along some racks of clothes while entering. "Boys we need to start looking for your outfits." Caroline hollered.
  • Harry sat down on the couch while Liam, Louis and Niall walked to Caroline to try fitting their outfits for their interview later. Harry sneakily pulled his phone out from his pocket and even though he wanted to call Lindy, he was busy and she was with her best friend.
  • Harold: What kind of lesson do you have in mind to be exact?
  • "Harry dear." Caroline calls out which made Harry flinch. He looked over to her and hid his phone behind his knees, "Aren't you going to try fitting for your outfit? Get off your phone and come here."
  • Harry stood up and joined them. Caroline started choosing clothes for each of the boys while Louis and Niall were bickering off the cool-looking leather jacket which was for Zayn.
  • "This kind of tight." Liam exclaims.
  • Meanwhile..
  • "Lindy, were you listening to my story?" Lindy moved her head to Martha.
  • "You could've kicked him in his balls Marthy." Lindy commented, even though she was not really paying much attention to her story.
  • "Do you think I should have?"
  • Lindy nodded.
  • Lindy: Pervs should be smacked in their balls hard with a paddle or let rats eat it out.
  • "Wait, are you texting someone?" Martha suddenly blurt out and found it unusual to see Lindy getting busy with her phone.
  • "Huh? What? No." Lindy lied while putting her phone away.
  • "Oh don't be silly, I know you too well. Who are you texting with?"
  • Lindy took a sip from her juice, hesitant about telling her. "I am not texting somebody."
  • "Are you gonna tell me or I'll get your phone from you?" Martha asked with her eyebrow raising.
  • Lindy exhales heavily.
  • "Fine. I'm texting the one who owns this phone." Lindy blurts out.
  • Martha chuckled finding it funny to hear it like that. "Are you going nuts?" Martha asked.
  • "No."
  • "Are you on meths?"
  • Lindy shakes her head, "Of course not."
  • "You're probably doing coke?"
  • Lindy gaped, "Martha, no. I'm not doing drugs."
  • "But you're texting yourself?"
  • "This is actually not my phone. I accidentally swapped my iPhone to this British guy who I don't know that left Canada nights ago." Lindy answers while sipping her orange juice.
  • Martha paused, "You're serious?"
  • Lindy nodded.
  • "Then how are you gonna get your phone back from him?" Martha asked.
  • "He said he'll be back here after a week or two."
  • "Or never! How could you be so careless for not noticing it's not yours?"
  • "When you don't have someone to text to all the time, you don't really stare at your phone that long so I didn't check it when I picked it up from the table."
  • Martha glares at the phone and she wondered who could have had her bestie's phone. "I told you to buy a casing for your phone, you don't listen to me." Martha says as a matter-of-factly.
  • "I should've had." Lindy sighed.
  • "Where did you left it anyways?"
  • "Nando's."
  • "I heard British guys are insanely hot and have big package." Martha answers differently which was out of the context. "You're so lucky! I think I should leave my phone at Nando's too."
  • Lindy gave soft laugh as she feels her phone vibrating again.
  • Harold: That is too much babe. Even I don't want my balls to be eaten by rats. Pervs are not rapists. There are pervs because there are girls who wears clothes that bares too much skin. Just saying :)
  • The bell rang and all students were now heading back to their classrooms. Lindy and Martha went to their respective classrooms too unable to finish talking about Lindy's Mr. Mysterious.
  • Lindy: Ttyl. Lunch break is done.
  • Harold: Okay. Later babe.
  • "So, this girl you are texting with Harry." Liam begins to interrogate. "What's she like?"
  • "It's really a girl?" Niall asked.
  • "It's a new lady lovebug." Zayn teases with a smile.
  • "I swear to God that nickname has to go away." Harry answers, getting annoyed by the term lady lovebug while the other four were laughing.
  • Harry started staring at the shirts Caroline picked for him, there were plain black, white with a few tribal designs which weren't his thing, and a few others which were more bold in colors.
  • "She's pretty." Harry answers. "She's really pretty."
  • "What, is she another high profile actress in Hollywood?" Louis interrogates.
  • Harry got quiet.
  • "Probably a model." Zayn guesses.
  • "Hmm, she's pretty." Harry answers.
  • "It's not like we're not gonna know who it is later on, Harry." Zayn tells him. "The media is always there to check on your every move."
  • Harry ignored them and pulled out one shirt from the rack, "Caroline I like this one."
  • "Lovely color on you, dear." She smiles at Harry. "Pair it up with any of those shoes over there, will you dear?"
  • Harry nods obediently.
  • "Or is she a fan you met at Canada when we visited there?" Niall asked while trying on a shirt.
  • Harry shakes his head to respond.
  • "She says she's not a fan." Harry answered honestly while getting busy inspecting at the shoes.
  • "She's not from Hollywood is she?" Liam asked.
  • "Model." Zayn insists again.
  • "You'll know." Harry answers.
  • After the interview, Harry rushes to his phone and received a message from the delivery service in Canada. "Good Day Mr. Harold! Your parcel has been delivered to the address attached below. Thank you for choosing our delivery service!"
  • Harry smiles, "Just on a perfect time."
  • By the time, Lindy's day finished, she went home on her own and was surprised when her mom called for her in the kitchen. "Yes mom?" Lindy answers.
  • "Someone sent you flowers dear and something else." She turns to Lindy with a smile.
  • "Flowers? Who would send me flowers?" Lindy was confused because as far as she knows she does not have a suitor. "What do you mean by something else mom?"
  • "They're upstairs. In your room."
  • Lindy rushes up to her bedroom and was surprised to see a beautifully arranged white roses on her bed and a small dog cage with an adorable white Bichon Frise in it which had a pink ribbon as its collar. Lindy gapes a she approaches the cute dog which was barking on her. She kneels in front of it as the cute dog was wagging its tail while staring back at her.
  • "Hello." Lindy cooed as she pets it with her fingers. She decided to take it out from the cage and carried it over her arms. "You're so adorable. Where did you come from?" She says to the dog.
  • Lindy walks to her bed where the bouquet was and a smile leaves her face. She grabs the small card and opened it as it says...
  • Nothing I can say will reverse the anger that I've caused you. I am really sorry. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Give the adorable dog a name, will you?
  • Yours,
  • Harold
  • Lindy smiles happily.