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Chapter 7

  • Harry sits over his chair and stares at the lyrics which he wrote down on his notebook while they were on the plane heading back to England. They were words that popped out into his head and now he's stuck with these words and wants to put more in it.
  • He poured himself a glass of wine as he puts his notebook down while grabbing his phone from the counter. He's noticed that Lindy has texted yet and he has been wondering how she might look like after hearing her adorable sweet voice over the phone the first time he called her.
  • "Let's snoop a little. A little won't hurt." Harry convinces himself as he goes through Lindy's gallery for the first time after swapping phones.
  • He goes through a few images of Lindy's pet dog Barker that had a collar around its neck which was a huge German Shepherd. Lindy had photos of beautiful cloud formation, sunsets from her bedroom window and photos of a few animated socks that she bought months ago. Harry smirks as he stares at the random photos on the gallery but there was still no selfie.
  • "Here I am thinking girls have a lot of selfies." He mumbled to himself as he kept swiping right.
  • There were other photos of Lindy's Starbucks escapade with Martha and a few photos of her best friend in it that made Harry thought she was Lindy. Harry takes a long drink from his glass of red wine and tried to convince himself that it might not be Lindy. He kept on swiping through some more photos until he finally came across a picture of Lindy and her parents standing next to her.
  • Harry's brows creasing, "I might have seen you before." He says while zooming into her face as he pulled the phone off the counter, staring eagerly at Lindy's face. "The pretty girl from Nando's." Harry's lips smiles a little wider as soon as he remembered where her saw her.
  • He kept swiping through the next photos and there were a bunch of Lindy's pictures smiling beautifully and doing wacky photos but still managed to look adorable. Harry absentmindedly kept smiling as he stares at Lindy's photos and little did he know that he was getting more attached to the brunette with a beautiful innocent smile and lovely eyes.
  • Harry grabbed his pen as he placed his phone back on the countertop while pulling the notebook back closer to him. He glued his eyes on Lindy's image and words began to fill into his head as he begins to write it down as fast as he could. He didn't know why it was coming out at this kind of time but Lindy's eyes spoke more of what he can see from the photo.
  • 'Still high with a little feeling
  • I see the smile as it starts to creep in.
  • It was there I saw it in your eyes.
  • It was already seven in the evening when Lindy woke up from her nap. She headed downstairs and noticed that nobody was home yet. She was used to it most especially with Avery since she's always not home when their parents weren't around. Lindy headed to the kitchen and opened the fridge as she scans for the leftovers. She felt relieved that there were some so she grabbed a Tupperware of foods and microwaved it.
  • While waiting, she grabbed her phone from the pockets of her PJs and saw a few text messages of course it were all from Harold. She didn't know he could be this annoying especially when she ignores her intentionally or not.
  • Harold: Hey babe. Talk to meeeee.Harold: Are you still sleeping? That's already a looooong nap. Are you an owl? No, owls don't sleep long. What animal was it?
  • Harold: Oh yeah! Koala!
  • Harold: One little two little three little IndiansHarold: Four little five little six little IndiansHarold: I can do it all day babe. If you are avoiding me :( Don't avoid me. Don't avoid meeeee.
  • "This guy is really obviously freaking bored." She muttered as she stares at her phone. "Doesn't he have anyone else to talk to or bother?"
  • Even though she thought that it was really sweet, she denies it to herself because she does not know the guy. She tries to convince herself that it was only making her smile because no guy has ever tried to annoy her like how Harold annoys her and teases her to death with dirty jokes. She's trying her best not to get close or have any form of attachment with Harold because he's a pervert and she knows completely nothing about him even though she can and deep inside she wants to.
  • She finally began to eat her dinner as she stares at the phone over the kitchen countertop and hesitated if she needs to continue doing this with Harold because it felt unnecessary to exchange message every single day. Although she is enjoying it, she tries to stop herself from being too attached with a random stranger.
  • She shakes her head, "No, Lindy. He has your phone. You still have to get some updates from this guy about your phone and he's obviously doing this because you have his phone." She convinces herself as she begins to eat before grabbing the phone with her hand.
  • Harold: Seven little eight little nine little Indians ten little Indian boysHarold: Now what song to sing next :)Harold: I can do this all night babe even if you don't want me to.Harold: Wake uuuuuuup bee-beeHarold: Are you mad?
  • Lindy hides her smile by biting her inner cheek as she begins
  • Lindy: What part of sleeping don't you understand?Lindy: Don't be too overacting using those emojis. They're cute but it's creeping me out coming from you.Lindy: JWU. Happy? I texted.
  • Lindy walked to the drawer and grabbed a spoon and fork then sat back down. Harold on the other hand quickly jumped when he received a text from Lindy. He doesn't really text a lot but he finds her intimidating for a fact that she doesn't know she's Harry Styles and how uptight she is to him. And for some reason, he would want to know much about her.
  • Harold: Hi babe! :D I'm glad you're back. How was the exam?Lindy: Passed it. Don't you've got something else to do aside from annoying me?Harold: Consider yourself lucky babe because most girls wanna have my phone number to text me.Lindy: Then go annoy those girls!Harold: But you're the one I wanna annoy. I just can't help it :)
  • Lindy placed her phone down on the table and started eating. She didn't respond to this pervert man because she doesn't know his address and doesn't even know how he looks like. She ignored Harold while she was eating even though she kept gazing at the phone, expecting another text from him even though she was the one who didn't reply.
  • Playing hard to get will lead you nowhere Lindy.
  • After having her dinner, she washed everything and cleaned up her mess but haven't responded Harold. She thought Harold had finally decided to stop annoying her and even though she tries to tell herself that she was happy he was no longer blowing up her phone with tons of messages she knows she was waiting for another text before she responds. Out of the blue, her phone vibrated on top of the table. She quickly grabbed it.
  • Harold calling...
  • Her eyes widened and tried to remind herself to calm down. She didn't know why she was getting nervous so suddenly. "Just let it ring for a while Lindy so he won't notice you're expecting a call from him." She chanted to herself.
  • She clears her throat and finally caves in, "What do you want?"
  • "Busy? You didn't reply." He asked and Lindy inwardly squirms hearing his deep and raspy voice.
  • "Give me one good reason why you're annoying me, Harold."
  • "First, I don't have anything to do right now, Second, I need someone to talk to and not because I am bored or anything. Third, a part of me misses you all of a sudden and a part of me thinks that you're avoiding me. So what's up?" He breathes.
  • Lindy walked to the living room with a sheepish smile plastered on her face as she turned on the television. She tries not to get bothered about how he sweet talked her, but she knows she's inwardly smiling even if she hides it to herself. She does not want to let it get into her head and she knows she is not vulnerable to men's cheap talk. She lounged on the couch and started flickering through the channels, trying to keep on avoiding what Harold said.
  • "Just watching TV." Lindy answers timidly.
  • Suddenly, One Direction came on TV with their recent interview in Canada.
  • "Ugh, these One Direction boys again" She groans and Harry quickly sits up straight on his couch when he heard her mention One Direction. He was curious and he was too confident that all women are their fans. He was evidently listening to her attentively over the other line. "Why are their faces almost everywhere I go? It's creepy as hell."
  • He thought this was his chance to know if Lindy was a fan or not and how much of a fan she was of them. He wanted to know who she likes too but he already have a gut feeling that Lindy was not a fan at all since she's creeped out when she sees their photos everywhere.
  • "You don't like those guys?" Harry asked, cautious but curious.
  • "Nope." She said popping the letter p while she was changing the channel and decided to watch National Geographic instead.
  • "What?!" Harry exclaims aloud which surprised Lindy. He clears his throat, "I mean, why not?"
  • "I just don't like those guys."
  • "Really? Why?" Harold asked her again, almost in shock to hear that she does not like them. "You must have a reason why you don't like them. You don't like the way they dress? Their music? Or their faces? Are they too ugly for you? Not your type? What? Why don't you like them?"
  • Lindy paused and found it weird to be asked by a man why she does not like One Direction. "I'm just not a fan. It has nothing to do with their clothes or faces."
  • "Exactly why you're not a fan? I mean, most teenage girls like you are suppose to be crazy about them. They're like the biggest boyband of all time!" Harry stands from his couch and walks to and from waiting for her response.
  • Lindy laughs humorlessly. "Just because I'm a teenager doesn't mean I need to be fan of those guys. And just because they are the biggest boyband of all time does not mean I need to join the trend."
  • "Well, technically most teens do."
  • Lindy pauses and asked him. "Oh now don't tell me you're a One Direction fan?" She grins at her question while shaking her head.
  • Harry chuckles.
  • "Don't get me wrong but those guys are very talented and funny babe. They're really hilarious. They can really sing. I mean have you seen them perform?" Harry boasted to make her want to listen to their songs.
  • "Oh! So you are a One Direction fan then? Hmmm, a male fan." she teased.
  • "Don't you think they're talented?" Harry coos.
  • Lindy got quiet for a second, thinking deeply.
  • "That guy with a black hair can really sing." She finally tells Harold as he rolls his eyes with her answer. "He has this amazing voice. But as for the group, I don't know. Yeah, maybe they are great since they've got millions of fans." She mumbles her answers.
  • Harry's lips pursing, "Zayn? You like him the most in the group?"
  • Yeah. Talent and good looks, whole package."
  • "Why it has to Zayn?" He asked quickly and Lindy felt like she was talking to a fan.
  • "Why not?" She responded. "He's really charming too."
  • "He's engaged for godsake!" He exclaims.
  • "He is? Really? I didn't know."
  • "Wow!" Harry exclaims a little louder, not dazzled hearing this from Lindy. "Are you living under a rock or something? That news has been out for years." Harry chuckles dryly.
  • Harry walks towards the kitchen to grab a drink from his fridge while he still does not believe that Lindy does not know anything about the boys. "Well my entire world does not revolve around boy bands." He hears Lindy answer. Even though he expected Lindy to be a fan, his expectations failed when reality failed him hard. He poured a fresh milk on his glass and sat down on a high chair.
  • "What do you think about that curly haired one?" He asked quickly with a cheeky smile on his face.
  • There was a longer pause. Longer than the one before she answered that Zayn was her fave.
  • "Good." She answers. "I think he's good."
  • Harry gaped.
  • "But that Zayn dude can really reach high notes." Lindy adds which makes Harry feel more disappointed because he could not take the dry compliment.
  • "Good? Just good? I give my best in every show that we do. I'm considered the most charming. Girls always love my voice and yet to her I'm just good? This girl, really! She doesn't know how hard I worked for these years!" Harry thought to himself. He knows he has worked his ass off with tons of practices and vocalizations to perfect all of his parts. He didn't like the comment nor how she said it too.
  • "That curly haired one can reach high notes as well." He defended himself, girl hurt his ego.
  • She laughs softly. "Yeah, but not like how Zayn does it."
  • He rolled his eyes.
  • "I told you I don't like them. I don't google them as much as my sister does." Lindy states.
  • "You have a sister?"
  • "Yup. My twin. Her name's Avery. She's much prettier than me though so I don't know how on earth we became twins."
  • "How come? You're twins, you're both equally beautiful."
  • "Not really. She gets all the attention while I'm the one sitting down on the bleachers and not getting really the attention. Not that I want to get some attention but I think you understand what I am trying to say."
  • "Just 'cause you're the one sitting down on the bleachers and not getting attention, doesn't mean you won't get any attention. You've actually got my attention out of all the millions of people in the world, I think that's more than enough." Harry said after drinking his milk.
  • Boastful, Lindy thought but she felt comforted by his words. There was a long pause as Lindy smiled at herself because someone just made her feel appreciated. She knows and is fully aware that he's a complete stranger but the way he talks to her makes her feel as if she's loved and adored. For some reason, Harold made her smile. He always made her smile since they started texting but she just hiding and trying to deny it. She tries to deny it because she knows he's a pervert because that's what he showed to her the very first time.
  • "Hello?" Harold singsongs. "Am I still talking to someone out here?"
  • Lindy bites her lower lip.
  • "What time is it there now?" She asks out of the blue, trying to hide her smile.
  • "It's almost 1AM."
  • She turned her head to their clock. It was still 8PM in Canada.
  • "Shouldn't you be sleeping?" Lindy asked.
  • "Concerned are we?" Harry teased and smiled his dimpled smile.
  • Lindy rolled her eyes while smiling and answered, "I'm not." She bites her inner cheek, "I just asked to keep up with the conversation, okay?"
  • Harry have a soft laugh. "Oh so you love talking to me now too. Sneaky."
  • She smiles again. "Oh please shush."
  • Harry grins. He likes the little flirts that women does when he gets cheeky and a little mischievous.
  • "Well what time is it there in Canada right now babe?" He asked.
  • "8pm and the people in this household are still not home. I don't know why."
  • Harry got up and walked to the balcony of his house and leaned his butt on the railings while his mind runs busy again with naughty naughty things. Despite his kind nature, Harry just can;t stop his dirty thoughts and thinks that all women wants to be dirtytalked to.
  • "You're home alone right now?" he asked, grinning with a plan in his head.
  • "Yup." She answers innocently.
  • "Oh I wish I was there with you right now babe." He starts. "I promise you'll have fun if I was there. We'll have the house all to ourselves. I'll chase you while you're on a baggy shirt and I'm on my boxers." Harry chuckles at the thought of it.
  • "I totally don't know why I ever talked to you. If it wasn't for the phones swapping, I wouldn't talk to you! You are such a pervert and a big time flirt. Do you know that?" she said while turning off the TV. Already a bit pissed.
  • "Why are you playing hard to get? That's kind of a turn on. It's sexy and it's giving me boner." Harry joked.
  • "Hmmm it's hard." He adds jokingly.
  • "You know what? If you cannot respect me as a woman? Then don't eve talk to me again please. Because I don't want to be treated this way. I'm hanging up perv." She spat at him. She's mad because he has been nothing but a pervert since they texted and she felt disrespected by it.
  • "Lindy wai-"
  • Lindy hangs up even before he can say anything else. She walked to her room angrily as she lays on top of her bed and turned on her laptop.
  • Harry curses at himself for evn starting a petty dirty joke. He knows that Lindy doesnt like it when he is being dirty but he just can't help it to tease her and to have a little fun and lighter conversation.
  • "Way to go Harold." He scolded himself.
  • Lindy focused herself on Facebook when suddenly, her phone starts ringing again and Harold was calling for the second times. She lets it ring for a while and waited for the call to end by itself.
  • "Declining is never an option for Harry Styles." He tells himself.
  • Harry was persistent enough to say how sorry he was for how he acted and he wanted her to know that he was just joking around. He knows he went a little too overboard on her so he tried to call again to apologie but Lindy was as stubborn as he was. Lindy picked up her phone not answering the call and just stared at it for a while, until the call ended again. Harry calls her one more time, finally she answered his call.
  • "Okay, before you say anything, listen first." He was quick to spill and Lindy was just attentive, not planning to say anything to him. "I'm sorry. I know you don't like dirty jokes and I went a little too far."
  • She didn't answer him.
  • "Oh come on Lindy." Harry added.
  • "I'm busy right now. Can't talk." She lied.
  • "Oh yeah? With what?"
  • "Facebook." She answers coldly. "It's a lot better to be talking to people on my account who are less of a pervert, who gives me a bit of a respect and doesn't forget that I'm a woman. So you better go to sleep now, I'm not in the mood to talk with you!"
  • Harry sighs. "I was joking, okay?"
  • Lindy scoffs. "You can tell those women your oh so funny dick jokes because I am not interested in a single bit."
  • "I'm sorry for being such a pervert but I'm not gonna apologize for being a flirt because I am really a flirt." Harry says with a smile.
  • Lindy smiled but then she reminds herself that she's still mad at him.
  • "Lindy I'm sorry."
  • "Goodnight Harold."
  • "But Lind-"
  • She hangs up.
  • Harry sighs heavily as he stares at the hamster wallpaper. "You know hamster, your owner is just so stubborn.