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Chapter 4

  • I was panting when I finally reached outside Nando's and I honestly do not know how to tell my mom and dad that I lost my phone. I'll be seriously grounded. I paused and took some deep breaths when suddenly this white van that was who was leaving accidentally splashed a whole lot of muddy water at my while it leaves Nando's speedily.
  • I gaped as I stare at myself looking all dirty and wet. Uck! This is so disgusting.
  • "Hey!" I called out to the speeding van but it didn't bother stopping to even say sorry.
  • Asshole.
  • I see groups of photographers leaving the lot while they were talking to each other and some young girls crying saying that they lost the opportunity to capture him. Him? Who's him? What the hell just happened here? Was someone kidnapped in that van? I worried as I stare at everyone with terribly sad faces/ They looked like someone died.
  • "Where you able to snag a photo?" A girl ask.
  • "I was not able to. But did you see how he hugged that waitress? She's so lucky." The other one responded as they began leaving the lot.
  • I ignored the commotion subsiding outside and quickly rushed inside Nando's, hoping my phone is still on that damn table or else my parents will kill me. They wasted a lot of money just to give me and Avery new phones and I have been dying to get that model so bad. I scanned through each of the tables trying to remember where we sat down earlier hoping there would be an iPhone left.
  • Honestly, I was immensely desperate and antsy and I looked like I was a thief looking for something inside the restaurant. The other customers were already looking at me strangely but I just had to find my phone. My dad will be so pissed and disappointed.
  • When I spotted a table, I walked to it rapidly when I remembered that it was our spot from a while back. I think it was or maybe it was. Damn, I hope it was our table. I can't remember because I am already panicking but I think it was where my family and I sat down earlier. I tried convincing myself. It was vacant so I quickly searched on the entire table, all four corners.
  • Nothing.
  • I scratched the back of my head, "Where the hell is that goddamn iPhone?" I mumbled to myself with cold hands and incredibly fast heart beating.
  • Suddenly, my eyes caught the attention of a black iPhone on the next table. It was placed hidden behind the tissue box and I knew it was mine since it was a black iPhone. I exhaled heavily as I rushed to it and almost yelped in happiness that I found my phone again.
  • "Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh my god." I chanted angelically. "I thought I really lost you." I tell my cellphone while grabbing it and slightly hugging the tiny damn piece that almost gave me a mini heart attack.
  • I placed it inside my pocket and hurriedly walked out of the restaurant feeling a little calmer now that I have my phone back with me.I walked back to my house since I did not have any penny with me all because I was in a rush earlier.
  • After a long while, I thankfully reached home with sore feet and calves from all the walking and running I did. I headed up to my room as if nothing happened as I passed by the living room where my mom and dad were watching some news on TV with Avery. It was pretty unusual since Avery never watches news. As I walked up the staircase, I hear Avery screaming in the living room and she sounded like she was dying.
  • "I cannot believe I just missed my chance to see One Direction!!" She squeals so loud that mom had to tell her to tone her voice down. "I can't calm down mom! Do you have any idea who I just missed?! Harry freaking Styles!I can't believe we just passed each other when our car was just leaving and they were just arriving!!" Avery cries. "Why did we have to leave early!"
  • She kept crying in the living room while dad tells her that she's being too dramatic. She's just so crazy about that boyband for years and I honestly don't know what she saw in them. I did not really pay much attention because Avery was just very annoying and overly dramatic and I don't really care much about that boyband. I slammed my bedroom door behind me and stared at myself in front of the mirror looking all dirty. This is all that white van's fault. I took a shower because I was feeling sweaty before I changed back to my PJs.
  • Here I am, back to reality, I still have to do my homework and Avery's.
  • I felt really relieved that I got my phone back even though I don't really have a lot of people to text to and I don't usually use my social media accounts since I am not really that active unlike my sister. My phone does not have naked pictures of me because I don't have the guts to take one so I was not really worried about photos in my gallery if in case I really lost my phone. I'm just very blessed that I found it because I saved myself from being grounded. My parents aren't as wealthy as other couples since they have twins that means it's always two for everything. I still wonder when did I even put it behind a tissue box because I don't remember placing it there.
  • I started opening my books so I could finally start doing my assignments and review some of my notes when suddenly I heard a loud blasting song obviously coming from Avery's room.
  • Midnight memories oh oh
  • Baby you and me
  • Stumbling in the streets
  • Singing Singing Singing
  • Oh seriously Avery, why are you so insensitive like all the freaking time? You do know I study every night and you always try to be so annoying. I pulled out my headphones on, plugged it on my laptop and opened to my playlist, Tee Shirt by: Birdy started playing on the background while I started doing my assignments.
  • Correction. Our assignments.
  • •••••
  • Sweet disposition never too soon ooh, reckless abandon like no one's watching you
  • "Hmm..." I groan.
  • The tune goes on and it's a very annoying music in the middle of the night.
  • "What's that sound..." I mumbled groggily as I moved to and fro on my bed, shifting side to side while hearing this annoying music that's coming from nowhere. The music finally turns off but it goes back again as it rings annoyingly. I scratch my neck and got more annoyed as I groggily open my eyes staring at my ceiling.
  • Is Avery still awake? Her music is really too goddamn loud right now that it's reaching my room. How inconsiderate of her! Really pathetic Av. I cursed in the back of my head.
  • I get another pillow to cover my ears but I still goddamn hear it. It sounded like the music is here inside my room.
  • A moment of love, a dream, a laugh, a kiss, a cry, our rights, our wrongs
  • "Ugh! What the hell." I growled as I sat down on my bed.
  • I was obviously half awake trying to widen my eyes a little bit now as the song kept playing on and on. The tune would go off and then it would go on again after one second and it's singing the same lyrics. I moved my eyes around my room since I realized that the music was not coming from outside my bedroom but it was coming from my own room. I moved my eyes to my phone lighting up from my bedside dresser and realized that it was my phone.
  • My phone was ringing. It was my phone the entire time and wondered who would have called me this late. I paused and listened to the unfamiliar song again and realized that it was... not my ringtone. I don't even know this song in the first place. Wait, there must be some mistake.
  • I reached for my phone and suddenly saw an unregistered number calling me. My eyes widened a little bit more and vanished my sleepiness away as I stare at the phone number, +14288297799.
  • Am I hallucinating or is that my own number calling me?
  • No. My eyes must be playing tricks on me, why would I see my phone number calling me? I ignored it and wondered, "Who the hell is calling me at 2AM? You better be an important person for disturbing me." I muttered as I pointed at the number and was really convinced that it was really my phone number. How the hell would I be calling me if I have my own phone number?
  • I answered the call anyways and placed the phone against my ear. "Hello?" I yawned.
  • "Did I wake you?"
  • I quickly stopped myself from yawning when I heard a man's voice on the other line who spoke to me with really thick accent. It was a guy with a very deep and manly voice that almost sounded as if he was sleepy or just woke up from his sleep. I don't know anyone, moreover any man, by this voice because not much men would even call me this late nor would just call me on my phone. The male's voice was deep, raspy and sort of a little bit familiar that I might have heard it somewhere before. In the first place, why would he call me this late?
  • "Yeah. Obviously." I answered angrily with a low voice.
  • I yawned for more but silently as I wait for him to say anything else.
  • "Well..." He trails off and his tone of voice was almost autoerotic to listen to. "I'm most definitely sorry for that." He speaks a longer sentence and I have never heard any man's voice this sexy.
  • Shit. That was hot. No doubt about it and his thick accent just makes him sound more soothing to listen to. Is he British? Or probably Australian? I know he is most definitely American and he is clearly now faking the accent. Wait, why and how on earth did my number even reach Europe or Australia? I don't remember leaving my number in any dating sites, clearly I don't have time for that. So how the hell is he calling me?
  • Now that's just awfully weird.
  • Who is this man exactly? I asked myself mentally.
  • "You should be." I responded snappily.
  • He got quiet for a second as I wait for him to answer. I pull my phone away from my ear to check if he was still on the line and he was still there. "Hello?" I singsong.
  • "Wait... don't you know... me?" He asked me weirdly and sounded like I had to know him when he was the first person to call me this late.
  • I scoff, "Wow. What a question." I commented sarcastically. "You're the first one who called me and you expect to know you? What do you think of me? A fortuneteller?" I'm mad now even though he has a very deep voice.
  • Keep talking man with a sexy voice. Dont stop now. A stupid voice in my head speaks to me.
  • "I mean, with my voice?" He asks which makes me more irk. "With how I speak and all? Don't you recognize me?" He asks again.
  • I sigh heavily, almost softly groaning a little bit. "You know what, I don't freaking know you and I don't know why you're calling me this late to bug me."
  • "I'm really sorry if I'm a bit of a bother. It's just really fascinating how you don't recognize my voice and--"
  • "Well hate to break it to you, I have no single idea who you are." I cut him off. "Are you really that famous for me to know who you are? Should I really know who this is just by your voice?"
  • "Honestly, I was expecting you'd know me right away."
  • I chuckle softly, "Am I a psychic to you? Is this some psychic shit game we playing at 2am?" I asked sarcastically and cant help but curse.
  • "Well, I think... not." His voice softens.
  • We got quiet again and I'm amazed by his voice actually. It's very husky and deep. I don't know who this is but he sounds sexy to be honest. So fucking sexy. And so fucking annoying at 2AM.
  • "Look." I ended the silence. "I don't know who this is but whoever you are, you need to know that it's two in the morning and I have had a long day earlier."
  • "Trust me, my day was probably more tiring than yours." I hear him commenting.
  • I ignore him, "Who's this anyway? Why did you call me at 2AM?" I waited for a response and he didn't say anything so I continued, "Don't you know that people are sleeping and you're actually ruining it?" I sort of raised my voice at him, whoever he is that's making a goodtime call.
  • "Look babe." Ugh, the nerve of this man calling me babe and giving me pet name as if it would change anything. "You have my phone."
  • I breathe heavily and mentally chanted to myself that I need to relax because it's only going to give me pimples. I should not waste much time on people who has absolutely no plans in life but to prank call someone this late.
  • "Hello?" I hear him calling out.
  • I breathe out through my parted lips, "Is this some kind of a prank call because I am literally not buying it." I arch my eyebrow at no one.
  • "As much as I want this to be a prank but it's actually not." He answers, calmly again.
  • I groan inwardly feeling more pissed. "Listen here buddy." I point my finger at no one as if I'm really talking to him in person. "If you have nothing else to do right now, go bother somebody else? I have a class by 7:30AM so will you please stop annoying me." I snapped at him.
  • "I'm not lying babe."
  • "Ugh! Can you please stop calling me that?" I hissed.
  • "You actually have my phone." He insists again.
  • "How the hell do I have your phone? I'm not a thief! And don't you dare call me babe you dumbass." I exclaimed a little loud.
  • He chuckles humorlessly and breathlessly. "Technically that phone you are holding is--"
  • The man on the line was cut off from what he was telling me when he heard me gasp. I flinched when my bedroom door suddenly swings open and I see Avery standing by my doorway looking at me angrily. I think I might have woken her up.
  • "Av!" I called out.
  • "Can you shut the hell up? Someone is trying to sleep!" She screams at me before slamming my bedroom door making my picture frame on the wall shake.
  • I exhaled heavily and realized that the man on the other line has gotten silent.
  • "I'm sorry if I'm making you sound so loud in the middle of the night." He finally speaks.
  • I sigh, "What is it that you really want from me?" I asked him seriously. "Look people here as fast asleep. Can you just please get this over with already?"
  • "I have been telling you this whole time. You didn't just believe me. I told you, you are really holding my phone right now. The one that you're using in talking to me."
  • My brows creasing, "What? That does not make any sense at all."
  • I paused and spaced out for a bit as I try to sink in his words as he speaks to me, "Please check it."
  • I slowly pulled the phone away from my ear and stared at it as what he told me. My eyes widened as soon as I thoroughly inspected it. Holy crap, it is really not mine. This phone is undeniably not mine. He was telling the truth the entire time and I have been so mean to him.
  • No wonder the ringtone was different from earlier and the number calling me was really my number. I wasn't really hallucinating! I wasn't seeing things. Oh my gosh, how in heavens did this even happen? How the hell didn't I see it a while ago? Why didn't I even notice it? Why didn't I even inspect it after I got it from Nando's? I mustn't have recognized that this phone isn't mine.
  • Now where in hell is my phone? Don't freaking tell me he has it.
  • "Hello?" His husky voice still echoes from the other side as he calls me out.
  • I can hear him sighing now as he continued to speak, " Please tell me you're still there? Oh don't hang up on me now please. I badly need to have that phone back."
  • I clipped my jaws back together and I pulled the phone back to my ear. I think of words on how to say to him after assuming this was a prank call. "How... H-how... did this happen?" I asked him.
  • "I have literally no idea because I also don't know why you have my phone." He answers.
  • My brows knitted together. "Damn. So, if we're saying now that I have your phone then.... don't tell me that one you are using is mine?" I exclaimed a little louder but not too loud to wake up Princess Avery who' having her beauty sleep.
  • "Well...." His voice trails before he takes a quick pause. "If you're talking about this one with a picture of a hamster as your wallpaper..."
  • My eyes widens from eye sockets.
  • "Then I have your phone." He adds.
  • My jaws dropped.
  • "We swapped phones?" I gaped.