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Chapter 3

  • Sophia has been paranoid over Liam being faraway all the time and she has every right to be frantic about her beau being miles away. She knows Liam loves her but Liam flirts with others.
  • "What do you say guys?" Niall asked, still eager to let all of us ice skate. Sweet sweet Niall.
  • Liam turned his head towards Niall and I know Liam's getting kind of pissed about the whole ice skating thing. "Chill it out Li." I call him out and he just glanced at me.
  • "I'm cool." He answers back before texting on his phone again.
  • "I don't know ice skating mate. But Louis will surely be interested." Zayn starts teasing again.
  • We begin to chuckle.
  • "Imagine him in his figure skater attire. Tight on the ass." Zayn said that out again while laughing loudly and we began to laugh with him again too.
  • I grinned. "But we have to leave at dawn in a while. We have no time."
  • "Boo-hoo, we can always have the next flight." Niall says instantly. "Or like I said, we can always have it in London."
  • "How about surfing?" Liam chimed.
  • "I love surfing! I'm so up for that. Definitely up for that." Louis said while giving Liam a high five.
  • "You go skating alone Niall. I'm joining Liam and Louis." Zayn snorted.
  • We laughed together again, leaving Niall all disappointed but Louis managed to still cheer him up. We could not hurt Niall. We finally arrived outside the hotel and the car stops in front of the building, we were then accompanied by out security. Liam went out first waving and smiling to the fans followed by Zayn who kept his head down low then Niall who stopped by a few photos for a group of girls then Louis who told the paparazzi to scram before waving adorably at the fans and lastly me pushing my hair off my forehead as the wind blows on it. The moment we stepped out of the car, in a quick second the cameras started flashing one after the other at us like the usual. It gets pretty blinding that's why poor security are here to lead the way for us. There were paparazzi waiting outside and the fans running towards us trying to get a picture as they kept screaming our names. I don't know how they're still here staying so late outside on this cold night.
  • "You should go home and get something warm. It's pretty cold out here." I tell a group of fans before they went screaming like crazy.
  • "Thank you! We love you Harry!" A girl screams.
  • I blew a kiss and they literally screamed thunderously.
  • It's crazy how the fans and paps know where we go and where we are staying. It's cool how they know our locations every step of the way but sometimes Zayn hates it because he usually wants his time alone when he's in the hotel to relax and chill. I also hate the fact that some people just loves to trail us wherever we go and how they manage to creep on us while we aren't looking. The fact that being followed is already creepy and weird enough because it gives you anxiety that probably this person might be mentally unstable and is too obsessed with us who'd be willing to hurt us. I should not have watched those suspense movies, it just drives me nuts sometimes. Aside from the cameras that are placed right in front of our faces blinding us with the flash, people just loves tailing down our asses. Years have gone by and I guess we're getting kind of used to it now.
  • I smiled and waved, as usual, while our bodyguards were around us, protecting us from getting swarmed by the crowd outside the hotel. I wonder how long they have been waiting here and how they can take the agony of being here this cold. Paps began to throw shady questions to make us want to talk but we already know what to do. Never let it get into your head and just shut the fuck up or else it will ruin your career. Paps know how to turn things around just with a photo.
  • Getting pictured is like our daily routine now soon after the band was formed, when there are cameras, all you have to do is look good, be good, and smile. Smile even if you're tired or pissed or annoyed by the people who just does not want to give you your desired privacy and wants ever damn photo of you and never ever answer the paps. That's our mantra.
  • We finally got inside the hotel safe and sound leaving the screaming fans and paps who were not allowed to enter the hotel if they did not have reserved a room in here. We got in the elevator with our bodyguards and I was thankful this hotel had a bigger space for elevators. As soon as the elevator's door closed, we all sighed together, shoulders low and head pulled up to the ceiling. I massage my temples and felt my headache coming back. I was absolutely completely knackered.
  • "It felt like ages getting to the hotel." Liam begins to talk.
  • Niall nods, "Well you had to stop by for those fans who had nice knockers."
  • "Liam, Liam, Liam." Louis calls out while shaking his head. "You never really learn from your mistakes in the past." Louis meant that time when Sophia caught him cheating on her when she surprised Liam when we were in South Africa for a concert.
  • "I was just being nice to those ladies." Liam defended.
  • Zayn chuckles softly as he leans his left shoulder on the wall. "This elevator ride feels like ages too." He commented.
  • Louis cracks a laugh as he agrees with Zayn.
  • "Lads aren't you really up for the ice skating?" Niall asks out of the blue.
  • "You really wanna go ice skating so badly." I chuckled, he's not dropping it. I pity him.
  • "Do you even know how to ice skate Niall?" Zayn asked.
  • "Well..." Niall pouts.
  • "Forget it Niall." Louis shove his hand in front of Niall's face. "We'll go find some nice beach with perfect waves when come back here again. Surfing is for the big guys." Him and Liam begins to act as if they were on top of a surfboard.
  • Niall's brows creasing, "You're not a big guy Louis."
  • I instantly laughed at Niall's comeback and Louis was quick enough to stare at me when I was not the only one who was laughing in here. "I'm 5'10." Louis says.
  • "Since when did nine become a ten?" Niall asks.
  • We laughed again.
  • "Well you can get all the laugh you want to have Mr. Horan because Payno and I are going surfing without you." Louis tells Niall before he gave a high five to Liam.
  • "Don't worry Niall. I'll go skating with you. I'll take you someday." I tell him while I lace my arm around his neck with a sweet smile on my face.
  • Niall smiles. "Thanks big guy." He says to me, teasing Louis.
  • Louis squint his eyes at Niall. "I'm watching you Horan."
  • The elevator finally opens and we reached our floor. We began walking along the hallway heading to our own suites when suddenly, "Hey Harry, where's your iPhone?" Liam asked.
  • My brows creasing. "And why?"
  • Liam groans under his throat, "Sophia has been bugging me to FaceTime her. She doesn't believe me I'm with you guys. My phone just died on me and now she is probably thinking I am with another woman." He narrates.
  • Niall cracks a laugh. "Because you're a lying cheater." He copies Sophia's tone.
  • They laughed together as I smirk at Liam who always gets mad when we bring that topic up. "I got you Liam." I say as I was about to pull my phone out from where I inserted it. "It's just in my--" I stopped myself with what I was going to say when I was not able to find my phone inside the pocket where I usually put my phone in. It's not here.
  • "Dude I really need to make a phone call now? Sophia's probably blasting mad." Liam pleads hastily as he eyes me with his brows shooting up.
  • I continued touching the other pockets of my trousers as their eyes were now staring at me. We stopped right in front of Zayn's room as I watch him enter while standing by the doorway staring at me. "What's up Hazza?" Zayn asks curiously.
  • I kept touching my jeans and my phone was really not with me. . I remember that I took it out to take a photo of the food I ordered at Nando's and sent a reply to Kendall who invited me to a party in three days. I couldn't remember if I took it out when I was inside the car or I left it there.
  • "Can you use their phones instead?" I ask, referring to Louis, Niall and Zayn while I was still busy remembering where I must have left my phone because I am sure I brought it with me.
  • "I left mine in my room." Niall answers.
  • "My battery is dead too." Louis adds.
  • We all moved our heads to Zayn and he pulls his hands up. "I'm not an iPhone user. My phone can't FaceTime."
  • "Guys." I call out and they were now looking at me. "No shit Sherlock but I think it fell off on my seat and I left it in the car."
  • They froze from making fun of Liam and looked at me worriedly.
  • "Are you sure Harry?" Zayn asks concernedly.
  • "I think so, yeah." I answer reluctantly.
  • "I don't think you left it in the car because I didn't see it inside your pocket after dinner." Niall says and it makes me feel more antsier.
  • "If it fell, you must have heard a thud. Did you hear it? You were the last one who got off the van, right?" Liam asks.
  • I shake my head sideways, " I didn't hear a thud or anything."
  • "Didn't you use it while we were at Nando's?" Louis asks.
  • I paused, "I did. Bloody hell I must have left it there."
  • Zayn shakes his head at me, "You're doomed Harry. You have to get it back and find it before--"
  • "Fuck!" I cut off Zayn from talking as they stared at me eagerly. "I did leave it at Nando's!" I chimed loudly, realizing that I really did leave it on top of the table where we were having dinner a while ago. Oh fucking Christ!
  • "Well, I hope you'll find it. I'm going in first. Goodnight lads." Zayn shuts his door.
  • Niall pats my shoulder, "You better hurry up and get it Harry. Before anyone steals it."
  • "Will you be okay alone?" Louis asked.
  • "Yeah. I'll be back right away." I answered him but I'm already panicking.
  • "I'll go with you Harry." My bodyguard said to me.
  • I got back inside the elevator with clammy hands as I begin to think negatively of what could have happened to my phone if someone else found it. God, I haven't even put a pass code on it!
  • I walked my way out of the hotel and the paps were still there. I can't believe they're still here and I wonder what they are waiting for out here. Unbelievable people. I was with my bodyguard as soon as I left the hotel riding the same car we used a while ago.
  • Actually, I have two phones but that one is my most precious. That phone has all of the contacts of the important people I need to call day by day especially when I am away. It doesn't really have my selfies or photos of the lads on it but the phone's gallery is full of scenic pictures that I personally took. It's more of like a photo journal for me since we went to so many countries and that phone has all of the pictures of those memories I had on each country that we've been to. I can't lose that phone, I must find it.
  • "Do you have nudes on that?" My bodyguard asked.
  • I gave soft laugh, "No. Not really. None that I remember."
  • I grin to play it cool even though I'm already having cold hands and a fast beating heart against my chest. I don't remember having a nude there. Ok maybe, one. Shit! I think I do have one nude on that phone! Fuck! Relax Harry, whether you have a dick photo in there or not they will never know it's you. Unless they check the contacts. Darn it Harold Styles, why did you have to fuck up just now?
  • As soon as I got to Nando's I hurriedly barged inside making the waitress surprise to see me again, thanking that I got here before the paps. I walked to the cashier who had a beautiful smile.
  • "Hi sir. Welcome back." She greeted, politely.
  • "Hi. Um, did someone find an iPhone around?" I asked hesitantly.
  • "iPhone?"
  • "It's an iPhone and it's color black. It's actually mine."
  • "Just a moment sir." She said.
  • She got busy looking at the stuff under her desk while I was inwardly praying that it's there. If it was not there then I would not know what on Earth I would do if it has been taken by another person. I stand here and fans came up to me begging for a photo, so I had to smile to be courteous even though I'm already worried as fuck and nervous of my phone being there or not.
  • God what's taking her so long. I wish it's there. I inwardly thought.
  • Finally, she moved her head up and extended my phone back to me with a happy smile on her face. I massively felt relieved that I hugged her. I exhaled heavily as I pulled myself away, "Thank you."
  • Thank goodness!
  • "This is the only iPhone found in here sir. So I'm guessing this is yours Mr. Harry Styles." She said, smiling politely.
  • I grabbed it and kissed the screen, noticing that she was laughing at me. I hurriedly placed it inside my pocket, shy. "Thank you so much!" I said again, happily.
  • "Can I take a picture with you?" She asks while pushing her hair off her face.
  • "Sure." I answered.
  • She took out her phone from her pocket and quickly walked beside me. She holds it in front of us while I placed my hand on her back, rubbing it since I could feel her tensed muscle. She finally took the picture where I pulled out a peace sign with a wide smile since I found my phone.
  • "Oh my god thank you." She giggled.
  • I pulled myself away from her and waved goodbye. I hurriedly got inside my car being escorted by my bodyguard as he congratulated me. I can't even explain how happy I am that I found my phone. How was I being so careless a while ago leaving my personal stuff just like that in public? Some fans won't even return it if they'll know it was mine. It'll probably be used or either sold on eBay by now if I didn't come back right away.
  • I thought I lost my phone. Phew!
  • My eyes moved to the girl with brown hair and eyeglasses who was running towards Nando's.
  • She's pretty. I thought to myself before the car speeds away.