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Chapter 6

  • Harold: I really like how gutsy you are calling me name. Now be nice babe because it's just a button away ;)
  • Lindy got so pissed at Harold that she didn't want to respond anymore and ignore him. She had this whole new image of the man that got his phone. She grabbed her bag and walked out of the cafeteria feeling angry at how arrogant and maniacal Harold was. Teasing Harry was still enjoying poking fun and nasty jokes at poo Lindy who was not very much fond of it. Unlike all the other women he got used to jesting around with his nasty jokes, Lindy was not such a fan of it all.
  • Lindy: I already told you to stop giving me pet names!! Can't you understand English???Harold; I can call you any name I want. You're always this uptight? God Lindy. Loosen up a little. I'm just having fun.Lindy: Well I am not having fun you maniac! And how can I loosen up when I'm texting with a pervert? BTW to complete strangers, I am uptight!
  • "The names keep coming I see." Harry says to himself. "Well touché, I can play this game too baby doll." He mumbled to himself, still completely ignoring the other lads.
  • Harold: Trust me when I say I'm not a stranger Lindy :) Most importantly, you're so lucky that I'm the one who got it and you're texting with me. A lot of other girls would die to be in your shoes.Lindy pauses along the hallway and scoffs at the text that she received. She felt as if she owed this man for finding her phone other than someone else. She didn't get the whole "You're lucky, I got your phone" thing because she didn't feel lucky at all.
  • Lindy: Why not find other women who are more interested enough to talk to you instead.Harry smirks as he types on his phone because he has never teased a woman as much as he teases Lindy and he enjoys how she's getting way too triggered by his demoralized messages. He does not mean any of those dirty messages, he is just enjoying texting a woman that for once in his life is showing dislike to him. Thus all women around him are always preaching him and admiring him because he is Harry from 1D and he's tired of how they are all giving him attention. For a change, he is now the one asking for attention from this woman who still remains anonymous.
  • Harold: You're too uptight bee-bee. You're like a tiny blouse with buttons already about to pop out to a woman's huge breasts.
  • Lindy gaped. "This man is just absolutely disgusting."
  • Lindy: YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY DISGUSTING AS HELL!!! Of all things you could've compared me to being uptight? It had to be popping buttons from a woman's huge breasts?! WTF! You're a psycho!
  • Harry chuckles, "And there's more names I see. You're really something Lindy." Harry mumbles to himself. He knows he never had this kind of conversation with any other woman before that's why he enjoys texting with her so much.
  • Harold: And you also love capital letters. You must like it big? I have it big babe. ;)
  • "Gross!" Lindy commented as she walks along the hallways and noticed that she has caught other students attention. She kept walking with her head down low, "I swear to God whoever you are Harold, I hope you piss on your pants."
  • "Holy..." Harry stands from his chair when he accidentally spilled his cold coffee all over his pants which caught the others attention. He looks over himself, "What the fuck." He mumbles while making sure he kept Lindy's phone safe.
  • The other lads kept laughing at Harry and starts teasing him. He stares back at them, "I look like I pissed." Harry says with a smile and he does not know why he is smiling when is skinny pants is worth $120 that he bought in the U.S.
  • "And you're really happy you spilled coffee on you." Niall's laughter makes Harry laugh too.
  • "You're really weird Styles." Louis chuckles.
  • "I guess this is what I get." Harry commented and sits back down on the chair as soon as Lindy responded to his message. H
  • Lindy: Don't you have anything else nice to say, DOM?! And didn't I tell you to go bother other women other than me?
  • Harry smirks again.
  • Harry: I am a DOM. I dominate when it comes to women.
  • "As if that's what I meant." Lind laughs to herself.
  • Lindy: STUPID! I meant Dirty Old Man. LMFAO!
  • Harry bites his lower lip. "Clever. Very clever."
  • "Is talking to oneself a thing now?" Liam asks Zayn who shrugs his shoulders.
  • Harry: If I'm a Dirty Old Man as you say then let me guess, you're a high school student. You have such a sweet voice when I talked to you. I bet you're the innocent, pure, young and Miss Goodie Good type. Or maybe you're a college kid who hasn't had sex for the couple of days that's why you're this uptight. Which one are you, baby?
  • Lindy's eyes widened, almost jumping out from her sockets. "This man is sick."
  • Lindy: I HAVE NEVER MET A MAN AS STUPID AND DIRTY AS YOU! Well too bad, I don't fit your standards. I'm a VERY old woman, with cane, white hairs and wrinkles.
  • Harry smiled to himself, "I have way better jokes than that." He sounded proud.
  • Harold: That's cute. But you call that funny? Okay, I'm giving you a chance this time. But only one time. Ha-ha. See? I laughed. I laughed at your joke because your like a cute little hot ripe apple that's ready to be eaten.
  • Lindy: You have absolutely no right to talk to me this way! Don't you have respect for women? Don't you have a mom? A sister? What if guys would talk to them the way you disrespect me? You know what? Don't talk to me ever again!
  • Harry purses his lips and rethinks of how Lindy scolded her. It bugged her because she was right, he has disrespected her my malicious dirty messages and he has gotten far off his jokes. Harry is always sensitive when it comes to his family, especially his mom and his sister Gemma.
  • Harold: Stop being uptight bee-bee. I'm just having fun with you. Relax. Now tell me your age, old woman.
  • Lindy: Not in a lifetime dirty old man.Harold: You don't trust me?Lindy: Most definitely NOT!! With the messages you sent me? Hell no!Harold: Wow. You're so honest. That's what I like about you now. Well I'm 22, in case you were wondering.
  • "Trust me, I am not curious about getting to know you at all." Lindy says to herself.
  • Suddenly, the bell rang and Lindy hurriedly ran to her next class which was physics, not her strong subject. She knows her Physics teacher is very strict and hates every student in all of her class for some unknown reason.
  • Lindy: G2G
  • Harold: Why? Am I too old for you? Too young? Are you just finding an excuse not to talk to me? Cos I will definitely annoy you more and more and more if you're lying right now.
  • Lindy slipped her phone inside her pocket and got inside the room, ignoring ignored Harold.
  • •••••
  • In the middle of the class while they were all silently taking an exam, Lindy's phone all of a sudden started playing Sweet Disposition. She paused and pulled her head up upon seeing that her classmates were now looking back at her. She realized that it was her phone ringing and she mentally curses why it had to ring at this kind of time.
  • "Who's phone is that?!" Mrs. Sullivan exclaimed out loud to the class.
  • Lindy hurriedly grabbed her phone from her bag and stared at the caller.
  • "Of course." She thought.
  • Lindy stands from her chair, "Mrs. Sullivan, can I take this very very important call outside?"
  • "Why won't you answer it now? I don't mind listening. We have time." Mrs. Sullivan answered sarcastically while raising her eyebrow.
  • Lindy gulped and stared at her screen again while everyone else was staring at her. She knows that Mrs. Sullivan intentionally made her want to take the phone call to punish her and embarrass her in front of the class. Lindy is well aware that teachers in her school especially Miss Sullivan does not want interruptions in class or in examsn. She was thinking how she could talk to Harold without getting her phone confiscated. She answered the call anyway while all eyes were at her, listening to her conversation with a perverted man on the line.
  • "Why hello there sexy tigress." Harry greeted while eating a banana on his hand with a smirk on his face. Clearly he has no idea what he got Lindy into.
  • Lindy moved her head up and stared at Mrs. Sullivan who was giving her an eagle's eye. She knew she was dead and she'll be sent to the detention room.
  • "I told you I'll be annoying you if you'll ignore me." Harry continued to say.
  • "I will kill you Harold. I swear to God you wont be able to sleep because of what you did to me right now." Lindy thought.
  • "MOM!" Lindy exclaimed intentionally. "Why do you seem so frantic? Is everything alright?"
  • "I'm really really going to kill you if I'll see you Harold." She thought to herself.
  • "Mom? Whoa, hey babe. It's--"
  • "I-I-I'm in the middle of the class right now, MOM." She cuts Harold off. "I am taking my physics exam."
  • Harry laughs. "Ohh! " She exclaims. "So you are in the middle of trouble right now? And you're acting your way out of it? You should be nominated for Grammy's. Your acting is so smooth. I really didn't know you could act babe." Harry said while grinning, taking a bite on the banana.
  • "Do you want my phone to get confiscated...MOM?" She mocked.
  • Harry gapes. "Oh shit."
  • "Yeah, oh shit. I'm going to sent to detention later because of you!" Lindy mentally answers Harry.
  • "Talk to you later." Harry was quick to add. "Good luck on your acting. Please don't let my phone get confiscated or I will really send nudes."
  • Lindy sighed.
  • "I won't. Bye mom." Lindy hangs up.
  • She slips her phone inside her pocket and looked back at Mrs. Sullivan sorrily.
  • "Next time Miss Swanepoel, silent your phone or I will really confiscate it! Understood?!" Mrs. Sullivan yelled.
  • Lindy nodded and said, "Yes Mrs. Sullivan. This won't happen again. Sorry."
  • Lindy: I will kill you Harold!!! I thought I was almost sent to detention!!
  • Harold: Calm down with the exclamation points baby. But kill me later as much as you want. And by the way, good luck on ur physics exam :)
  • "Even after this happened he's still such a pervert." Lindy thought.
  • •••••
  • Lindy's day was done in a blink of an eye, she grabbed her backpack and looked for Avery because she was ready to go home. She headed to the football field where the cheering squad usually goes for practice even though she knows she's not welcome there. She walked towards Avery and her friends once she found them as she kept her head down low.
  • "Alright girls, back from the top! More energy! Ready?!" Avery yelled.
  • "Hey Avery, loser's here." Sarah, who was Avery's best friend, calls out while she chuckles looking at Lindy.
  • Avery turned her head around and stared at her twin, Lindy. "This girl is just an absolute loser I swear to God." She says to her team and the cheerleaders were laughing at Lindy before they could start but she didn't mind them and just fixed her eyeglasses.
  • "What do you want fucktard?" Avery asked, crossing her arms across the other.
  • "Um, aren't you going home yet?" Lindy asked innocently, ignoring the cheerleaders who were laughing at her even though she wasn't even doing anything funny.
  • "Isn't it that obvious Lindy? I'm having practice. Go home alone and take the fucking bus. Why are you so fucking stupid sometimes?" Avery turned her back to Lindy as she laughs with them.
  • "But... W-What time are you going to finish?" Lindy asked again. "Maybe I can wait and--"
  • "Go fucking home." Avery cuts her off while staring angrily at her. "Will you just leave already? We're going to finish really really late." She rolled her eyes at Lindy and they laugh louder as they were mocking Lindy and copying her.
  • Lindy walked away from the football field and feeling embarrassed as Avery always tries o embarrass her just like that. She head out of the school gates and took the bus home like what Avery told her. She sat down on one seat and pulled her phone out, sent a message to Martha and talked about how her day went and asked why she skipped school today.
  • Lindy stared at Harold's phone for a while and thought it might not be that bad to check his phone since he won't even know about it. Plus, he must have checked on her gallery too. "Let's take look at this guy's phone." She mumbled while smiling.
  • She started opening Harold's gallery even without asking from his permission and felt intrigued what would be in it. She saw a lot of pictures of amazingly beautiful sceneries from different places around the world. There were beaches, fountains, buildings, old castles, old ruins, lakes, sunsets, and many other beautiful sceneries that was breathtaking.
  • "Doesn't this guy take a selfie?" She muttered to herself, scrolling through every photo for a selfie but there was none. "Wow, he's been to so many countries."
  • Suddenly her phone received a text.
  • Harold: Hello babe :)
  • "Speaking of the devil." She mumbled.
  • Lindy: You're lucky enough I saved your ass!
  • Harold: I am lucky because of you. Thanks. I owe you for that bee-bee.
  • Lindy: Do you always call your girls babe to flirt?
  • Harold: Not all. Just some. Do you want me to call you love? It sounds better but I think calling you babe fits you well. You're like a baby :)
  • Lindy chuckles and she does not know why she is still talking to this man who disrespected her earlier. Even though she knows he is annoying and perverted, she seems to enjoy texting him because she does not really text anyone but her parents or Martha.
  • Lindy: And why is that?Harold: Because you're obviously a high school so babe fits you much better.Lindy: Then are you the type of guy who digs cheesy lines to get girls and calls them pet names that knocks girls off their feet?
  • Harold: What do you think?Lindy: That's gotta be 100% for sure.
  • Harry chuckles deeply while he was eating his meal with his leg crossed over the ever and his phone that never leaves his hand. He was still with the lads for their interview that they'll be having in a few minutes from now but he was not pressured at all since Lindy's been making him busy with all the texting and name calling that no one has called him before.
  • "Hey Harry, could you pass the bottled water?" Liam asked.
  • Harry was so busy with his phone and didn't even hear Liam calling him out.
  • "Harry--"
  • Zayn picked up the bottled water instead and handed it to Liam before he could even finish vying for Harry's attention of his phone. They glanced at him so eagerly, curious of what Harry Styles has been up to and wondered who the woman that is keeping him all smiles for a day.
  • "Is he texting with Taylor, Kendall or Asami?" Niall asked the lads.
  • "He's been really busy with that damned phone." Louis said as a matter of factly.
  • "I know a trick to get his attention." Zayn stands from his seat and sneakily went behind Harry before pulling the phone from Harry's hand.
  • The other guys started laughing as soon as Harry reacted to the prank right away. He stands and follows Zayn who still holds his phone securely. "Hand it back Zayn." Harry said.
  • "You've been so busy with your phone today man. Vas happenin'?" Zayn asked with a smile while glancing over the boys.
  • Zayn kept pulling it away from Harry while he kept reaching for it. The height difference was there but Zayn made sure Harry couldn't reach for it.
  • "I'm just texting someone." Harry answered honestly but not spilling whole.
  • "Oh really? Let's see who--"
  • Harry successfully snatched it back from Zayn's hand in a nanosecond before he could read any text that he has had with Lindy. "It's something private. Can anyone just respect that?" Harry asked, sounding a little annoyed from how the boys pull prank on him.
  • Harry sat back down on his seat and Zayn sat back down too. "I'm sorry Hazza."
  • "Who are you texting anyways Harold?" Louis asked eagerly.
  • Harry moved his eyes to Louis then at the others who were also staring at him. He knows that they must have been curious about the mystery person that he is texting back the entire time they were together but he was not ready to spill anything yet.
  • "A friend." Harry answered
  • "You've been smiling and laughing at yourself like crazy since we came back here. I'm sure that's not a friend." Niall blurts out.
  • Louis nods, "You were even on the phone on the plane before we left Canada."
  • "What?" Harry asked.
  • "Are you flirting with a new girl?" Liam asked intriguingly with his brotherly tone of voice. "We all know the management is going to do something once they'll find out Harold."
  • "I know about the whole management thing Liam. Don't worry." Harry answers reassuringly.
  • "We know it's a woman." Zayn said with a smile.
  • "Can you just not step into my garden? You're all being too nosy. All of you." Harry says while pointing at each of the other lads who were now chuckling.
  • Lindy: I'll talk to you later I'm going to take a nap.Harold: You got home safely?Lindy: Yup. Ttyl.Harold: Sleep tight babe.
  • "Oh I saw a babe on your text." Liam teased as soon as he took a peek from the phone.
  • "Shut up Liam." Harry sussed while inserting his phone in his pocket.
  • "Babe? Oh he is definitely flirting with a girl. That is sure." Louis adds before drinking his bottled of water with wiggly brows.
  • Harry rolled his eyes at him. "
  • "That's okay Lou, don't get jealous." Niall said while placing his arm Louis' shoulder.
  • The boys smiled.
  • "Lads, time for interview." A woman calls out as she enters the dressing room.
  • The four of them stood up and fixed themselves, the hair, collar, microphone and all. But Harry's phone rang again and he was quick to grab it again from the table before he can fix himself.
  • Lindy: And I'm still 17.
  • Harry smiles sweetly.
  • "Seriously Harold, enough with that! Let's go man!" Louis calls out acting all mommy-like over a swooned Harry.