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Just Got Lucky

Just Got Lucky


Last update: 1970-01-01

Chapter 1

  • She gives me a death stare.
  • I try to look away from her but she's looking at me angrily. I don't know why she seems so pissed at me whenever I'm around. It feels like she doesn't even like the fact that I exist. I mean, I have not really done anything wrong, have I? What did I do now? I thought to myself and wondered why she is giving me the eye.
  • "Will you move your shoulder away from me ?" She pushes me away that almost made me hit my head against the window, when mom and dad weren't looking. Sometimes she acts like a child, I swear to God.
  • I glanced at my sister, Avery Sophia Swanepoel, the ever beautiful Miss Popular in my high school. She rules our campus because students and teachers praises her. She'
  • Avery rolled her eyes at me and I can intensely feel her hatred towards me. Come to think of it, she's my sister and she treats me like I'm a less fortunate. She treats me like we don't have the same blood running in our body. She treats me way much less nicer than how she treats her friends.
  • How pathetic you may think, but yes she hates me to the bones.
  • "Sorry." I apologize even though I don't know why I was apologizing when I didn't even hurt her. I say sorry much to her than how she should apologize to me. I fix my eyeglass and tried to ignore her because I don't really want her to through a tantrum.
  • It was always like that and I kind of gotten used to it when I was growing up. I know that even if she's at fault I'm always the one who needs to apologize to her and when she's the one at fault, she gets even angrier at me. I know it does not sound rightful but I honestly don't know I am such a coward when it comes to her.
  • And here I am, letting her bully me because she can and she knows that I'm scared of her. She knows I don't fight back and she loves having the power over me and I hate how I can't go against her.
  • "Did you two enjoy dinner?" Father asked us while glancing over the rear view mirror. Dad has always been nice to us and he makes sure he treats us equally. He knows Avery sometimes says things to me which are really hurtful but he's always the one telling me to be a better twin and to understand her more.
  • "Dinner was lovely dad." I answer, politely.
  • Mom and dad waited for Avery to speak but she just kept on chewing her gum and blowing it into a small bubble against her lips. It almost makes her look like a prostitute especially with the way she wears while she glances at mom and dad.
  • "Typical night at Nando's, dad." Avery answered sarcastically, rolling her eyes at no one in particular. "Although I was expecting we could eat somewhere else fancy." She's always loved dining in high class restaurants and brag about it in school.
  • Avery rolls her eyes at me very childishly.
  • I really don't know what's her problem. Growing up with this kind of hatred bothers me so much because we never get along with anything. She's just filled with hate and anger, sometimes I think she's jealous because of how she acts towards me but I don't think it's that. Avery can never be jealous over me. I mean, I'm just me. I think she was just born to hate me forever.
  • "Didn't you like it, Avery?" Mom asked, sounding concerned. "It was really a wonderful night."
  • "I didn't say I didn't like it mom. I didn't say I did either. All I said that it was just another typical night." She answered.
  • "The foods were delicious, weren't it Av? " I ask her with a smile, trying to make a conversation.
  • She raised her eyebrow at me then raised me her middle finger while our parents were not looking. I seriously do not know what's her ish. She looks out of the window looking very uninterested and I just sat here looking at my own twin who happens to be the complete opposite of me.
  • Avery was undeniably gorgeous from head to toe. She was perfect, at least to the people who praises her like a Queen. She is indeed beautiful and that is no lie. She looks so perfect all the freaking time like how everyone in school describes her because she tries to be perfect. She even makes sure that her brows are perfect. And when students praised her as Queen Bee, she kind of took it seriously and got her head stuck up in fly away hot air balloon. I don't even know why she's the Queen in our campus when she's such a huge bully. Queens should be nice and respectful to everyone around him but Avery is not that.
  • Well, it is a fact that she is indeed beautiful, though she self-proclaims herself as perfect and gorgeous as hell all the time, she's vainglorious. She absolutely loves herself more that anyone else. One thing I hate about her was the fact that she does everything she can to get whatever she wants even if it means hurting other people or stepping on someone.
  • Unlike me who never gets anybody's attention because I never try to stand out, Avery tells me all the time that I don't even have to try because it will only shame me from doing it. She always tells me that I will never get noticed by hot guys no matter what I do because I am an ugly loser and that I'm meant to be with Carl, the campus' nerdiest nerd with huge rimmed glasses who happens to always wet his shirt with his saliva.
  • I mean, don't get me wrong, we are identical twins, we look the same physically but she's just much more different and prettier than me. She's on a very different level, the ones of the high class but I'm one of the common looking student. We even have different kinds of circle of friends. She has lots and lots of friends that are just like her, mean and bitchy, and she has lots of people around her that is appreciating her because she's popular .
  • She loves attention so much it's annoying.
  • And I on the other hand doesn't have so many friends in my circle and I don't have so many people appreciating my beauty. I don't really belong to the beauty boat and I don't have any intention to join either . I have only one friend because I'm not as popular as her and I am not as vain as she is. I also don't really want that much of attention and the throne always had belonged to her that's why I don't think there's competition between us. Yet she just loathes me. I don't really want to stand out from everyone cos it'll be too tiring to always keep myself pretty in school just to keep my reputation.
  • That's lame.
  • That's not high school for me. High school is suppose to be enjoyed because it does not really happen in anyone's life many times. High school should be spending time with friends and not letting social status get in the way but in my school it doesn't t work out that much. I think social status is way more important when you're in high school because it just means a lot of people gives you attention. A lot of people will praise you and love you.
  • Although, do they really adore you as the real you?
  • Avery and I look absolutely NOT alike. Our looks are very different way so much because we both vary in different choices of almost on everything. We don't have the same taste on foods, clothes and my goodness on how we dress. She's provocative . She is not afraid to show off some skin although she gets scolded by dad because of it. I'm not provocative at all. She likes showing off her boobs. I don't. She likes boys to always notice her whenever she walks by. I don't rarely get noticed, sometimes I get bumped by other students in the hallways in school all the time and no one really apologizes if they make me trip.
  • Avery and I never get along. Like ever.
  • As much as they say twins are supposed to be close to each other and they're like best friends because they share things together and play together and do a lot of fun things together while growing up, that just didn't happen in my childhood .
  • Me and Avery?
  • Total opposite.
  • She hates the sight of me and it's so stupid that she hates me when we have the same actual face.
  • I am aware of the fact that she detests me because there's never been a day that she didn't t make me feel her hatred.
  • Finally, we reached the house and she ran up to her room first while pulling off the clip from her straight long blond hair as she holds out a small mirror.
  • "Oh god I look so stressed." She says.
  • Trust me, she doesn't even look stressed. She just loves herself so much, it's annoying. She knows she is popular and lovely that's why she praises herself. She loves getting all the attention to herself and it makes her hydrocephalus. She doesn't 't wanna be in second place. She always wants to be the first in everything. But except acing exams, that's my field. She can't ace exams and always flunks subjects if I don't help her copy from my answers during tests . She always makes sure that we get the same subjects every year so that I can do everything for her.
  • I head up to my own room as well and changed to my PJs. I'm massively in love with soft pajamas and how it smelled like it's just been washed and dried. I love smelling just washed clothes from fabric conditioners. It's the most comfortable clothes ever worn, right?
  • I grabbed my laptop and laid over my mattress. I looked through my Facebook newsfeed to see what was going on around but nothing new was really happening. Aside from that epic party last Saturday that Avery had sneaked herself into in the middle of the night which I was not invited to. Of course, she managed to sneak out with my help. Actually, it was just the first week since the class has started and everyone's planning to throw another party at Jean's.
  • It's senior year, my last year in high school before I set off to college. I honestly can't wait to be in a university and start living alone and start learning on becoming more independent and getting part time jobs. I can't wait to separate paths with Avery because ever since we were kids, I'm always the one doing things for her. I have double assignments to make and double projects to do all for her. Double the hard work and even if I complain, she gets so mad at me. There was one time that she threw my phone and ruined it on purpose because I didn't do her project.
  • Avery ALWAYS lets me do her schoolwork.
  • Yet she hates me even though I've always been helping her. You maybe wondering why my twin jus freaking loathes me to death. Well, she just do. I think she was born in this world to loathe me for the rest of her life . I think she really hates me because I exist. Yes. She doesn't want to have a twin because she wanted to be an only child and she does not get things she really wants because we've always taught to share. She doesn't 't want to share. She hates me even more because she's embarrassed to have me as a sister since I'm a sore loser and she's the freaking team captain of the cheering squad. She says my existence makes her embarrass in school and she wished that I was not even born. She's so embarrassed of having me as her twin to the fact that she dyed her hair blond and goes to the salon monthly to perfectly straighten it just to look opposite of me.
  • Yes, she's that evil. And yes, she hates me that big.
  • Avery reminds me of a Regina George incarnate from that movie Mean Girls.
  • You must wonder who I am since I have been talking so much about my sister.
  • I'm Lindsay Suzanne Swanepoel. Pretty name, actually. But too pretty for me. I find my name not really suited at all for a person like I am so just call me Lindy.
  • Having a sister who's a team captain of a cheering squad and miss popular of the entire school makes me feel tiny of myself since I'm just the shirt, jeans and sneakers kind of girl. I don't wear make up unlike her. I don't brush my hair multiple times in a day just to make sure it's perfect for the rest of the next hours. I don't even try to get guys' attention unlike she does. It's like it's her mastered skill because I know she's always the head turner. I'm just this ordinary wavy brown haired girl with glasses on sitting down the bleachers and tried to fit in with the rest of the other students.
  • I'm just Lindy.
  • The unnoticeable sore loser Lindy.
  • "Hey fucktard !" She sing-songs.
  • I hate when she calls me that.
  • I heard her voice coming from the outside of my bedroom, and I knew right away what she wanted from me. She keeps on knocking loudly and louder when I took too long to open. She always calls me that and other names to tease me. I even wish I have the guts to curse at her face too but I can't.
  • "Open up loser." She called out again.
  • I got off the bed and put on my fluffy bunny-head slippers as I head to the door . As soon as I swing it open, she threw her books right at my breasts unexpectedly and I hurriedly caught them on my arms but the two others fell on the floor.
  • "Do them." She instructed like she pays me to do it while she was looking at her hands.
  • "What's all these?" I asked.
  • She pulled her head up to me and raised a brow, giving me the duh look.
  • "Can you please not be so stupid enough?" She rolled her eyes at me.
  • I read the book covers and it was all our textbooks from school.
  • "I came all the way here to tell you to do my home works. Can you at least not be an idiot sometimes? It's so annoying. God, where's your brain?" She spat at me.
  • Where's yours? I thought.
  • So I'm the one who's the idiot now? Really Avery. Really! Look who can' t even do their own homework. Now who's the idiot?
  • "But Avery I have mine to do too." I reasoned out of course she won't trust that.
  • "So? The fuck I care. Just make mine first or else. "She spat.
  • She walked away and slammed her bedroom door behind her. What a lovely and sweet twin sister. I sighed while picking up the other books lying down on the floor and I closed my door. I walked to my table placing her stuff down, cursing at each book with different cursed words.
  • "Don't let her get you Lindy. This is your last year of being in school together." I encourage myself.
  • I reached for my bag to find my iPhone to call my best friend because she's the only one who listens to me when I rant about Avery. Martha also happens to hate my sister not because she is jealous of Avery but she just hates her to the bones because Martha knows what Avery has been doing to me. As I kept on searching my hands inside the bag, I just can't find my phone.
  • "Where is that thing when you need it the most?" I asked myself.
  • I placed all stuff that were inside my bag out on the table, throwing the other things that was left inside of it but my phone wasn't there. No iPhone. Nothing else. I went to the jeans that I wore a while ago to check the pockets but it wasn't there too.
  • Where must have I left it?
  • I recalled how my day went until how I got to Nando's earlier. I know I brought it with me because I was taking photos of the foods we ordered and after that I placed it....
  • I gasp.
  • "I left it on the table at Nando's!" I exclaimed out loud.
  • Face palm.
  • Way to go, Lindy.
  • I instantly changed back to my clothes that I wore and ran downstairs as fast as I could to avoid having my mom notice me leaving the house again. Oh god I can't lose it. I just can't lose it like this. My parents are going to kill me if they knew I lost it. They just bought it 2 weeks ago after Avery ruined my iPhone.
  • "Where are you going honey?" Mother asked as she pops her head out from the kitchen door.
  • "I need to go back to Nando's." I said honestly.
  • "Go back?" She exclaims. "Why? It's getting a little late. Did you forget something? I can drive you there if you want." She offers and was already approaching me .
  • "No mom." I stopped her instantly. "I'll be okay. I think I left something. I'll be back in a jiffy. I promise." I sworn politely while walking-running to the foyer and headed out straight to the front door so she won't ask what I left there.
  • I started running my way to Nando's and forgetting my iPhone is the unluckiest thing that happened to me this week.