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Chapter 239 In The Flesh

  • Thea
  • "Where is he?" I asked panting heavily. "I want to see him now! Take me to Carl." I yelled getting restless. He was telling me that the man I saw him pull his trigger on was still alive, how was that even possible? I had begged Angel back when he found me to have his men check on Carl but he blatantly refused. Had he been pretending all along because of his anger towards me?
  • "Thea, you need to remain calm. I promise you, you're going to see Carl." Caspian said stepping forward while Angel dipped his head avoiding my gaze. I narrowed a look at Caspian with tears glistening in my eyes. I had nothing but gratitude within me, for the fact Carl that was alive. The feeling was overwhelming knowing that I had counted my days in guilt of what happened to him.
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